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My Stats Sig posts:1400 shouts 1000 downloads: 1000

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yeah i did one for my only recent stats for posts houts and the render downloads that i have.


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Monotone, bad brushing, bad text. Sorry Mike, I'm gonna start being truly honest now...You should have made a tech/space sig or something for your stats and stuff. It would have fit better.

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Michael, dawg, what are you doing? Kill that font and get some normal ones. The sig kinda looks monotone, too. And the pixel font on the top-left is hard to read.7.5/10Congratulations on all of that, though.

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well the brushing was faily well do to the fact that is was mostly fractals to begin with, yeah the upper part of the hair didn't fade like it should have.

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well the brushing was faily well do to the fact that is was mostly fractals to begin with, [1] yeah the upper part of the hair didn't fade like it should have.


[1] Well, then, you should have used a larger feather size. :D

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Congratz :D. I think the others nailed just about everything. All the text is hard to read, the render blending isn't that great, and the brushing is, ok.



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[1]burn me to a stake then :D :D :D [2]its going to be some rough designs from me.


[1] Will do. Got a match? :(


[2] Why is that? Been through a hiatus or something? Not been designing sigs for a while?

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