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New Stuff thats it your banned

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1st -- Nice brushing, not much else.2nd -- Monotone, needs more contrast, and needs better text.3rd -- Monotone, bad blending, great text.4th -- Decent brushing, bad blending, nice text.5th -- Nice job, but lose the tech, and change the colors.Just pointing out what I'm seeing here. :D

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well i call that the sniper shot effect, that was good mistake that i did it looks like the guy is firing his sniper rifle XP

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1st sig:

Probably you're best one in this thread

Good brushing


2nd sig:


The pixel font/small font killed it


3rd sig:


good blending


4th sig:

I don't like the split

I love the S&M on the bottom of the word ANGEL.


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snlil oyu missed one i count 5 sigs and you only listed 4 :D


Guess I didn't rate the last one. Here goes.

Good colors

I can't tell if the fire is brushing, but if it is, then nice job.

I'm not feeling the tech theme that you have going on. If you're gonna do tech, then why not a tech border as well?

I can't tell what the render is doing. It looks like he's on top of a miniature tank.

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I like all of them, but they seem very typical to me. Something that you would see all over the net. I think with your talent you should go for something more unual that would catch people's eye. You've proved that you have talent now i think it's time to see a real personality come through in your designs. I hope i don't sound harsh cause it's not my intent at all.

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I like all of them, but they seem very typical to me. Something that you would see all over the net. I think with your talent you should go for something more unual that would catch people's eye. You've proved that you have talent now i think it's time to see a real personality come through in your designs. I hope i don't sound harsh cause it's not my intent at all.



You have a very good point there. I think I might need to follow that advice too. I don't really have a certain style myself...I sorta bounce all over the place.


I mean, I guess that makes me a jack of all trades, but I dunno.... :D

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well it hard to have your own style when the styles used are practically universal in sigging, unless i find a new technique in five minutes no way that i can out shine anyone unless i startedd the whole craze. wish i had time machine :D.

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