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Index.html Does Not Work!

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I feel embarrassed to say this, but I do fall in trouble. I put my scripts to public_html directory, and I forgot what I did.When I go to my homepage, it shows all files and directories in the public_html directory, but not the right content of my homepage file index.html. If I click the index.html, the right content of index.html shows up. I means that the index.html or index.php won't be laughed.I find and try to recover it over and over, nothing happens. I am like a boy who make a mistake that he can't understand. Can anyone tell my what did I do and how to recover it. Thanks.

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It probably doesn't work because you have two files there--index.html and index.php. Which one do you want to use? If the latter, then delete the former. If the former, delete the latter. Try that to see if it works.

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Have you tried deleting the default index.php file from the public_html folder? maybe you have deleted that default index page but have not uploaded your own index.php or index.html file. or the extension name of your index file is not correct.

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If you have installed or uploaded index.php and index.html as it is without cap-lock of any letters, if you type your site at the url locator, it will point to index.html not index.php, and there is absolutely no problem in keeping the two files together there. But if you want your site visitors to see index.php file, you must remove or rename index.html file. I'm using index.php as my index but whenever there is problem in php I just move index.php which I keep inside some other folder to show that something isn't working in my site, as a notice. You must check whether index.html file exist as it is and if possible EDIT the file and see the source code, copy and see how it appears at dreamweaver, you will come to know about it. All the best.

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And if all else fails just open up the .htaccess file and add this to it at the bottum,


"DirectoryIndex index.html" or .php or whatever file you want to be the index file.

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I tried to delete index.php or index.html for leaving one on them, but the problem still exists. The full directories and files are displayed.Let me discribe it simple. After I install a preinstalled in my hosting cpanel, such as xoops, what I see is the full directories and files in the directory when I go to link "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
xoops;. Of course, there is a index.php. After I click on the index.php, everything goes fine. What I actually want to ask is how I should do to configure my cpanel to resolve it. Thank you.

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When I visit your website everything's fine, unlike before. The index page displays correcting and the directory /xoops/ displays fine too. Does this mean the problem's solved?

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hi there ... normally when there is index.html and index.php inside a folder .. it will display index.html as first priority as long as you did not change the .htaccess file to point to main page to index.php ...The problem is that you are trying to get index.html display in mydomain/xoops ... so make sure that your index.html in the madomain/xoops folder .. or an index.php in that folder not the parent folder ..

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I had same problem, I put two files into folder, index.php and index.html. I forgot about html file, i thought I had only php file inside my folder. But when I changed my php file there were not changes resultig in browser thus there was html file which has priority in being showed. Delete html file and php file will be normally shown.

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sometimes i have the same problem, i upload a file but it doesn't load, and i continue tryng until it works, it makes me bad it's so boring stay on front of my screen while it deciede to load. altought it loads, after all, what else can i ask. be patient

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I have resovled my problem. I overwrited the .htacess in my root directory. Then the problem occured, but I had no idea about why it happened.After I tried all functionalities in the cpanel, I found nothing I could do. Even delete all installed programs, of course including the index.html and index.php. The last things differ from what the original host should be are the files in the root directory. After I asked someone to give me his .htaccess in his root directory for overwriting mine, everything is fine. Thanks for you all and your advices.

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O.K I'm kind of closing this topic thingy now because you said you resolved your problem. If you haven't then PM me to reopen or something :D

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