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Leaving Trash In Public Places The rant of a cleaning lady.

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My dad is a minister and because of this, I've got the job of cleaning the church every other weekend, which isn't a problem because it pays well for 2 days of work a month, but lately I get VERY frustrated.What is up with people leaving trash in public places? Seriously! We had vacation bible school recently, and the kids just left crud everywhere! It would be one thing if there was just some trash, but in the sanctuary there was a cracker smashed into the carpet. This really made me mad. You're not even supposed to have food in the sanctuary, and here is this cracker stomped into the ground that I have to clean up. Someone could have picked up this stupid cracker before it got pressed into the carpet. And another thing! These elderly folk in the church are ALWAYS leaving their dirty nose-tissue lying on the floor! Can anyone say, DISGUSTING?? It takes very little effort to hold it and throw it in the garbage. We have at least 1 trash can in every Sunday School Room, but I still always find dirty kleenex on the floor! I don't know a single person who wants to spend their time picking up people's dirty snot rags.I understand that as the church's cleaning lady, it's my job to clean. But it ISN't my job to pick up after people. I don't think I should have to pick up dirty tissue and food. It's common sense and common decency to put those things in a garbage can. I guess people figure that as long as it isn't their problem, they don't ahve to care! It really irks me that people can't even pick up after themselves in a church. And don't even get me started on trash on the side of the road :P

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I'm not trying to be sarcastic. But perhaps through this time, you are learning how to "serve" people... perhaps you are learning to be kind, patient, not judging or humble.If the savior you believe in can wash the dirty feet of His followers, I?m sure you can pickup after others. Look at it this way?you are helping out your dad to ease his ministry. It?s one less thing that your dad has to worry about. I?m sure you needed some place to vent out your frustration. Isn?t this a great place to do so? :P Welcome!Edit:corrected an adjective

Edited by BuffaloHELP (see edit history)

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It takes very little effort to hold it and throw it in the garbage.

I hate to sound disrespectful but why bother? They know that after the service someone will come along will clear it up for them. If you stop cleaning up after them for a month or so and they return with last month's rubbish they'll soon learn. Trust me.

In a funny way, rubbish collectors cause more rubbish than they collect.

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I understand that people are being disrespectful to you, and that it's just the mere principle of the matter, just leaving trash and food on the ground for others to pick up. It's inevitable that people will trash public areas. That's why they pay you to keep things clean. I don't mean to be an arrogant *BLEEP*, because I had to do the same thing for community service. Trust me, the childrens church was a fricken mess :DI'm not religous or anything, but think of it this way: He will sin literers in time

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they are kids they no better first change i would get spill some juice throw some mud and other cruel stuff,but you can prove a point just throw all the trash where they do there thing nd make sure all nasty and smell and when they ask why it hasn't been picked up just say its not my job :D

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I'm not trying to be sarcastic. But perhaps through this time, you are learning how to "serve" people... perhaps you are learning to be kind, patient, not judging or humble.


If the savior you believe in can wash the dirty feet of His followers, Im sure you can pickup after others. Look at it this wayyou are helping out your dad to ease his ministry. Its one less thing that your dad has to worry about. Im sure you needed some place to vent out your frustration. Isnt this a great place to do so? ;) Welcome!


Edit:corrected an adjective


You know, I'd never looked at it that way. Thanks for the fresh perspective! I'm genuinly glad you said that, because it's made me realize that I was probably being a bit selfish in being so indignant.


But at the same time, it's not just disrespectful to the person cleaning, it's disrespectful to the house of God. I know that the appearance of a church isn't what matters, but throwing trash on the ground and crushing crackers under pews isn't respectful to God.


And cmat, disrespect is exactly why people should bother. I understand your point, but it's so much more decent to throw it in a garbage bin, not just for the person cleaning, but for the people who have to be around it before the cleaner cleans it.


My first post is centered mainly on what affects me, but trashing public places doesn't just affect the person who has to clean it up. It affects the person who owns the building, the people who use the building, etc. And leaving food out leads to roaches and ants and grime.

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Yeap I know what I you mean. People are just nasty and can't clean after themselves. I "admire" foreign people her in out lovely Slovenia, which is still kinda green and tidy, but some tourist thinks that we are some old aged country that can be filled with their garbage that can be put in some bag and then put it in litter. No, they think they can throw it from their car onto highway. I say big : NO!!

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but you are the cleaning person...true you're not they're mothers to pick up easy things after people, but sometimes there are those people who take for granted that since they don't have to clean it, they can leave it..it also makes it worse that it is in a church...you would think people would have a little more reverence to it...now depending on how old the children are and how they parents teach them about cleaning up after themselves, you cant really get mad at them because some people never learn it because parents always clean up after them..but in a way...i guess with the little extra to clean you're getting your money's worth

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Mmm, but if these people did put their trash in the right places, (garbage cans), then what need would a cleaning person be? If everyone threw away their trash, there wouldn't be anything to clean. Maybe the occasional window and seat...but it's all just entropy =/ You're doing a favor to society (or at least your church :D)...trying to help reverse disorder. It would be nice if people could leave things the way they were when they arrived there, but hey, what can you do?Be thankful these people have been potty trained...otherwise then, you'd have a bigger, icky-er mess on your hands :D

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Im a student and it's not hust the trash i hate but the gum on the bottom of desk's along with many other places. How hard is it to put your gum in a trash can or wrap it up in a piece of paper and keep it in tour pocket till you get to a trash can. Come on people for tha sanity of all human kind if we cant pick up our trash we shouldn't be allowd to live.

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I am against littering, I think it's very disgusting. Not only does it create more work for the people that have to clean it up but it make the enviroment look ugly. I don't see why people do it, all you have to do it put the trash in your pocket or hold it until you get to a garbage can. Just goes to show how lazy some people can be for things so simple.

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God you sound like those ladies form the first settlement of mass, God i sound like my histroy teacher talking about how communism got changed to capitolism because of the women dont want to service everyone. I mean u shouldn't have to do those disquisting things but its your job (your getting paid) i am not sexists but if you get paid good money hey just keep the job.

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In my opinion, whenever there's a trash bin around, there is no need to dump litter all over the floor. Once in a while somebody, similar to the first poster in this topic, has to go around and clear up all of the litter that was dropped.If the litter goes in the bin, then it makes life ten times easier because the person who is dealing with the rubbish only has to take the bag out of the bin ready to be collected by the dustbin.

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In my opinion, whenever there's a trash bin around, there is no need to dump litter all over the floor.


Even if there is no dustbin around. It is you litter, it is your responsibility.

You cause it, you clean it up. I am disgusted by people that do not show respect for the other and just drop things because the servants will come and clean it up afterwards. oh I paid good money for it, so s/he can do it. NO. You throw it, you pick it up.


It is simple a disrepect towards the neigbour, towards the environment, towards nature, in just tipping things where ever one wants.


I think you rant is highly justified and these people are disgusting. All of you that just drop things and don't pick it up.


Having said that. Of course you can make money out of other people respectlessness and untiydiness, that does not mean they shoul treat you disrespectful. The advantage of Communisim was that the rubbish collector earned as much as the doctor, because both jobs are necessary to be done for society to run smoothly. and we would quite literally die if either of these jobs would not be done.


So, show some respect people. don't fly tip, pick up your rubbish and return the superflous packaging to the manufactory where it belongs - you would do all of us a big favour.

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Oh, what the heck? I should split all the chairs in my school in two because I know that a repair man will (try) to fix them afterwards, and maybe I should litter as much as possible because I know that a garbage guy will pick it up later! That's not very clear thinking, is it now?


When you throw your candy bar wrapper in a garbage bin, you do nature a favor, and you make the job easier for garbage men to dispose of it properly... If you had a bad day, you may want to throw trash outside the trash bin because "If I have to work hard, why should I make the job easier for somebody else?". Well, if people would throw less trash on the streets, maybe people wouldn't have to get employed to pick up trash for a living, but to take care of local parks, trees and gardens, thus making a city a better place to live in. Besides, littering is just plain rude! I mean... If you are able to throw your used tissues on the floor, you can easily do it at your house, or at somebody else's house! What's stopping you?


How about this? Would you like to see this in your street?

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