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My Dad

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He drives me nuts. He doesn't pay the bills early. So our cable TV got cut (NOO!!) Now our Phone connection is about to be cut as well! And you know what? He's upset at us because he's the only one paying the bills. Isn't he supposed to? Besides, he has a high-paying job, what's his problem? He often blames my mom, saying that he does all the work. But hey! He's forcing her to stop working, then he blames her!? :P He even thinks no cable TV is good. Of course he does! He's rarely home. He's out somewhere most of the time! I'm bored in the house. Watching TV is one of my rare joys... *cries*He hardly does his job. When he does the groceries, it's once in a blue moon. (Already a miracle when he shops) When he shops, he buys incomplete ingredients too! Then he blames my mom for not having enough to eat!? My mom used to buy groceries when I was a kid. My dad took the responsibility... forcefully. It's not like my mom has a high-paying job, when he complains about his bills. Plus, I'm an only child. It's not like he has many mouths to feed.When he stuffs garbage into the harddrive, and I tell him to at least burn those files into a CD, he changes the blame and tells me to free up my stuff. What's with him!? I'm the only one who frees up space in the harddrive! I take up time to sort the files out. Besides, he has his own harddrive! It's full right now, so he's taking up my harddrive! B) Aagh! It's really useless arguing with him, because if you do, he blames you. I can't even ask him for simple things like icecream. He tells me, "Do you have money?" I say no, and that's the end of that. I'm not even asking him money to buy new clothes! It's not like I'm extorting (typo?) him of anything! I just wish he would do his responsibilities. I'm sick of seeing my mom getting the blame all the time. Then I see him spending his money on expensive clothes, eating in expensive restaurants, and the like. All that for HIMSELF! I even caught him two-timing and showing his perverted side. (I keylogged the computer) Even after finding those out, I don't care much, just as he does his job! It's not like I flunk my grades! I get A's and B+'s, but it's not like he thinks that I deserve more! I study hard, and I get nothing!I'm so sick of the same cycle over and over again! *cries (no, really, I'm crying)*PS If you're recommending divorce, I won't take that as an option. I don't like the concept. I just pray that he'll realize that he pisses me off. I just don't know how to show that.

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I know where you come from as annoying parents, trust me. My dad is just plainly an idiot. He, like yours, complains about beinbg the only one working and paying the bills, and constantly uses it as an excuse to avoid complaining about stuff we (my mom and me) don't like.Also, he thinks he's always right. It's pretty funny when people get angry at him and he doesn't know why. He takes loooong breaks off work and wonders why we're in such bad debt.

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God, what a *BLEEP*! I have a few relatives like that. Not that bad, but they're still pretty obnoxious to me. If he refuses to pay the bills, he's going to find out sooner or later that he's going to lose the most by it. Poor you and your mom :POr what you could do is order pizza every night and eat it all before he comes saying "Oh, we didn't know you wanted pizza - but we were starving because we don't have any groceries." Not sure if a guilt trip would work though. I don't really have any suggestions, but if I had to live with anyone like that, I would move out somewhere. That's just too much to deal with. He must think he's some kind of deity or something, but how's he going to take care of himself when he doesn't have people constantly abiding by his rules?

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LOL we can't even order pizza. Not enough money. :P My mom and I actually secretly made plans, that after I finished college, we'll migrate to another country. Of course, we're saving now. I'm planning to be an exchange student in college. I'm almost done with my highschool studies. I'm not sure where that leaves my dad though. He's not even saving up money to buy our own house. B)

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hmmm even though i would say something encouraging on this topic after read that i have a solution put him on Dr. Phil and embarrass the hell out of him, let all the dirty laundry out in the open.

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Could someone tell me why the censors bleeped the word "j e r k"? How on earth is that a curse word? I am greatly saddened.

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First of all I must say I am feeling sad when reading your story. It is so awful, some people just don't know what do they have in their life. Thats speaking for your father. Looks like he has god complex or someting like that. Or he is just a big j.rk.If my child wanted icecream I would buy him, like my parents always bought me icecream when I was a child. Don't see sense in deeds he does.Well, I can't say what the correct solution for your situation, but the thing that should be done is that both of your should seek for professional help (like Dr. Phil or expert for marriaged couples). He must see the wrong things he does all the time, only a person who is from your family can do that. So some advisor is neccesity here.I wish you best luck,Best regards, Robert

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My dad's pretty cool but his got his good days and his bad days then some more bad days. He gets up at like 5 to go to work and comes home bout 3.30. thats usually why he isn't in a good mood. He goes to sleep pretty damn early to. but otherwise when he isnt stressed out or questioning why something hasn't been done hes a nice, funny guy.This post was to get my page unsuspended...it was at -4 and then i got it up to +3.24 or something so this should do it!

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Dr. Phil is someone from the U.S.A who gives families advice on how to do things (varies from family to family). It is a day-time talk show basically.My real dad gets like that sometime with money. Sometimes he will be super nice and send you to the movies with fifty dollars then the next day he wants his change back after he told you you could spend it all.My step dad always has to be right. It's bothersome because if you get into trouble he will ask you a question and directly after that he'll ask "Am I right or wrong?" and when you tell him his wrong he will get pissed off and continue on for another hour proving to you why he is right. By then you just give in and say he is right.But my advice to you is to speak with a grandparent, aunt, uncle or someone and tell them what's going on. Hopefully they talk to them. (I'm not sure how close you are to your family but this is what I would do because I am somewhat close with some of my family.) Or get a therapist because that kind of environment could be un-healthy in the long run.I really hope your dad realizes what he is doing before it's too late. Best of luck to you. ;)

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I agree, Dr. Phil can help :D If you are really having problems, sit down with your father and have a chat, tell him what he is doing wrong and talk to him about all your problems! Over time you two will find out exactly what "tics" ecahother off.You will becom close friends and will always be there for eachother, you do not want to live your entire life hating your father. ;)

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