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Cartoon Network! They make me so mad

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As you can tell, I like Hamtaro (should I say, I'm obsessed with it), and Cartoon Network cancelled it from their regular schedule over a year ago! I've sent in many feedbacks with their feedback form (so has many other fans), but still nothing!!! I've sent in some nice ones, too. I've also started an online petition at my website....still nothing!!! I'm just so fed up with waiting!! I have no idea what to do about it anymore!!! It's like Cartoon Network doesn't even read our feedbacks that we send in! It's also impossible to find a mailing address so I can send them a letter in writing (It won't be hate mail)! I don't actually hate them, but they're just annoying me so much! Hamtaro was aired for a little over 2 years on it when it was cancelled!!! I know, it's just a show, but as I said, I'm basically obsessed over it (even though I'm a boy). I just don't know what to do about it anymore...I've seen other shows that were popular get cancelled, but they'd been on for more than just 2 stinking years! There's also only 104 episodes (not counting the specials...I think therre's 3 or 4 of those) that were releasaed, and there's well over 250 in Japan! A while back I actually quit watching Cartoon Network for about 3 months because of this!

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its called ratings and the ham ham's where not doing it, even though they where so cuuute (was on seomthing at the time) the song was cool though.oh btw turn your tv off go outside or something, its braining washing you.

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I don't think ratings had anything to do with it...but it may have. Still, though, it had 100's if millions of viewers. Oh, and you're telling me to go outside? Ha! I'm too much of a computer nerd to go outside. It's not brainwashing me at all...though I suppose it would seem like it is. Anyway, now that it's cancelled, I don't watch TV as much.

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That's the evils of really liking a television series, you like it and suddenly gets canceled. Are you sure they actually canceled it and didn't move it to a different time? I'm not sure but I thought I saw it on my channel guide (you never know with me, I'm crazy :P lol).

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Of course it got cancelled, Hamtaro was awful. Wasn't it about a group of preteen friends who all had hamsters, which, coincidentally, were also friends, and the hamsters had secret tunnels which they used to meet up and do decidedly un-hamster-like things?


I seem to recall watching about two minutes of that show a few years back. There's never a lot of good programming on television in the day-time, but I'd honestly take reruns of CHiPs over Hamtaro. Especially if I flipped the channel right as Ponch was taking out the perp.

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hn, I know how you feel. The show Gundam Seed, which I am obsessed with (like crazy) played its first 20 episodes back in 2004 September on Saturadays, 10 PM. After around the first twenty epsodes finished, it was moved to Adult Swim, Friday Nights on 1 AM. I was really mad but I still watched it. (I ususally don't stay up to 1 AM :P ). Since the series ended I stopped watching but in August, a sequel is going to take its place. Happy for the sequal, sad about the schedule. Ends one story, here comes another. Most of my favorite shows are Anime, and most of them don't play in America. Maybe in 2 or 3 years after Japan's series finsihed.Hamtaro is not a bad show, I wasn't obsessed without like you but It was a good thing to watch are relax :D . There are an endless amount of things I don't like about the American version of anime. But that can't be helped now, can it?PS: Gundam Seed's rating was very high in Asia but very low here. If you like the show that much, maybe you should host a website about Hamtaro and a petition over there instead of one alone. It will probably attart more attendtion. B)

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Ok, well first, I have all the DVD's that I can possibly get around here (Hamtaro stuff is extremely hard to find around here). I can only find 3 of the DVD's, and I have heard that there are 6 of them. Also, no Hamtaro is not awful. Honestly, two minutes isn't long enough to judge something, but I do respect your opinion on it.


I think I've seen Gundam Seed. It seemed pretty interesting. Anyway, yes, Hamtaro is one of those few shows that are relaxing (non-violent). I doubt moving my website and petition over there'd help. Anyway, I've heard some rumors saying Hamtaro will be back on the air sometime this summer (I can only hope!).

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Me too... I hate Cartoon Network... before... probably 2-4 years from now... i love it.. now... i hate it because of their too old shows... especially Hanna-Barbera Shows... :P

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Well i know you really like the show but the reason they did that is cartoon network was loosing a lot of money. That is the same reason that they started the adult swim. That brought back a lot of people to watch it. It attracted a older crowd of people that watch it so cartoon networks rating's went up a lot. The thing is they don't really care about who likes they shows they care about how many people like the shows.With the forms you are sending in you don't have many choices. Some of the choices you do have are to keep sending in the forms and tell other people to also but that may not do anything. The only other choice there really is, is to just give up and except that the show is off.I also heard that cartoon network is gonna cut somemore shows so they might bring hamtarow back after all but don't get your hopes up.

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I'm not a Hamtaro fan. I use to remember that they show it early in the morning. Maybe you should try staying up all day and watching Cartoon Network nonstop. Sometimes they might be translating those shows. Or maybe release it later. Like Dragonball Z or gt they took months to release new episodes.

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karlo what cartoon network are you watching they took off all hanna-barbara stuff off like two years ago its either stuff done by people that work with cartoon network system and 5 year old animebut their are other channels to watch anime onAZN channel or its formal name international channel shows anime during the weekand those who live inthe states that have digital cable you got about 3 other channels worth, still waiting for hte anime network to show up on the listings.

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Oh god, thanks for making this topic XDYes, I use to be OBSESSED with Hamtaro!!! But they took it off!!! along with all the other good shows!! whats the deal with that? And most of the shows they have already air on Kids WB. And all these old Hanna-Barbera shows?!! I mean...who watches them!?! Especially the fact they play those old shows on the weekend where everyone watches it. I think the only good thing about Cartoon Network would be Toonami and adult swim... which is like SUPER late and toonami only comes up once a week!!! And they have.... miguzi!?! With all these stupid and lame shows?! Come on!!! They even have like...2 hours of Baby Loney Toons!! Sheesh, they could at LEAST get better baby shows!!Even their commericial "jokes" stink. I'm like.... 14 and I don't even get these jokes. I don't even think little kids get them!!! I mean.... Kids WB come up with MUCH better jokes. Ok...I let it all out... so...yeah....I'm done.... sorry if this bugs anyone...

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Well, I'm glad to know that there are people around my age (more than what I though) that like (or previously liked) Hamtaro. Anyway, I check Cartoon Network's schedule online to see if Hamtaro comes on (still nothing) about every week. Although, that first post I made helped me out...a lot! I feel a little less angrier now. Even though Hamtaro has been cancelled, I'm going to continue to get any Hamtaro merchandise I possibly can. Basically all I ever watch on Cartoon Network anymore is the anime on Adult Swim. The rest of their schedule I don't really care much for.

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