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Hosting Graphics ....

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yes, it's that time again, when I post a thread that shows my complete ineptitude in web design .... as my son often reminds me "some people should never be allowed to touch computers" at which time he usually leaves the room mumbling under his breath ....


however, I've now had a few vodkas to get up the courage to embarrass myself, so here goes .....


since transferring my site over from Angelfire, I've wondered if it would be possible to have my graphics, currently hosted by Photobucket, hosted instead by Xisto 'cause they take a devilish amount of time to load up .... I thought it may resolve the problem .... don't ask me why ....


now, as usual I have to impress on anyone who is kind enough to post a reply that I am virtually computer illiterate and therefore would appreciate the most basic instruction you can muster ....


Cheerie .... ~M~ Posted Image

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Hi Milovoriel,Don't know what type of hosting access your looking for for your graphics..but you can get them onto your site by ftp ing them into your "userfiles" folder.. either in the root directory or the www directory or the public_html directory or ALL OF THE ABOVE.After that you'll just need to point whatever program your using at the file to retrieve the graphics.Hope this helpsRGPHNX

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of course you can host your graphics from a file manger website like photobucket, no harm in that its actually smart cuz of bw and space to, but rgp is right you can use a ftp program and load from site to site it makes the job quicker and easier then downloading and then uploading them again.

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I really don't know much about FTP .... all I've been doing is pasting my source code onto notepad and then uploading files from my system to Xisto....


So can I transfer my images from Photobucket onto my system and then upload them onto Xisto? .... but then what do I do with them?


After that you'll just need to point whatever program your using at the file to retrieve the graphics.

you've lost me completely there I'm afraid .... could you make it even more basic? :unsure:

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Okay, yes you can.


First, find your graphics on imagebucket. Right click -> save. Then, make a folder called images under public_html inside File Manager in cPanel. Remember to click on the folder icon if you want to navigate to the folder.


Then, use the following code where ever you want the image to show:

<img src="/images/[picture file name]">
Replace [picture file name] with the name of the file. It should be something like blah.jpg or blah.gif.


That's it for now. If you need anymore help, PM me.

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Also the loading time may be caused by the file types. If your pictures say ".bmp" after them, then they'll probably be really large files. ".png" usually has the highest quality for not much space. ".jpg" is good for pictures and is usually small, and ".gif" is really small and can be animated but can only handle 256 colors.

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Also, What program do you use?Just for others that may be reading this, and thinking i know alittle more, and i use Frontapge or Dreamweaver.You can save your site to one whole directory, and images to an images folder within this directory.That way you can use the program to browse for the image, rather then having to type out the code.Once site is complete, structure and all, goto your directory, select all, and upload it to the server, and if Microsoft, being Microsoft, didn't thumble it again, it all should work just peachy! :unsure: Microsoft, No Good!..But good for training i believe!P.S Your son should be more helpful! :P:D

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I really don't know much about FTP .... all I've been doing is pasting my source code onto notepad and then uploading files from my system to Xisto.

There's generally two ways to upload stuff to web servers:
1. You use your web browser and an upload manager or control panel page provided by your ISP/web host. Usually with this you'll click on a 'browse' button to locate the images on your hard drive and then click 'upload' or something like that.
2. You use an FTP program which, once you know how to use one, is a lot less hassle than trying to do it through your web browser. It essentially does the same thing but FTP programs are more powerful/flexible and you can drag and drop your files etc. There's loads of programs out there but some of the more common ones are SmartFTP, WS_Pro, CuteFTP, AceFTP. You'll need to go on to http://download.cnet.com/windows/ or something similar, find a program, download it, install it and then enter your ISP's server details to be able to connect. Once all that's done, uploading/downloading should be a lot easier.

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