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Soul Dimension

Have You Ever Almost Died? Or at least had a close one?

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Hey guysi thought i should start this to hear some interesting stories from people who got so badly injured or got close to dying or almost dying. Heres my storie:We were at my Uncles house having a Chicken and Fajita Party with the whole family and we were just having fun. Me and my cousin went outside to play basketball when my cousin picked up a branch that had broken off of a tree (we were about 13 yrs old) and he suggested we play tug-o-war. I was like "yeah ok, whatever." so i took one side and he took the other. Keep in mind that it had just finished raining so the grass was wet. Little did i notice that my side had splinters cuz it was the thick side from where it was attached to the tree. So after a while of tugging my cousin slipped on the wet grass and i was pulling really hard and the splinter side of the branch came up at me at an angle and cut my neck. What was scary was that blood was coming out so i was freaking out, but not ALOT of blood. Went to the doctor and he said it was fine, just a little bleeding. He also said im lucky becuase if i would have moved a little the main artery would have been hit. Thank God that didnt happen :rolleyes: .So whats your story? :lol:

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scary!i've come close a few times.number1.i was maybe 3 or 4 years old and there is this place where my family and i go to eat and one day we were done eatinf and we went to get on the freeway. i was sitting in the back and i was messing with my seatbelt and the door handle that opens the door. well my seat belt came off and i didn't care cuz im 3 and i didnt like my seatbelt. then who ever was driving was entering the freeway turnpike[?] and the door flew open and i almost flew out! my mom looked and grabbed me... that was number 1number2in fourth grade i was playing on the munkey bars at school and i was hanging upside down and i fell off onto my neck. i sprained it for a few months. very exciting, i didnt have to go to school for 3 weeks! go me! but im fine now i play waterpolo, do gymnastics, and swim. so that's my story oh wait stories! lol

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I think I came pretty close to death in an instannce a little less than a month ago.I was driving down a major highway, going to a lake for the weekend. I rented a cabin and my friend and I were going to stay there by the lake. All of a sudden my care flipped over six times, got hit by a semi, and then flipped 3 more times into the median. I crawled out of the car totally dazed and unaware of what was going on, and the next thing I remember was that I'm sitting in an ambulance.I was totally liable for this too, no one, not even I, saw a car bumb me; it was most likely a window tunnel.^^I'd say that's pretty close to death, but I only got a 3 inch cut on the top of my head and some huge bruises all over my body.

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In first or second grade, I had a huge crush on one of my brother's friend (they were fifth or sixth graders) and I decided I wanted to showw off and display my new talent of hanging upside on the monkey bars. I couldn't get on them or off, but I could hang (first/second grade genious). When I finally convinced my brother to put me up there, he and his friends ran off to play (American) football in a field maybe 200 yards away. I wanted to get down a I started yelling for my brother and he was like just jump. Being as stubborn as my mother, I waited, not patiently, while crying and yelling my head off. My arms and legs gave out and I just fell, hard. I bit my tongue and blood was coming from my mouth. I was so shook about the blood I didn't notice the pain in my neck. That is until I tried to get up. Haven't been on those things since.

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In first or second grade, I had a huge crush on one of my brother's friend (they were fifth or sixth graders) and I decided I wanted to showw off and display my new talent of hanging upside on the monkey bars. I couldn't get on them or off, but I could hang (first/second grade genious). When I finally convinced my brother to put me up there, he and his friends ran off to play (American) football in a field maybe 200 yards away. I wanted to get down a I started yelling for my brother and he was like just jump. Being as stubborn as my mother, I waited, not patiently, while crying and yelling my head off. My arms and legs gave out and I just fell, hard. I bit my tongue and blood was coming from my mouth. I was so shook about the blood I didn't notice the pain in my neck. That is until I tried to get up. Haven't been on those things since.


No joke?! That brought tears to my eyes. How far down are you paralyzed? That really stinks, how'd your brother take it?

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Those are pretty sad occastions. I don't know if you would call this "A near death experience" but it was pretty serious.When I was about 5, I had a sister a year older then me. Her and I liked to run around the house(even though we weren't aloud) playing. We decided to play Ball tag. She had the ball and I was running down the hall away from her. She throw the ball and hit my legs, I tripped in the living room and hit my head on our BRICK fireplace. I cracked my skull open, straight through. I was still awake with my eyes open and all bloody. I had blood running down my face everywhere. Got to the hospital and they stiched me up without even giving me novicane.(prolly becuz of my age, ionno). I had 16 stiches in my head. I still have the scar, it's a giant lump on my forehead.:rolleyes:

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Maybe I was 14 or 15 when I experience the feeling of dieng.Me and my friend are having party after graduate from high school. We started the party maybe around 10 pm. We drink, dance and shared story to each other, after the party I went home maybe around 3:30 am. when I was home I stay at the sofa, and suddenly, fell asleep and knock-down at the sofa, after a couple of minutes I found my self lying insid the coffin and I saw my relatives watching over me. after a minute or two, I realize that I was dying and started to close my eyes until I see no lights, then feel unconscious for 3 to 5 seconds, I try to shout but I can't, I try to move any part of my body but is very heavy. I know I am a dead man already when I heard voice from nowhere and saying wakeup wakeup... then I awake and realize that I'm having a very very terrigying nightmare... I just wondering if I heard no voice or nobody was awaken me what do you think will happen,,,I can't imagine... maybe yes, maybe no... butI almost feel the feeling of being dead, during that time I know that I am dying...Thnx to my cousin for awaken me from the very frightening nightmare...

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Lol, a topic just for me, huh? :unsure: Let's see, I jumped off a 2 story house onto a cherry tree (they don't even normally grow that tall) when I was in 8th/9th grade or so. The police came on the roof too because I was believed suicidal. Came close to drowning several times including once when I jumped off the diving board when I was young and didn't bother to mention I couldn't swim :P My mom got in a lot of car accidents before that I was in and I was driving once and the rain was coming down so bad that I ended up missing a turn-off and hit a huge rock bigger then a beachball. I faced down 3 guys to help a friend who were into the gang scene and claimed a car down the road had some more guys with guns. I had some bad asthma attacks when I was really young and a very bad case of bronchitis that was pretty serious. And just a few months ago they found out from an eye exam symptoms of Horner's Syndrome which can be caused by spinal cord injuries among other things (meaning potential paralysis and all that good stuff can be involved) and can be life threatening. I missed an appointment however and don't know if I have it or not. They made getting the appointments sound so urgent and since it would've taken so long to reschedule I just figured if anything was going to happen it would happen before the appointment anyway, soo... Anyway, been several months now and nothing's happened, so... *shrugs* Been on multiple anti-depressants at one time, possibly life-threatening, when I was younger. Quite a few years someone put me in a chokehold from behind around the neck during a basketball game too. Let's see, what else... That's everything off the top of my head anyway. Maybe I'll think of more later.

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i nearly died quite in the past 7 months actually, i cant remember exactly when this happened but anyway..Me and my friend were Twaging (not going to) school and just outside our school is a massive wood. Loads of places to hide n stuff. Anyway we like going to the center of the woods where the warden lives, just behind his house is a train track where a train goes by 5-6 times a day. 1 day me and my friend thought it would be wicked to jump on and get a free ride, oh how wrong could be be.It was going past slowly so me and my friend jumped onto the back of it and stayed on for a bit, but then it sped up like hell, i mean it was going really fast. Me and my friend didn't think it would slow down so guess what, we jumped off, my friend scrapped and nearly cut the side of his chest open and i nearly broke my arm and banged my head, had a massive cut and a bump on the side of my head. I swear i would never do it again for all the money in the world. You'd think that would strongly discourage someone would you? my friend (not me) wants to go on again. Hes *#&@$" up in his head.

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I ever been lost in our city.I went to football with some friends.I thought the way to home.But I didn't it was 4 a hour.And I most go to home.Because my dad was waiting on me.When i picked up my bike.I thought i don't know the way, i asked a friends mother , she couldn't because she is the leader of the team , it was 4 hour and i most go to home.So I went with the bike to home.It was raining.About a hour cycling i thought by meself i don't know the(10 years ago)way.I cryed a hour.On a moment a old men helped me the way.He also can be a pimp.But I was so scaried so i followed.And would you know where I have been , hinter my school.:P

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I was about 10 years old and I was with some of my cousins and uncles riding an ATV. I was riding in the back holding on to one of my older cousins. He accelerated and I flew back and fell off the bike. He then hit reverse and ran over my stomach with the back left tire!

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I nearly drowned a few times when I was young, one of those times I was by myself. But those were minor compared to a car wreck I was in in 1988 (senior in H.S.)One night after a party broke up, my friend wanted to show me how well his Mazda RX-7 handled, so we headed to a local stretch of road that had lots of nice curves to test his car's performance - (sounded like a good idea at the time) -_-Anyway, before we even made it to our destination my friend started passing 3 & 4 cars a time @ 90mph down a 35mph street. Without goining on-and-on with the details, I'll just say he lost control, spun it, flipped it, went air-born, and dropped it in a drainage ditch. It was totaled & completly unrecognizable. Amazingly We both walked away, but I shouldn't have even tried - because I crushed one vertabrae and fractured two others. I'm lucky I didn't damage my spinal cord by standing up and walking accross the street. I was in the hospital for only 3 weeks, and I nearly failed my senior year due to being laid up for a month and half.My friend was banged up, but nothing broken.A year later he totaled another car on the same stretch of road.

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