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I Despise Stupid Questions. How much is that 50 cent pack of gum?

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OR, I hate when my I give my mom some sort of school form that she has to read and after she's done "reading" it, she'll hand it back to me and ask what it is. -.-; That is so annoying. You just read it, is your memory so poor that you cannot remember what you read 2 minutes ago? Or do you just enjoy pissing me off?



That is the worst kind well apart from the irrelevent questions you mentioned, that one really gets me, pretty much for the same reason (I Think) it bothers you so much. Another thing that I personally find massively annoying is whent people ask the same questions about 12 times. Although as with most I do ask my fair share of stupid questions.

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elevenmil, you are taking this way to seriously. The fact that you're not even seeing the situation right makes it.....

The kid in the classroom... You're not supposed to be dozing off in class. When you're at school, you're supposed to be paying attention. Maybe for a public school, not paying attention won't be as costly, but you've got to understand different environments and situations...as well as the teacher. I will admit that I hardly ever pay attention in class but I still don't, and would never, interrupt the teacher, in the middle of the lesson, to ask her to repeat something she said 5 minutes ago. That's one of the rudest things you could ever do in a classroom. Get my point?

I think that you, and some other people, overanalyzed this topic and looking only at the title, thinking that the tone will never change IN the topic.

Sorry if it was unclear, but it was my fault here.....I suppose I should have titled it "annoying questions"? Would that better suit you? And again, don't think I'm so shallow to know that parents don't spend well over a million dollars for a single kid, but the fact that my dad never even talks to me makes me have a different opinion than you.

And, don't be offended by a post of such little importance such as this again...these are only words on the Internet. They really mean nothing, especially if my "language" is so trivial and childish. Of course, racist rants and those of that nature can be offensive....still, it's nothing to get so worked up about. :D

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Hmm. Most people here are like that. They're so dense you can see through them. Anyway, if they're trying to start a conversation, why don't you give them a chance? After all, most conversations (first meetings) start with questions. I don't regard those as stupid questions.But here's one that makes me boil. When I was a new student, all these oldies came to me and told me, "Hi Kim, we're friends now!" (the FIRST thing they said and lots of different people at different times said it) What was that? Who are you? Just because I'm new, you have the authority to tell me that you're my friend!? :D I told the teacher about it when I was so annoyed, and she told me that they were just friendly. Friendly? I don't know them and they say that? That's a bit freaky...*tries to cool down*

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asdf: What's your favorite color?

;lkj: green.

asdf: Why?

;lkj: because it's a nice color.

asdf: Why?

;lkj: ....Because it means grass is nice and healthy.

asdf: Why?

;lkj: ...shut up.


Excellent conversation.

Those types of stupid conversations would be annoying if they happened to me every day of my life, but most stupid questions bring people together. The amount of friendships that have started when someone asks a stupid questions is huge. The types of stupid questions you gave would barely ever happen unless someone was deliberately trying to be annoying. As previously mentioned by elvenmil they are not gonna go away, so you should try and make something out of them. This is a better example of your convo:


- What's your favourite colour?

- Green. What's yours?

- Red.

- I like that colour too.


If that was a real convo then you could've easily made it like that by asking that simple question. If I'm still missing the point, what is the point?

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<.< One more thing to you, before you come out and think I'm a really shallow person, notice that I'm only talking about one thing.

Where did I call you shallow? You're reading stuff that's not there. :D

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I swear, it's hopeless arguing with you people. You keep twisting my words and making weird stuff out of it.

Hmm. Most people here are like that. They're so dense you can see through them. Anyway, if they're trying to start a conversation, why don't you give them a chance? After all, most conversations (first meetings) start with questions. I don't regard those as stupid questions.

No...those aren't stupid questions. A stupid question is a question where you already know (or should know) the answer to. If when you first meet a person and they ask something like what your favorite color is, how is that regarded as a stupid question? I was not even talking about that. A stupid question would be someone constantly asking what your favorite color is, day after day after day...Or if you're standing at the vending machine, someone (...with normal sight and hearing, not doing anything like sifting through change at the time..for those who like to be difficult) asks you how much a coke is and it's right in front of their face. Asking questions when you know nothing about them...those aren't stupid questions. :P

Those types of stupid conversations would be annoying if they happened to me every day of my life, but most stupid questions bring people together. The amount of friendships that have started when someone asks a stupid questions is huge. The types of stupid questions you gave would barely ever happen unless someone was deliberately trying to be annoying. As previously mentioned by elvenmil they are not gonna go away, so you should try and make something out of them. This is a better example of your convo:
- What's your favourite colour?
- Green. What's yours?
- Red.
- I like that colour too.

If that was a real convo then you could've easily made it like that by asking that simple question. If I'm still missing the point, what is the point?

Again....what I said above. No where did I say introducing yourself by telling your interests/hobbies/favorites (or asking them for that matter) was stupid. You didn't give a better example of my convo, you just twisted it to mean something totally different at a totally different time.

Where did I call you shallow? You're reading stuff that's not there. 

I don't believe I said you called me shallow, but the fact that you mentioned things such as, "think about how your parent's feel" or whatever you said, leads me to think that you think I'm a shallow person for looking at this situation one-sided-ly. If that's not shallow, then refresh me on what "shallow" means.

I hate stupid people who make stupid posts about such stupid matters.

Oh really? I hate people who make stupid posts, responding to people who they think is stupid who posts about matters I think are stupid. Idiot. Don't say anything if you can't contribute.

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There is no such thing as a stupid question

I happen to agree with this phrase there is no such thing as a stupid question. In my opinion every question was asked to find out an answer. When you ask a question and you know the answer or just want to be dumb that is a statement you said because you want attention. Thats just my two cents.

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And I suppose I take your two cents because you just made me want to rewrite my first post.

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Milk, I agree with you, this topic has become way too emotional, I must now back out of my emotion and resume my normal emotional status.Another thing I agree with you about...please posters write more than a couple words when posting, please contribute to the forums better.

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I'll have to defend Milk here. Dudes, don't get so worked up over a little rant like this. Milk just has a beef with stupid questions that people know the answer to. There's nothing wrong with that. I have a problem with them too sometimes. Of course we all utter out a stupid question once in a while, but once a person starts asking questions that they know the answers to redundantly, it starts to get under your skin if you know what I mean.But, if there's a kid in my class that asks the teacher a stupid question, I'll laugh at it. Well, that's my take. Take it for what it's worth. :rolleyes:

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I admit that I'm guilty. Whenever I've been hanging out with someone for a few hours and there's suddenly a big awkward pause, i usually end up saying "so.... how are you?"and then i kick myself because I KNOW that i've been hanging out with them for the past 3 hours.yes, venting about myself...

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^ haha, well that was purposely. Everyone does that. I mean, what else are you going to say? If it's a boring day, there are very few interesting topics. It's the people who ask questions repeatedly, on purpose that really...grrr...

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I happen to agree with this phrase there is no such thing as a stupid question. In my opinion every question was asked to find out an answer. When you ask a question and you know the answer or just want to be dumb that is a statement you said because you want attention. Thats just my two cents.


I really like this reply, right on. If we ask a question with the clear intent of finding the answer and seeking truth it can't be stupid since the very seeking of truth is in itself a worthy cause, and a wise one. I think this is essentially something warrior is getting at. Even if someone with a low IQ asks a question obvious to others it would be debatable whether it is actually a stupid question since it is asked with a wise spirit of knowing truth.


Essentially saying something or someone is "stupid" is subjective and the one clear guideline of determining a question's stupidity lies in the spirit with which it is asked. To ask something knowing the answer is stupid or foolish and asking something to genuinely truth is wise. The question lies in how we know whether the asker of the question knew the answer already or was really seeking truth.


I think I essentially just expounded a bit on what Warrior said and made it a bit more wordy :unsure:

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