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Where I can find an inexpensive processessor...

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the absolute best place to buy stuff on the web is newegg.com! go there, every1 I konw shops there, and I've never had any problems, nor have i ever met anyone who has! However, all they sell is new stuff, so if ur looking 4 ub3r cheap stuff, u might ahve 2 look on ebay, which the others here suggested....

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If you know how to look carefully, you can find some pretty sweet deals on Craigslist. Just be careful, and know what you're getting before you buy it. It's actually a pretty legitimate and awesome way of getting incredible stuff for really cheap prices. I would honestly trust craigslist before I'd go to ebay, but that's just me.The difference between buying a new component and a used one is simply that if the used component is older than a month, chances are it's going to last a lifetime. That's how it goes with computer hardware. The physical errors in design pop up very quickly on equipment that is messed up. With that knowledge, you can shop used with a sense of cautious confidence.Of course, buying new means you get the full warranty and everything else that comes with something straight from the retailer. However, if you want really cheap equipment that's new, look for OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts on a site of your choice, such as Newegg.com. These are sold straight as they come from the manufacturer, meaning you don't get all the frills and packaging a retail product incorporates. However, you enjoy the same exact product with the same warranties (usually) for a much lower cost.

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If you know how to look carefully, you can find some pretty sweet deals on Craigslist. Just be careful, and know what you're getting before you buy it. It's actually a pretty legitimate and awesome way of getting incredible stuff for really cheap prices. I would honestly trust craigslist before I'd go to ebay, but that's just me.
The difference between buying a new component and a used one is simply that if the used component is older than a month, chances are it's going to last a lifetime. That's how it goes with computer hardware. The physical errors in design pop up very quickly on equipment that is messed up. With that knowledge, you can shop used with a sense of cautious confidence.

Of course, buying new means you get the full warranty and everything else that comes with something straight from the retailer. However, if you want really cheap equipment that's new, look for OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts on a site of your choice, such as Newegg.com. These are sold straight as they come from the manufacturer, meaning you don't get all the frills and packaging a retail product incorporates. However, you enjoy the same exact product with the same warranties (usually) for a much lower cost.

craigslist? you have to be out of your mind. Every time I turn around I hear of things or even people being sold there! you would come out better going to a used parts store than there.

But if your still looking I do think if you can not find one at a PC store Ebay will be your best bet

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on the internet?
Also, if you could tell me where to find a good gfx card that is inexpensive, post that too =)

Cost wise dear friend you can trust on ebay I think. And about the brand etc. of processor and card it will be typically depending on your need. So you consolidate your need and then decide to buy the one suitable for you. Mainly you should concentrate on the graphical needs of yours to decide on which processor you would like to buy. I prefer buying any hardware from local vendors in spite of on internet. As far as guaranti and replacement concept its better to depend on local vendors. Best of luck for your search. 

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