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I just finished up my Sophmore year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). Im looking to complete a dual Computer Science/Information Technology major. RPI is a really good school, but theres not too many girls (3:1 girls to guys). It kinda sucks, but oh well. Anyone else here currently going to school? Where at?

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To ask why fewer females in Computer Science and Information Technology field is like asking why fewer males in 16th century French literature course? :lol: Don't get me wrong. I am not implying that gender dictates certain dominant field of expertise. However, we were conditioned to think in that fashion. It was the same for your parents, parents before your parents and so on. And I have seen and believe that one gender group is much more jubilee than the other, sitting in front of a computer screen for 8 hours a day. And they are satisfied so. It is not limited to one gender type for a certain field of knowledge but, it seems as though we select what provokes our curiosity the most.

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To ask why fewer females in Computer Science and Information Technology field is like asking why fewer males in 16th century French literature course? :lol: Don't get me wrong. I am not implying that gender dictates certain dominant field of expertise. However, we were conditioned to think in that fashion. It was the same for your parents, parents before your parents and so on. And I have seen and believe that one gender group is much more jubilee than the other, sitting in front of a computer screen for 8 hours a day. And they are satisfied so. It is not limited to one gender type for a certain field of knowledge but, it seems as though we select what provokes our curiosity the most.


I don't mean in my major, I'm talking about for the entire school. You're still on target though, RPI is an engineering school (also not a popular field for women). But they are starting to add a lot of things like biotechnology to attract more females. It seems to be working (a little).

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Well i go to the University of Delaware and even though there are not many girls (like only 1 or 2 per class) in my BS in Computer Science Major, there are many more gilrs then guys in the school so i guess i just dont have your trouble. UDel rocks

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Heyy, I like programming and stuff. I just don't want to learn it in a restricted environment because I think it'll kill my interest.Same as why I refused to take art lessons.I'm really protective of things I enjoy doing. I refuse to be taught; I'd rather discover things on my own. It makes it that much more meaningful.Blame it on the rigidity of the education system and the overemphasis on academic results.Besides, if you do learn stuff on your own, it'll be because you were motivated to learn it and not because other people pushed you to, hence you'll be more likely to remember it.:lol:

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I'm really protective of things I enjoy doing. I refuse to be taught; I'd rather discover things on my own. It makes it that much more meaningful.

i'd learning it mysel i think go to school is a wasting of time..it sucks hard ^ so slow to learn something useful

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I've been going to school for a very very long time now. I completed a Bachelor of Science in South Africa and now I'm studying in Australia, a Bachelor of Business in e-business, still got 2 years to go in this one and then I'm going to do my doctorate in Bachelor of Science, so that's another 3 years... so all in all I still have 5 years to go but the best part is gonna be writing Dr. in front of my name instead of mr.! That kind of makes it all worth it:)

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I just finished my first year of college... and have done very well in it too, so I'm quite happy. It's a two year course, but there might be a third year offered, we're not quite sure yet. I'm hearing mixed things from different instructors.Anyway, I too have noticed the small amount of girls in my course... we started with 31 students, and only 5 of those were girls. I don't mind it so much, especially because the class size is so small. It's nice to get extra 1 on 1 time with the instructors if you aren't understanding something.

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I just finished up my Sophmore year at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). Im looking to complete a dual Computer Science/Information Technology major. RPI is a really good school, but theres not too many girls (3:1 girls to guys). It kinda sucks, but oh well. Anyone else here currently going to school? Where at?


Well im about to finish my 1st year at John Hopkins University and our majors are pretty similar, I'm double majoring in Computer Science and Computer Information Systems.

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I am doing a computer science course at University. I only just started it a few months ago so I still have years to go. I don't know if I like it or not. It just seems to be going over everything I already know so it seems to me like a waste of time. Maybe it's because I've only just started the course though, so they're just going through the basic stuff to begin with, then will progress to harder stuff later. I hope so...

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