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New Site Ideas

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Im thinking of creating a new website, A site for teenagers in the UK, Running competitions to win all sorts of stuff, But the question is, how to make money to get the prizes?Google ads? Hm... okAdBrite ads? Little better...Get stuff for free? where?Do you think its a good idea?Thanks,craig.

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It's a cool idea, definitely. Maybe you could take some ideas from the NeoPets site. Like implement a point system that they can use to redeem stuff.You could take the idea from Trap 17 as well, and get them to post to earn points, but you could also get them to sign up with advertisers that pay per lead, and that would get them more points.How's that?

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-It would be really cool if the look was like techy... but grunged if you get me? Like the patterns on skateboards and oranges etc... -_-Well if you made it.. and it was interesting with REAL competitions then I would so totally join... You could just give peopel virtual prizes.. and they could like collect it or something i don't know.. it wouldn't need money lol.It's a WICKED idea.. so go ahead!

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You could link to Netbux.org and just ask people who use the sight to refer themselves via you.

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I don't want to be the downer in all of this but i worked for a site, not sure if it's still up hugeprize.com. And it had no problems getting people to sign up and play, collect points and all that stuff but making money off the site didn't work. People who like to play games and win prizes and cash don't spend money, don't click on banners or sign up for stuff. It's crazy that way.

Hope your works out better.


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Yeah, that's why you should make it like focused on a game, and not on winning cash or prizes. Like the army game. You could give more weapons for a sign-up, for example. That's how NeoPets works. They give you NeoPoints (to buy objects with in the imaginary land thingy) for every advertiser you sign up with.But if you're gonna do that you'll have to make sure you protect minors (or whatever the law is in your country).

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Why not get yourself a forum like IPB or vBulletin that have the shop or store mods install? the forum can also provide a community for you and ppl can chat there... There's also lots of fun stuff that a forum can do like Xisto does...

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I am gonna use a forum, probobaly phpBB coz you have to pay for IPB now :(I am going to use the members system for the forum in the site too, if you are logged in at the forum, you are logged in on the site, if you get what I mean...And i dont real want to make the site a game, It is planned to be an online community for young people in the Uk.Craig.

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