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Johnny's Random Facts: #1 Part 1 of my interesting facts

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Okay guys, I'm going to be posting random interesting facts, so here's number 1. (I'll post them in seperate topics, so there will be one topic to talk about each fact.)

#1 --

In the 1800's anyone in England who unsuccessfully attempted suicide faced the death penalty.

Okay guys, I'm going to be posting random interesting facts, so here's number 2. (I'll post them in seperate topics, so there will be one topic to talk about each fact.)

#2 --

The house where Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Indepedence was replaced with a hamburger stand.

Okay guys, I'm going to be posting random interesting facts, so here's number 3. (I'll post them in seperate topics, so there will be one topic to talk about each fact.)

#3 --

The Earth gets 100 tons heavier every day due to falling space dust.

Okay guys, I'm going to be posting random interesting facts, so here's number 4. (I'll post them in seperate topics, so there will be one topic to talk about each fact.)

#4 --

Earth's oceans contain 7 1/2 million tons of gold, dissolved in the water.

Okay guys, I'm going to be posting random interesting facts, so here's number 5. (I'll post them in seperate topics, so there will be one topic to talk about each fact.)

#5 --

The energy given off by a hurricane in one day would power the entire United States for three years.

Okay guys, I'm going to be posting random interesting facts, so here's number 6. (I'll post them in seperate topics, so there will be one topic to talk about each fact.)

#6 --

In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somwhere.

(yeah, I don't get that one either...)

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#1: I find that very ironic, but helpful. If I wanted to die and didn't at least I wouldn't be punished for it, they would help me through it -_-

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so if i could blow hurrican size winds that means i can power mouse for centeries -_-

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Regarding #6Seinfeld is a Superman freak. On American Express commercial, the pin number punched in spelled out "Jor-El". Seinfeld has Superman Statue (Randy Bowen's limited edition) in the back ground where he keeps his games and video tapes almost in every episode. His refrigerator has either a drawing of Superman by a child or Superman magnets. Some of his story lines and characters revolved around reference to Superman or about Superman. Do you remember the running episode where he ran into his old high school buddy and raced at the end? Well he hugged Lois, his girlfriend. -_- Here's another one that unofficial proof that Seinfeld is nut about Superman--Kramer (we now know him as Cosmo Kramer) has Superman's alter ego initials "C.K." for Clark Kent.

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hehehe, in regards to the one about killing you if you unsuccesfully commited suicide, here's one:

In the USA, when you get Euthanized, (put to death using a needle), they sterilize the needle.

Pretty stupid if you ask me.

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Regarding #6


Seinfeld is a Superman freak.  On American Express commercial, the pin number punched in spelled out "Jor-El". Seinfeld has Superman Statue (Randy Bowen's limited edition) in the back ground where he keeps his games and video tapes almost in every episode. His refrigerator has either a drawing of Superman by a child or Superman magnets. Some of his story lines and characters revolved around reference to Superman or about Superman. Do you remember the running episode where he ran into his old high school buddy and raced at the end? Well he hugged Lois, his girlfriend.  -_-


Here's another one that unofficial proof that Seinfeld is nut about Superman--Kramer (we now know him as Cosmo Kramer) has Superman's alter ego initials "C.K." for Clark Kent.


Whoa that's deep! You must really be a Seinfeld fan.


I bet Seinfeld was pretty sad when Christopher Reeves passed away....

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wow i completely forgot what hte superman thing until i read the post the running epsiode i remember everything never really caught into it that deep well i only got the first 3 seasons on dvd but i will have to look out when i watch the reruns everyday and the words from the SOUP NAZI "pretty funny NO SOUP FOR YOU" -_-

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#1: I find that very ironic, but helpful. If I wanted to die and didn't at least I wouldn't be punished for it, they would help me through it :D


Lol, yeah, I guess so. But the irony is just too "killer", excuse the pun. :D


so if i could blow hurrican size winds that means i can power mouse for centeries :D


Power mouse?


I've heard the one about the Superman in Seinfeld before, but I don't watch it enough to have any proof.


Want random facts? My site displays random facts from a list of 1000+ facts! ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ )


Refresh to get more. :D


You youngsters and your spiffy websites with your advanced scripting...my day, we had word processors with green screens and 128k memory... :D


Regarding #6


Seinfeld is a Superman freak.  On American Express commercial, the pin number punched in spelled out "Jor-El". Seinfeld has Superman Statue (Randy Bowen's limited edition) in the back ground where he keeps his games and video tapes almost in every episode. His refrigerator has either a drawing of Superman by a child or Superman magnets. Some of his story lines and characters revolved around reference to Superman or about Superman. Do you remember the running episode where he ran into his old high school buddy and raced at the end? Well he hugged Lois, his girlfriend.  :D


Here's another one that unofficial proof that Seinfeld is nut about Superman--Kramer (we now know him as Cosmo Kramer) has Superman's alter ego initials "C.K." for Clark Kent.


Heh, very interesting. Seinfeld's a Superman freak, and I'm guessing you're a Sienfeld freak? -_-


hehehe, in regards to the one about killing you if you unsuccesfully commited suicide, here's one:

Pretty stupid if you ask me.


Not stupid, ironic. B)


Whoa that's deep! You must really be a Seinfeld fan.


I bet Seinfeld was pretty sad when Christopher Reeves passed away....


Yeah man, Reeves was cool....


wow i completely forgot what hte superman thing until i read the post the running epsiode i remember everything never really caught into it that deep well i only got the first 3 seasons on dvd but i will have to look out when i watch the reruns everyday and the words from the SOUP NAZI "pretty funny NO SOUP FOR YOU" :D


Soup Nazi? Do what now?

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I'm the ultimate Seinfeld freak...I've heard about the superman and how in some way it's involved in every show, but I don't pay attention to it...that's pretty wicked though...love that show.As for the hurricane and the energy it releases...how bout we try and harness that stuff geez...we got the technology...

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Heh, very interesting. Seinfeld's a Superman freak, and I'm guessing you're a Sienfeld freak? :D


Actually I have one of Randy Bowen's Superman statue. And since the time of the purchase it rose 3 times the initial purchased value. And it's all thanks to Seinfeld's love affair with Superman.


So, natrally I began to dig into little bit more of Seinfeld's life. But I'm a Superman freak. -_- The classic case of the phonebooth syndrome... I'll admit that I have Superman's statue but I won't admit that I also have 45 posters and painting of Superman. D'OH! Most of them were autographed by the late Christopher Reeve (George Reeves was the original Superman "The Advantures of Superman" circa 1976).

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You youngsters and your spiffy websites with your advanced scripting...my day, we had word processors with green screens and 128k memory... -_-


Dude, you're...my age. :D


By the way, the PHP scripts the generates random facts are not advanced at all. I'll show you how to do it sometimes whenever I have time in my busy schedule. :D

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WOW, 100 Tons Space Dust Falling On Earth Every Day WOW, and 8Tons of Gold in Da sea, But Compared to the whole Sea its that that much but compared to the land rates and stuff, thas like WOW, thats HEAPS!!

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Actually I have one of Randy Bowen's Superman statue. And since the time of the purchase it rose 3 times the initial purchased value. And it's all thanks to Seinfeld's love affair with Superman.


So, natrally I began to dig into little bit more of Seinfeld's life.  But I'm a Superman freak.  :D The classic case of the phonebooth syndrome... I'll admit that I have Superman's statue but I won't admit that I also have 45 posters and painting of Superman. D'OH! Most of them were autographed by the late Christopher Reeve (George Reeves was the original Superman "The Advantures of Superman" circa 1976).


Hehe, I have a couple Superman posters in my room, and I have like 3 Superman shirts ( -_- ), but that's about it. I could have gotten tons more for free from where I used to work, DNA Comics, because we always had extra models, posters, busts, etc. in the back that weren't being sold, but I just ended up getting tons of other stuff.


Dude, you're...my age. :D


By the way, the PHP scripts the generates random facts are not advanced at all. I'll show you how to do it sometimes whenever I have time in my busy schedule. :D


Don't you sass me youngin!


WOW, 100 Tons Space Dust Falling On Earth Every Day WOW, and 8Tons of Gold in Da sea, But Compared to the whole Sea its that that much but compared to the land rates and stuff, thas like WOW, thats HEAPS!!


Yeah, the reason we're not all rich is because to farm all that gold would end up costing WAAAAAY more. It's like buying all the lotto tickets to guarantee a win.

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QUOTEIn the 1800's anyone in England who unsuccessfully attempted suicide faced the death penalty.

i like that. it makes more sense than laws today.

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