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Which is the best cricket team?

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Australia are the best team in the world who can win but its not that much enjoyable to watch them playing.. in any games when there is someone who performs exceptionally well it becomes more interesting... in that case I should say INDIA cricket teams is the one... With Sachin Tendulkar around who asks for more.... My passion for cricket increases when I watch him playing.. what do you think?

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England are pounding on australlia every minute.havent lost a test tour in like 14 tours i think now. currently ranked 2nd in the world

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yeah i dont like games where australia gives everyone a pounding either. its great to have close games chakhei. and little sachin is pretty awesome.wayneuk i dont know what kind of logic you are using to think that england will win.

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Currently i must say India.....with the test series win over Australia and 5-0 ODI win over England and they are leading in the current test series with England......

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Thats true, India is currently the best team in all forms of the game. No doubt they are far ahead then other teams in 20-20 and in future also this gap is likely to increase as new talent is explored everyday with increasing pace due to the IPL. In one day internationals they have already swept out England by 5-0 and are looking forward to achieve more. In test cricket, recently they won against Australia and now have a lead in the series against England.

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listen guys..Aussie is the best side in the world. Im not even a fan of australia but you cant deny they got depth. Other nations like s.a that i support can pull a miracle and whack them but they are the strongest.Their record speaks for itself. India is a wannabe.

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Take a look closer. Forget the ranking of last year and you have the clear winner. INDIA.Ok it may be right that if you consider the spoils of other teams during the last five years and beyond, Australia are eating on the rot. Look at the Ausie team stats now and the Indian team stats. By next year Team India will be the no 1 in both form of the game.

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Up until last year I would have said Australia for sure, no competition whatsoever.However, the recent results form test matches, one day matches have got me leaning towards India at the moment.Australia probably still has the greater 'depth' but based on performances, India is doing better.The Australian team is in a bit of a slump at the moment, they recently lost their first test match against South Africa... (at home!)Unless they rebound and come back, perhaps India will overtake them as the world's no.1 Team.

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Up until last year I would have said Australia for sure, no competition whatsoever.However, the recent results form test matches, one day matches have got me leaning towards India at the moment.
Australia probably still has the greater 'depth' but based on performances, India is doing better.
The Australian team is in a bit of a slump at the moment, they recently lost their first test match against South Africa... (at home!)
Unless they rebound and come back, perhaps India will overtake them as the world's no.1 Team.

I have had this same discussion with someone here.

Listen folks..India yes they seem to be playing good cricket but lets not forget their pitches are really slow and a lot of teams fail to adapt as a result. Their performance to me has been this incredible because they have been playing at home for a while now.

Not to take away their results in Aus..that was superb. Australia is really on the decline. A lot of people are talking about the end for them but i thinks it is just a thing for now and sooner or later...they'll be the team to beat again!

South Africa seem to be coming up...only time will tell.

One last thing is that the Aussie will have to be beaten for sometime for some other team to take the number one spot from them.

But cricket is getting even more interesting than ever because the teams are starting to perform at the same level now!


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