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Scariest Experience ???????

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:) Nothing seriously scary has happened to me. So I'll post something that scared me. I was sleeping, and something kept waking me up, I dont know if it was a sound or what. So I get up, walk around the house, I find nothing. I get back into bed. I hear it again. By now I am seriously thinking WTF is that! I finally get out of a sleep-like state, and I realize it was my alarm clock jammed under my matress. I could have killed myself...

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I was 18 and living in a small apartment with a friend (who is now one of my covenmates). We had twin beds on opposite sides of the room, and we were training ourselves to "see in the astral" while awake. We used to lie in our beds and lure ourselves into trances and compare what we saw in the room. One night, i was lying there trying to meditate, and my chest got real heavy like there was a big weight on it and i couldnt breathe very well. This had happened maybe 4 times before so i didnt think anything of it.. i thought it was just my mind trying to distract me from what i was doing (trying to enter a trance). She had been lying silent for maybe half an hour practicing her 'sight' (i thought she had fallen asleep). Suddenly she said "Ben." really quiet like (cuz she thought i might be asleep too). I said "yeah?". and she said "something's sitting on your chest." I opened my eyes real quick and saw a solid black figure hovering cross-legged over me with its hands pressed down on my chest and its face a couple feet above mine. All of the sudden i understood why i couldnt breathe and flipped out. Later i figured out what it was and how to get rid of it, but at the time it was the scariest thing that had ever happened to me.

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Er I guess when I had this really messed up dream, I dreamt some dude came to kill my mom and me, killed my mom, then was after me right? I ran outside....but he got me and stabbed me in the chest...now the weird part, I woke up right after he stabbed me right? sat up...and I had this really annoying pain EXACTLY where he stabbed me for most of the day, now in my bed there was no way I could have bumped it on something or...something...I tryed to think of a way I could have just bumped it or something and it just went along with my dream but...I couldn't. So yeah I was freaked o_o


Oh and when I had a panic attack in this huge building with tons of people....fun fun.


Triple X, these are call dream wounds.. I used to have fights with a sorcerer who specialized in them. For a short while, we were friends and he explained how they work. He said if you can invade anothers dream or go and visit them in an OBE/projection while they are sleeping.. you can attack them. If you can get them JUST when they cross over the threshold from sleeping to waking, you can make the wound follow them into the real world.


The really nasty ones will manifest as illnesses or real wounds.. like when he cut my coven sister's finger off in a dream... she felt it all day, and then in the afternoon she cut it to the bone opening a can. The nerves are still severed, but its pretty much healed. The ones that aren't so bad will just fade with time.. or give you an ache or heartburn or something similarly annoying but not very harmful.


To fix them, you have to lure yourself back into that sleepy state, and undo the damage before they 'set in' to reality. I know sorcerers and some of the more unethical reiki people and dreamers can do it. I think some kinds of spirits can do it, and i think we can do it to ourselves in our own dreams -- or rather our own 'internal demons'. Scary stuff.

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I was 18 and living in a small apartment with a friend (who is now one of my covenmates).  We had twin beds on opposite sides of the room, and we were training ourselves to "see in the astral" while awake.  We used to lie in our beds and lure ourselves into trances and compare what we saw in the room. 


One night, i was lying there trying to meditate, and my chest got real heavy like there was a big weight on it and i couldnt breathe very well.  This had happened maybe 4 times before so i didnt think anything of it.. i thought it was just my mind trying to distract me from what i was doing (trying to enter a trance).  She had been lying silent for maybe half an hour practicing her 'sight' (i thought she had fallen asleep).  Suddenly she said "Ben." really quiet like (cuz she thought i might be asleep too).  I said "yeah?".  and she said "something's sitting on your chest."  I opened my eyes real quick and saw a solid black figure hovering cross-legged over me with its hands pressed down on my chest and its face a couple feet above mine.  All of the sudden i understood why i couldnt breathe and flipped out.  Later i figured out what it was and how to get rid of it, but at the time it was the scariest thing that had ever happened to me.


So you astral project..? that is pretty cool man.

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well my most scariest moment was when i went to my grandma's house and i stayed for the night.. at midnight i went to the kitchen for some water and i swear i saw a monster! >__<!!! i don't know if it was because i was a little sleepy or i don't know maybe my imagination but i swear i saw it ;__; i was scared to the bones, and i remember that after that i never went to my grandma's place again until she went to live to another house, but it was horrible :( it was like (don't laught im dead serious :( ) a fried chicken but more..brown and tall.. aaarrghh!! i know it sounds stupid but that's my most scariest experience ...

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i was ever haunted by the ghost or something scary when i went to my old grandfather village in mountain.. it was, the ghost called 'pocong'. Indonesian Moslem was buried with about 8 meter long white paper wore around the corpse. And some culture said that if the dead soul was burried in uncomfortable feeling, it will remain alive.. on its corpse form... that's what my grandpa said... and there were many of them in my grandpa's village... the peop;e there had no longer fear about it, they was used to doing such a ritual every friday to keep up the village away from the dead soul or even walking corpse... i wonder it is really reality...

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probably when i took a ferry over to morocco, which is a pretty odd place, and was walking around in the medina, which is even more odd / scary. then a woman attacked me with a knife and a guy comes and punches here, and she runs away. she didn't stab me. then the guy follows me asking for money for saving his life. i didn't know at the time, but this is a typical scam they run over there. i was terrified though!

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On of my scariest incidents was when I was working for thismining claims company one summer in the wilderness of Northern Quebec. There was me and three other guy's and 2 doberman pinschers andsupplies in this little boat. We were crossing this large lake and there was a storm.We were thrown about like a pea in a bathtub.I definitlythought it was the end.Fortunately we survived it.It was scary.

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