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XBOX vrs PS2

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What does everyone like? xbox or ps2? I have an xbox (and halo2/xbox live 8)) I hear that ps2 don't last. but I herd the other day that xbox don't last. everyone I know has had zero problems with them. My friend took 3 ps2's back before disideing he's going with the xbox because his ps2's were breaking. :? :D

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Well I've had my PS2 for about a year now and all is well! Also I accedently droped my PS2 down my staircase whilst carring it up (about 8- 10 steps it droped down plus the stairs had carpet on!) and it worked fine after!But you aint got much to worry about with the new ps2 as its lost lots of wieght! Its tiny!I dunno about XBOX! As I have never really played games on an XBOX but I like the graphics thou!

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i just bought ps2. i do not know how good it is. i never dropped it down my staircase :D so i cannot tell now. the reason for buying that ps2 is its new small size. xbox looks bulky to me. besides, i already have a big collection of ps2 games.

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What about gamecube? I prefer the gamecube to any other console!Apart from my snes.. The super nintendo was and still is the BEST game colsole ever made.Who Agree`s?

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The N64 was the best I used to play Golden Eye all the time with my step-bro and m8s! I dislike the game cube dunno why but just dislike it!

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ps2 is the best (WHY they breake I KNOW! WHY! becouse theres ((2)) ways to turn your ps2 off, from the front ((hold the restart button till it turns red, the system shuts down, and off without reseting crutial system setting (safe way)) and the back (wich will reset your ps2's laser and settings and ware it out over time (BAD WAY!) REMEMBER the back switch is to be used (ONLY) when you move your ps2! don't use it wehen you don't need to, (common questions? "but my ps2 isint off see that red light is on!" NO don't be fooled that means it's off, if you have experians with stero systems and VCR/VHS systems the u know it's off, it uses the minimum poswer needed to light the light up, 80% less then a soler powered calculater from the doller store, the light just tells you it's safe, if it's not on and the swich is on in the back, then you know theres sumthing wrongNow about the X-box, i have nothing agaist it!, just 2 big!, and i hate microsoft! with a passion, but i do like the graphics! :-)

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What about gamecube? I prefer the gamecube to any other console!Apart from my snes.. 
The super nintendo was and still is the BEST game colsole ever made.

Who Agree`s?

Yeah it was, but go a step further back! to super contra, and packman for the NES (Nintendo entertainment system)

That was one of the counsols that started the gameing era, the ATARI just showed people it was possible

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xbox has the best graphics, then gamecube, than ps2.i wanna see microsoft come out with a handheld.

Knowing, and haveing experiance with microsoft (like how the messed up on the xbox when it first came out Ex. some of them had to have a new oporateing system put in becouse the windows os faild, and they put in linux! first good move microsoft made in years) a handheald would suck, bomb, just like the Nokia N-Gage (i think it's nokia, heh, dunno cuz it sucks!) did, don't expest microsoft to do much, everyone gets lucky!, it was just there time to get lucky... unfortunately

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i know graphics aren't everything but xbox is still the best. the built in hd and xbl just puts it over the top. now they just have to make some good first party games.

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also you guys have to remember that the ps2 is much older then the x-box, Sony has much more experience with the playstation now the playstation2, and soon the psp which they are trying there hardest to prefect (only Sony... :-D) personally I think Microsoft just rush's things, because they won?t to make money, Sony makes money yes, but the make stuff good, Sony TV?s, hardware, the Sony vaio, and about x-box having a hard drive!, heh when the ps2 came out they made an add on for a hard drive and network adapter, but the technology wasn?t far enough to actually sell it with one, (even though the new ps2 has all that built in) Microsoft just had the current technology, but for the upcoming ps3, they aren?t using an HDD hard drive, they?re developing there own high capacity memory device possible better, faster, and less likely to looser data with! And about box live? Heh YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT! On top of that fact that you need an internet connection, with Sony online games are free to play online!

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I've played the playstation like three times and never liked it because of the controllers. They are to sensitive and don't have good grips. Also all the games for the PS2 are usually rated teen and have only a few mature games. The Xbox is almost all mature games or at least was when it first came out.

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