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Found 5 results

  1. Hi everyone, I have a tricky one here. I have a widget I placed on a site, which, as usual, comprises a few lines of HTML and a line of Javascript. It is a widget through which people can send requests to a radio station, and then it shows whether your request went through, or failed (in case the requested song does not exist in the repertoire list of the radio), in which case it emails the request to the radio station. This is the HTML: <form class="cc_request_form" data-username="ckhnsbvf"> <div data-type="result"></div> Song artist: <input type="text" name="request[artist]" size="40" maxlength="127" /><br /> Song title: <input type="text" name="request[title]" size="40" maxlength="127" /><br /> Bestemd voor: <input type="text" name="request[dedication]" size="40" maxlength="127" /><br /> Your name: <input type="text" name="request[sender]" size="40" maxlength="127" /><br /> Uw e-mail adres: <input type="text" name="request[email]" size="40" maxlength="127" /><br /> <input type="button" value="Verstuur aanvraag" data-type="submit" /><br /> </form> And this is the Javascript: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://solid33.streamupsolutions.com:2199/system/request.js"></script> As usual, the Javascript is supposed to be inserted just before the </body> tag. So far, so good, now for the issues: to begin with, I had to change the "http:" in the Javascript to "https:", or nothing would work. Then, the widget started working intermittently, and now, it does not seem to do anything, except when you send a failed request, it shows your request went through sucessfully. There is one more suspicion I have: the site in question uses Bootstrap (CDN version), would it be possible the Javascript conflicts with JQuery or something? Before the </body> tag there is this reference to JQuery *which comes immediately after the Javascript for the widget): <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.slim.min.js" integrity="sha384-J6qa4849blE2+poT4WnyKhv5vZF5SrPo0iEjwBvKU7imGFAV0wwj1yYfoRSJoZ+n" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/popper.js@1.16.0/dist/umd/popper.min.js" integrity="sha384-Q6E9RHvbIyZFJoft+2mJbHaEWldlvI9IOYy5n3zV9zzTtmI3UksdQRVvoxMfooAo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-wfSDF2E50Y2D1uUdj0O3uMBJnjuUD4Ih7YwaYd1iqfktj0Uod8GCExl3Og8ifwB6" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> I have also tried to put the widget Javascript after the above, no difference. Does any of this make any sense or has anyone come across this before? The widget can be seen working on https://www.vlaamseradio.tk/verzoek.html it is the form near the bottom. Any help will be very much appreciated.
  2. With HTML5 well into power, its biggest competitor, though gaining a lot of ground to it, is still Flash, HTMl5 applications are slowly becoming the norm in the online and mobile worlds.. At a measly 121 pages, Programming HTML5 Applications gives you a beginning to were you should concentrate your programming skills in order to build both Desktop and mobile apps. This book is heavy in JavaScript coding and that is understandable as you will need a powerful language like JavaScript in order to produce many of the functions in your applications and so the question is this, what does the book cover. Interestingly enough, we already know much of what is covered through various websites and books. Such as file uploading, drag and drop, offline storage, creating databases, web sockets and more. However, the one thing that intrigues me the most that you can create a simple but stable database with HTML5 and JavaScript and so that is the chapter I will talk about in this review. Called IndexedDB, it is a non-SQL based database platform. Microsoft IE, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome support this database. One feature that seems to stand out for me is that it has its own built-in security measure in which no other pages or web hosts can access that database unless they are actually on that page to which the database is connected too. Another nifty security measure is the fact that IndexedDB cannot be attacked with SQL injections and thus provides a way to hack into the database and destroy or steal data. Of course, the bad part is that it is still susceptible to XSS attacks which use JavaScript as a form of that attack. The other part that I like about this, and I am only assuming based on the example giving in the book, but if you been coding in JSON the structure in the below example almost looks the same IndexedDB Example { "title":"Real World Haskell", "price": 49.95, "price_can":49.95, "authors" [ "Bryan O'Sullivan", "John Goerzen", "Don Stewart" ], "cover_animal": "Rhinocerus Beetle", "cover_url": "http://...", "topics": ["Haskell"]}JSON Example { "Book": [ {"title": "Real World Haskell"}, {"price": "49.95"}, {"price_can": "49.95"}, {"authors": "Bryan O'Sullivan"}, {"authors": "John Goerzen"}, {"authors": "Don Stewart"}, {"cover_animal": "Rhinocerus Beetle"}, {"cover_url": "http://..."}, {"topics": "Haskell"} ]} I will point out, that the JSON example could be more optimized, but you will notice that both use a lot of the same structure and so if you got JSON licked, then you will have no problems working in IndexedDB. However, creating the database in the first part and for the next few pages the author goes through the process of connecting, creating, adding, updating, recieving and of course deleting the data. Which comes to my next point in which if you got strong database skills, all you have to do is learn the languages specific to IndexedDB and you will be good to go on creating sophisticated databases that you can use for your HTML5 based application. Like I mentioned earlier, a lot of the information is old and or updating to something current, but I regress that if you’re starting out in HTML5 and want to get into the advance side of things. Then this book will be a nice little starter to get you going.
  3. I'm looking to make some games for the website I'm building but I can't find any FREE software that allows me to upload, or embed my work onto the website. I heard about YoYo Game Maker. It has this HTML5 version, but I don't know very much coding and it cost money. Does anyone know of a program that would allow me to put my work online?
  4. Coming off their success "Professional Web Design Vol. 1" Smashing Magazine comes out with Volumn 2 of this series, and while most part 2 books cover the same topics and provide little updates, but not these boys and girls. Professional Web Design Volumn 2, covers 20 new topics at a whopping 283 pages, may not seem much. However, when your talking about 2011, well lets just say after reading each topic, you will Google your brains out and try to catch up. This book covers CSS3, HTML5, Responsive web design, UX, latest trends (2011), naviggation, more concepts and items, and what the heck they threw in some working with clients as well. Of course, what makes this book great is this, most of the information you read can be found on the smashing website and so the comments you read there are just as insightful, but here it is more focus driven and easier to find (lol). As for my usal chapter review, I am having a real difficult time, but I think I found a topic that hits home for thousands of freelance web designers and it is titled "Web Designers, Don’t Do It Alone" by Paul Boag and right away in this topic he drives it home in just his first sentence. "Whether freelancers, small agency founders or website owners, too many of us work alone." That is very true indeed, but he really gets to the heart of the matter when you even work in teams you feel that isolation and I find that a very interesting thought, because I wouldn't think it be possible to be isolated even while on a team. Nonetheless, he provide six common traps for web designers that would categorize them as isolated; they include Dry up creatively, Lose confidence, Become over-confident, Reach the limit of your knowledge, Have a blinkered perspective, and Feel overwhelmed. Reading at how he describes these traps I would have to say I have #1, #2, #5, and #6. Though in the case of #6 I am more overwhelmed at all the things you can do in web design and so you really have to spread yourself thin in order to learn as much as you can. Of course, this reflects upon #5 of being in a comfort zone and trying to limit myself. Of course, he goes on to say that you need a partner to get yourself out of these traps, but some are easier said then done. Such as an external consultant, a mentor or someone outside of the business. To help you get your thoughts and ideas out there and realize your potential. On the other hand, I see the potential of adding sub-groups into that partner list and so it is a matter of just putting them in the right spot. So, just like this chapter, the rest of the book provides very insightful information as helps expand what it means to be a web designer. Of course, it also opens up a lot ideas for you to explore and in some cases, opens some wounds in which you have to realize that it is time to get out there and expand your knowledge base in order to be a more effective designer/developer. To end, I would like to point out that the book isn't on individual sale, except for Kindle, but you can get it with a bundle package from the Smashing Magazine store at the following address. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ In this bundle it includes this book, and volume 2, and another book titled "Getting the Hang of Web Typograph" so check the bundle out and the rest of the Smashing book series.
  5. In this review, I will be talking about a book, though almost a couple of years old, provides a interesting insight or rather how far HTML5 has come since this book came out. Titled "HTML5 For Web Designers" was written by Jeremy Keith in which he talks about HTML5 and what is about to come and or available and while most of what is in this book is old news by now. This book gives a small idea on how complicated HTML5 has become and I will say this good luck if this is your first language. The interesting part about this book is that it only comes in at roughly 90 pages and yet completely opens your eyes, heck it did for me when Keith talk about the <header> and <footer> tags because they no longer represent their original intentions. Meaning that when it comes to those two tags, they no longer belong at the top and bottom of the website, but rather they can represent the top and bottom of the content of itself. Best way to describe their new usage is by looking at a blog article in which the <header> tag now represents the name of the article, the generated link to the article, who wrote it, and of course when it was published. As for the <footer> tag, the copyright information still applies but you can expand it by including your sources, other links maybe some info on the author themselves. While you could produce the same results with div tags, the problem is though you can only use those two tags once, however, the <header> and <footer> tags can be used a 1000 times and your website will still come out producing valid code. Thus the power of HTML5, of course Keith talks about other topics, such as new ways to deal with audio and video, the <div> killer article and section tags, and even how HTML5 is slowly replacing flash and JavaScript, Granted the drawback to this book is its shortness, but this book is more of a fun read then technical, but I wouldn't have minded if he covered more in each chapter, but alas that is what those other books are for. However, if you check out the abooksapart.com website, this is just one of a series of books that are talking about the latest generation of design, development and concepts of web design, so go check them out after reading this book.
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