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Posts posted by nirvaman

  1. If you want to advertise your website/blog , you can do it with hundred of methods , but one of them is the best .It's PPC advertising .If you intend to advertise your website/blog with PPC , you need to know that you are going to pay only for your ads clicks , and i think that's the first advantage , and you need to know that cheating in PPC had been reduced a lot ,so you don't worry about your money .Ok , enough speaking about PPC advantages , let's take in a tour over the most popular PPC services : * adwords * Yahoo publisher * findwhat * overture * kanoodle * 7searchIf you have a business website/blog,don?t exceed your website income when you will use PPC advertisements.If you want to estimate the PPC expense you can use: * TrafficEstimatorSandbox * gotoastThat's it , enjoy your advertising.

  2. With Firefox, your saved logins and passwords for quick access to protected services like messaging, forums, etc.. can be accessed and seen if you do not remember a password and you want to find it.Let's see how it works :1.In order to access the list of saved passwords, click the Tools menu and click Options.2.Open the Security tab.3.Click on the button on the Saved Passwords button.4.The registered identifiers are displayed. Click Show Passwords to see the corresponding passwords.5.Click then click OK. The passwords are displayed in clear text.Happy enjoy ;)

  3. Firefox 3.0 introduces a range of optimizations. But its memory consumption remains high, which can disrupt the operation of other applications if you tend to open several programs simultaneously. Here is a trick that forces Firefox to release its memory whenever it is reduced in the taskbar.When reduced in the Firefox taskbar to return to work on other applications, it is no longer a vital need to occupy as much memory and it displays virtually nothing. A setting frees as much RAM as possible as soon as the Firefox window is iconified and until it is reopened.Open Firefox 3In the address bar, type "about: config" and click "Enter"Click on "I promise, I'll be careful! "Right-click anywhere in the listChoose New> BooleanEnter the option name as "config.trim_on_minimize"Click OKSelect trueClick OK

  4. Wow , i have seen some bad comments on this topic !!

    kleong said

    Another explanation that I can think of, thou I know not be saying, Indonesia (I presume it happened) is a Muslim country and in the religion, women have lesser standing than guys

    In REAL muslim communities * or countries * , Muslim women and men are equal ,that's what ISLAM saying that there is no difference between people *black or white , man or woman * , Ok ?

    Thank like anwii said , we can not say whatever the judge made the good or the wrong choice about the rapist sentence , when we don't have all the facts !

    Even if we got the facts , we have no abilitaties to judge a person , i'm not a judge , i don't know the indonisian law , do you ?

    knoppixusr said

    If i was a judge I'd give the death penalty and only the victim the option of letting the rapist live and instead receive only a near death lashing

    Dude , i think that law was made * or created* to make it easier for people to live in peace , not to die !

    If we give the death sentece to all people who did something wrong , i don't think that someone will stay alive ;) we all did something *wrong* in our lives , and those who think they did not , they will , this is not the issue , the problem we must deal with , is people making the same *wrong * another time , we must prevent people * by educating them * from doing the same crimes or bad things twice , they must learn from their mistakes , that's law , and that's what will bring peace to our sad world.

  5. Rapists are every where , in america , europe , asia and even in islamic countries !The ugly truth , is that most of the time they can run out with their crimes without any punishment , not because the law are not applied , but most of the time , victimes are shy and they don't go to the police ,so to eliminate this phenomenon from our societies Women ,girls and boys must know their rights , must go to the police if something wrong goes with them.And , authorities must take all necessary measures to prevent this to happen , and juges must obey to the law and enforce the sentence !If you want to have sex -- Get married !

  6. Sorry if i missed the Video part from my brief tut , but yes , it's a hits machine , youtube and dailymotion counts millions of millions of people watching videos per month , thats a large amount of visitors and clicks .Anwii has suggested to upload a video , and try to put your link in the comment area , but i think that we can do even more by posting comments with our links , or video comments , and why not a video that describes how your websites work? in my case it will help people grab their free domain .This trick and many others , can really help us boost our traffic , and make more members/sales , so do never pay for a traffic ; boost it your self !

  7. When you identity and privacy is preserved you feel like free to do whatever you think about , this is what's hapening with .ru domains users ,because they don't give their real details , they think that they are untouchables , so they feel free to spam , crack hack ...etc.
    But it's times for things to be manages !

    Wanna do illegal activities , ok no problem , but do it like a man and don't hide !

  8. Yes , the organisation responsible of the administration of the Russia's .ru domain name , will be requiring legal papers in order to register a .ru domain name , this change will take effect on april 1st.

    This decision was taken to cut down on fraud and inappropriate content.so starting April 1st , any person who want to register a .ru domain nme , must provide a copy of his/her passport , or legal registration papers for businesses !till now , the process of .ru domain registration requires no verification , and that helped scammers to take profit and register .ru domains under bogus names.
    *Olga Ermakova* the informational projects manager with the Coordination Center for the .ru top-level domain , said in an e-mail interview , that this changes will help Russia align its rules with international best practices ,and will help the "cleanness" of the domain.
    She said also that they don't need negative content, and such content is often created by unknown users !

    Russia's only the beginning , and i think that it will be a start of the internet domain names cleanness process.

  9. Hi to everyone, I'm developing a spanish translated version of my website an di want some explanations to be given to me regarding these: Questions : - The optimization i am willing to do , is it gonna be noticed by major spanish search engines like Google spain and mexico ? or i have to do a specific submission for these search engines ?i friend suggested me to put the spanish version on a subdomain , but i'm afraid that it will be noticed as a duplicated content by the duplicated content filter. - Where can i find a list of major search engine/ directories of countries speaking spanish ? (Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay , Paraguay, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Honduras, Belize, Cuba, Dominica republic, puerto rico)Thanks in advance

  10. Hi to allWebmasters ,seo professionals and curious ; you are all welcome :angel:I will give you a 3 good and FREE ways and methods to gain traffic , and a huge traffic , i'm not kidding !!let's start :1-Article submission :I wonder why people don't submit articles , i even saw people laughing at me ! but i still believe that article submission is a good way to gain backlinks and traffic.How to do that? this is very simple , you can write your articles your self ,you can write about whatever you think usefull for the others ,or you can find on the net very good articles , then all you have to do is to rewrite them , or translate them if you can , then submit them.To have good results , you need to submit your articles daily ,it's not very difficult for a person to write an article per day , so write your article then submit it , and after a couple of months you will see the difference , you can have a good results after a week or two , but the real results came after two or three months.2-Blog comments:How many Blogs on the net? i personnally don't have the answer , but i know for sure that there are by millions blogs running on the net.you have to choose blogs with high traffic , go visit them and post comments , contribute to the discussion and you will be surprised of the amount of visitors you will be having just from commenting on blog posts , and i'm not speaking about the generous Free backlinks !!All you need is to comment on some blogs on a daily basis , and you will be able to see your traffic growing.3- Forums and Answers websites:Answerin someone's question may help him out , but if will help you for sure!!Forums and answers website are a good place to generate traffic to your website ,you only need to find a time to answer 3 or 4 questions a day , and you will be able to see your traffic growing very soon.Following those free steps ,will only take around an hour a day from your precious time ,but at the end you will see that those FREE steps can generate you traffic more then any other methods or tactics! NB:please don't SPAM , visitors and webmasters hate spammers , and you will never improve your traffic for real with spam.*Internet is a good place for all of us ; keep it clean :P*

  11. Hi there , i'm going to expose 3 simple ways you can promote your website with them and make more money.
    First of all you need to create a website and run it , your website must have*or should have* a good content ,this content you will offer to your visitors and will make you money.
    The goal of the business longitivity is to have your visitors satisfied of the content of your website and coming back to see more !
    The amount of cash taht you will earn from your website is not static , so that you will need to diversify the cash sources on your website.for exemple if your are selling Php scripts on your website , so you are having some bad days , because not all your websites visitors will buy from you.
    i'm going to show you a simple methods to improve your earnings.
    let see:
    1-Making your product:
    If you are selling a product ; and lets take the example of Php script , so your product must be unique!even if you don't have the correct skills to code one , you can always buy a script with resell rights , then improve it with your own touch ,then sell it at a reasonable price *if you can sell it less the the original one , it will be amazing !!* , your final product*wich is a php script in our case* must be unique.but you don't want to make it your only source of revenue :angel:
    Advertising , and advertizers are every where , you will have a bad day just by thinking who is the best of them :P , but don't panic ; because you will always find someone who can suggest you the best of them here on Xisto .
    I will suggest you to use Google Adsense program , go there and register with them , create your ads then find the good places on your website where you are gonna put your ads , and remember that the ads must be visible , and dont put a lot of them on your pages because your website will have an ugly look ,and you will turn from advertising *wich is a good thing* into annoyance.
    Good targeted ads will result in a higher CTR *click through rates for the dummies* , and a good cash , so you will have your second source of revenue.
    but it's not all !
    3-Reselling other's products:
    Affilliate or the concept of selling other people's products is very famous on the internet , and i am sure that you will find a hundred people here on Xisto selling others stuff on their website , and generating a good income from it!
    Commission junction and clickbank or even allosponsor*for the french speaking persons like me* , are a good place to search in for affilliate products , you will have whatever you think about , from MP3 to scripts and programs or even services .
    You can join one of this networks and add only the programs and products affilliate links that complement your products , for example and lets go back to our first example ; if you are selling scripts , so you need to add other scripts affilliate links , not Mp3's or movies programs , because it has nothing to do with your primary product , and beware of using competetive products links !!!a related or complimentary scripts will give to your visitors the choice they need , so for example iif your selling a CMS script*forum or blog script* , you can sell easily a counter script or image upload script throught your affilliate link.

    To work hard a one product and try to improve it is a good thing , but you need to remember that after a year or more , prople will not be interested in your product , so you need to improve and change the products you are promoting from time to time , and work hard on them.
    i can remeber an arabic poete who said long time ago :

    Who want to go high , must not sleep !

    Hope i said enough ; wish you success

  12. ash-bash : you can do like i did before :angel:When my adsense account was closed , it was in 2008 , i just opened another account with my brothers details , you can open an account with your dad's details , and once the check's arrive , you will give him a part of the earnings and that's it!!If you don't want to change Adsense ;don't.

  13. I have never been a vectim of scam my self , but i'm receiving constantly emails *Nigerian scammers* that tells shitt, But once i wanted to laugh on them , so i contacted them back and said that i'm willing to pay them 5000 $ on their bank account in the middle of nowhere , and they sent me about 10 emails , saying that they'll transfert money for me ...and so so , at the end i sent them BAD WORDS *coz i do know bad words and in different languages :angel:*.I just wanted to say that scammers cant lie to brilliant or intelligent people , most of the time their victims are teenagers , or idiots or greeds :PInternet is full of scammers , so you need to be smarter !

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