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Posts posted by nirvaman

  1. Yeah , welcome marvin here on Xisto , you came to the right place if you were searching for a good forum where you can post quality posts to get a better quality webhosting or cheap domains.Hope we will learn from yu some designing tricks , and you do the same with the rest of us for whatever you need.Good luck

  2. Hi to all
    I'm sure that everybody in here knows that the key to gain traffic for a website is by learning some SEO strategies and try to apply them on the targeted website * in our case it will be mine *.
    All SEO trategies are good , and will attract visitors to your website , but searcjh engines , sometimes prefere one strategy more than another one.
    We are not going to talk about all the available strategies , because it will take all the boards mysql space ;) , instead we are going to speak about the more important one of them *or i think it is* ; mean THE LINKING STRATEGY .
    Let's learn some about that :
    You can link to other website via your website and it will be Outbound; , or
    You can acquire links pointing to your website via other websites and it will be Inbound .
    If you want to increase your website's traffic and or ranking you need to use one or all these linking strategies :<br>

    In order to understand this ,let's say that your website will be website 1 , my website will be website2 , and Xisto will be website 3

    Unidirectional Linking : website1 links to website 2.Reciprocal Linking : website 1 links to website 2 , and website 2 linkback to website 1.
    Multiple Website Linking : website 1 links to website 2 ,website 2 links to website 3 , and website 3 linkback to website 1.
    Directory Linking : submitting your website to a directory ( DMOZ for example ).
    If this looks easy to you , then you need to try doing it , it's the hardest work ever for a website owner

    Wait... before you start linking , you need to know these facts :
    Don't get too many links too fast ( for example 400 links a day ) risk of sandbox effect i'll try to write a topic about sandbox effect and how to avoid it
    Don't get backlinks from link farms ( link farms are the page designed to add reciprocal links ).
    Try to find a good website , with quality and relevent content , to link back to you (you don't need linkback from cooking website , if you have a computer website)
    Backlinks to your website must be done with an anchor text.
    Anchor text is the word or the phrase on your link ;for example
    <a href="https://xisto.com/ webhosting</a> ; where Quality webhosting is the anchor text
    Just here on Xisto ,you can grab hundreds of backlinks to your website , but to qualify for good backlinks , they must come from good ranked websites with relevent content !
    PS : remember that Links manipulation , can get you banned from google , or even sandboxed , so be carefull while you try to get backlinks .

  3. I just want to ask you a question jamesfx73 :If you are making all that money * and this is not a proof generated with a fake adsense screen generator * , why the hell do you want to share it with us?I suppose after making that amount of money , it will be enough for you , you don't need to scam people , and sell their e-mail adresses for some $ .Thanks for keeping the board clean.

  4. Hey Re-welcome jonnytracker ,and i think that you are working with a good safety method ,

    if someone was absent from the work area for more then 10 months ,we must do the induction for him

    , so welcome again , like you see , the domain name has changed , so if you have any questions --use the shoutbox ;)

  5. Hi Alexanderjhon , and welcome to Xisto , the ultimate place for newbies and advanced users to share knowledge .While you will learn from our TOS , take your time to reply to some new users or post some good topics , and you will earn mycents that you can swap for webhosting and domains.Good luck Alexanderjhon

  6. Hi Djwray , and welcome on Xisto , if you want a quality webhosting from Xisto - Web Hosting for free , so you knocked on the right door , here you can share your knowledge and learn with others while collecting the famous Mycents.Once you will earn enough mycents , swap them for a webhosting account.Good luck

  7. Hi paladint ; welcome on the Xisto , i know it's difficult to spell , but you will learn to spell it right after a day or two ;) , this is your place to share what you know with other members and learn from them , and don't rememeber to post good articles ; they'll pay for your webhosting.Good luck in collecting Mycents

  8. Yep , congratulation for the new website and domain.The new landing page is very good coded , with flah.....etc , but it takes a long time to load , about 2 minutes for me , so if you can think about making it lighter then that.But in general way , it's a good new website , i saw the members websites section with my website thumb but with no link , you can't click on my website thumb , but it's ok ;)

  9. Hey dude , you want advice about your relation with this girl ; leave her and go find a real Girl in your age and without children.You think she's falling in love with you , and you think you do , but it's just hormones !!You did speak about everything about that girl , but not about her children , if you will have a relationship with her , you need to take care of her children , are you capable to do so?You are still young *23 years* is a good place to start your life from , find a girl , fall in love , get married ..that's life dude live it like the others.

  10. Haha , i am laughing at the idea that someone who wants to host a warez board , wants a license for the CMS script!!If you want to host a warez hosting or warez linking board , then you don't need a licensed copy of a cms script *IPB , VB or whatever* .if you will find a webhosting service that allows warez , so the usage of nulled scripts is allowed there. just pick up one of the *nulled* versions , that your site will probably offer and install it , like that your website will be 100 percent illegal ;);)

  11. An advice for you demo100 , if you want to improve your knowledge very quickly , i suggest you to find some free web templates , you can find tons of them on the net , just use google.Then you will see how people coded it , and learn , you can of course use some advanced tools like adobe photoshop and dreamweaver , but since you are just learning , then you can use some free tools , and start modifying this templates , and you will learn more then you will do , if you stuck with the tutorials.Good luck

  12. Hi to allThis will be a good topic n since we all have a little story with some SCAM websites , so i want you to post those websites and your story with them , like that other people will learn from your experience. Let's go :-Bux.to :the scam system * i'll rate it n? 02 * i waited 2 months for the payment to be made , but it has been about 24 months now , and No payment were made .------>Bux.to is a REAL SCAM-eurobarre : I hate this , it made thousands of thousands of french people dreaming of being rich while surfing on the net .....*They forced people to download a toolbar -with a patch- so they can put ads on it , and once you see those ads or click on them they give you money *but they give nothing , nothing at all--------Eurobarre REAL SCAMIf someones knows more , come on and post it in here

  13. Thanks for reviewing my website

    And here i will answer your questions :

    How long does it take to complete a survey? -->depends on the number of points you are going to earn from the completed survey , but in general it will take arround 2 to 4 days , i'm not counting the bonus point (10points) and the referral points of 2 points for every memebr you bring to the system.

    Are the surveys only for American users? and Canadian?

    No you can find free surveys for all countries , but you are going to earn a few amount of points if you are not from USA, and europe.

    Show some testimonialsI don't have any testimonial yet.maybe you can try it and give me your testimonial .

    What script are you using to run your site? i cloned a vouchers website , and made some changes ;)

  14. Posted Image

    Hi again
    I know some webmasters who want to speed up their websites to rank on YSlow grade,if you are one of them , here's a script that will get you there easily!
    PHP Speedy is the best of all, this script compresses all files CSS / JavaScript into one and perform gzip compression necessary for saving time on download.
    To use it: nothing could be easier since it comes with an automatic installer.

    If you are a Wordpress user , then you can use the dedicated plugin.

    To test the results: just use Speed Page (Google) or YSlow (Yahoo), and feel free to compare!
    To download this script , go to : aciddrop.com/php-speedy/
    And if you like this script , feel free to thank me or post a review ;)

  15. Hi to all
    Me :what's Hotlinking?
    Wikepedia :

    Inline linking (also known as hotlinking, leeching, piggy-backing, direct linking, offsite image grabs) is the use of a linked object, often an image, from one site into a webpage belonging to a second site. The second site is said to have an inline link to the site where the object is located.

    So when you store an image on your server/webhosting account , and link to it on your webpage , and another *webmaster* come and link to your image from his webpage , without your permission , we say that he is hotlinking your images , and consumming your bandwidth *stealing it !* , but this will not be a problem , when the site who linked your images has not a good traffic , since it don't cost you more then few Mo 's , but the real peoblem is when a website with a huge traffic is linking your images and stealing your bandwidth !!
    So , what to do , and how to prevent it from happening?
    Here's the idea:
    You have to put this code , in your .htaccess file to avoid this kind of practice :
    # Disallow hotlinks# Licensed from direct accessRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! ^ $# Licensed from my domain (mydomain)RewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! ^ Http:// (www \.)?) (Mydomain \. Com / .* $ [NC]# Authorized translation from GoogleRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! Http://translate ^ \. Google \ ..* (www \.)?) (Mydomain \. Com .* $ [NC]# Permitted From the Google translationRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! Http://translate ^ \. Googleusercontent \ ..* (www \.)?) (Mydomain \. Com .* $ [NC]# Released for research images of GGRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! ^ Http:// .* \. Gstatic.com \ ..*/.*$ [CN]# Licensed from Google cacheRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! Http://64 ^ \ .233 \. (167 | 183) \ .104 .* $ [NC]RewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! Http://66 ^ \ .102 \ .9 \ .104 .* $ [NC]# Licensed from Google Image SearchRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! Http://images ^ \. Google \ ..*/.*$ [CN]# Licensed from Yahoo cacheRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! Http://72 ^ \ .30 \ .186 \ .56 .* $ [NC]RewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! Http://216 ^ \ .109 \. (117 | 125) \. (130 | 135) .* $ [NC]# Licensed from the Yahoo searchRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! ^ Http:// .* \. Search \. Yahoo \. Com / .* $ [NC]# Authorized translation from Yahoo and AltavistaRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! Http://babelfish ^ \. (Yahoo | altavista) \. Com / .* (www \.)?) (Mydomain \. Com .* $ [NC]# Licensed from MSN Image SearchRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! Http://search ^ \. Msn \ ..*/.*$ [CN]# Licensed from cache MSNRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! Http://cc ^ \. Msnscache \. Com / .* $ [NC]# Licensed from the Lycos searchRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! Http://vachercher ^ \. Lycos \. Com / .* $ [NC]# Released for Search AskRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! ^ Http:// .* \. Ask \. Com / .* $ [NC]# Released for Search GigablastRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! ^ Http:// .* \. Beta \. Gigablast \. Com / .* $ [NC]# Released for Search PicsearchRewriteCond% (HTTP_REFERER)! ^ Http:// .* \. Picsearch \ ..*/.*$ [CN]RewriteCond% (HTTP_USER_AGENT) "^ Googlebot [CN]RewriteCond% (HTTP_USER_AGENT) "^ Googlebot-Image [CN]RewriteCond% (HTTP_USER_AGENT) "^ Googlebot-Mobile [CN]RewriteCond% (HTTP_USER_AGENT)! MSNBot ^ [CN]RewriteCond% (HTTP_USER_AGENT)! ^ Slurp [NC]RewriteCond% (HTTP_USER_AGENT)! ^ Mediapartners-Google [CN]# Redirect to file nohotlink depending on the type of fileRewriteRule .* \. (Jpe? G | gif | bmp | png) $ http:// (destination-website) / hotlink. $ 1 [NC, R, L]

    Replace mydomain () with your domain extension and (destination-website) to a Free web space, rapidshare for example, or others it's your choice !
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