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Posts posted by nirvaman

  1. Thank's God i'm not using any antivirus !
    I think i heart about the same problem years ago , that happened with the free version of AVG , where users had to format their PC's after a malicious update , but AVG gave them free copies of AVG pro , i hoped if i downloaded that but i wasn't using antivirus at that time neither !

    Twitter is basically going nuts,

    This is going to be tweeted and retweeted billion times !

  2. Even if it is China , Google as a company doesn't have the right to blame a country! it should let the investigators do their job , and tell us who was behind that attack.

    And i don't think that China (government of China) leaded that attck , China is a great and big country it will not play with Google wich will remain a company whatever it will grow !

    I think who did that , if we assume that the attack came from china , was Chinese hackers , not all the Chinese people (arround 1 billion 300 millions people) and not the Chinese government because i think they have many other things to do then hacking Google !

    Quite frankly everyone should stop doing business with them since China doesn't want our businesses inside their crappy land.

    I hope oneday we can do that , but we won't , simply because that we need them and they don't , we need chinese to do things that we can't do! things that they do in such a good manner and for some bucks .

  3. so, i would be strict to my children and not allowed them to curse but all these things will teach them the opposite.

    Haha , you remind me of my mom , when she told me the first time she heart me cussing , that i must stop , if not she will tell my dad , and he's going to cutt my tongue ;):P I didn't learn to curse at home , but outside , so whatever you will do to prevent your children from cussing , it won't be enough since they will go out someday , and figure that on the street people curse and earth doesn't fall !

    I think that i grow up in a neighborhood where everybody's cussing , gangs , people stealing , doing all the bad things that exists , terror ...etc so i was like obliged to curse , if i don't i will probably explode !

  4. I talked to a friend about the subject of our discution here and he told me a weird story !It's a real story about a man , he actually works as a CEO in a great company in here , and he was married to a woman for about 20 years , they were living a perfect life .And one day , the police came to his house and took his wife away with them , he called his lawyer , went to the police station and found that it was a big case , his wife was implicated in a very big case !He searched with his lawyer to find the truth , and finally someone told him that his wife was a drug baron , the mafua of drugs of that town and believe me it was a big town!They told him that his wife was importing drugs even before she married him , and she continue doing it for the 20 years of their marriage !And the poor man thought that his wife was an angle......WOMEN are EVIL !

  5. 10,000 SMS a month ! i'm not judging you , but it's a lot even for someone at your age!I think i have sent about 20 messages in my entire life , or something , and i have received like 300 messages or so , but they all came from the mobile company , so i don't have the SMS culture but from the other hand , i can see that people like tramposch , have a great way of advertising.I don't know if you guys see it the way i do , but i think SMS messaging will be a good internet marketing method if used the right way !10,000 SMS! to 20 different persons , who will SMS another 400 different persons they know ......etc it's VIRAL ! if tramposch and his friends use this the right way , then i think nothing will equal it , not the email marketing. ..nothing !Think about it people

  6. Where do you live nirvaman?

    I live in Algeria , it's somewhere on the map , use google map or some.

    It's really cool that they Pay you to go to the university that's really cool that everybody can study.

    And yes it's totally free , and they pay you to go to the university.

    The public university that from the state is cheap not so cheaper either but a lot cheaper than the private universities.

    We don't have private universities in here , it's just the public universities!

    Wow I can't wait to go to the university to see how it is

    You will go , and you will have a lot of stories to tell us about it ;)

  7. and anwiii, we are a team now, if we are really evil, then you are in big trouble

    Hey girls , you are facing a team , and a huge team not like yours with 2 , we are a community , with a lot of blue men :D Blue men can warn you or even ban you :P if you don't agree with his thoughts !

    No seriously i don't agree with anwiii when he said that all women are bi , but for the rest i'm with him 100 % of the time !
    Women are evil , and they can't deny it , actually when they want to proove the opposite , like you wanted to do , so they approve that theory , see when anwiii talked to you , you find another woman and started talking about a team , maybe tomorrow you will be blackmailling him ; oh anwiii , that's the price that brave men pays for the truth !

    And the ugly women issue , i think that ugly women just need to accept themselfs , and admit that they are ugly , and don't abuse of makeups because it will make them more ugly ! :P , i'm not Brad pitt , and you don't see me putting makeups or pretending to be good looking !
    Women do want to aattract people arround , women want to be the universe center , like earth all planet turning arround it .
    I know some women who use to get mad , because i didn't look at them , or because i'm not interested in them ! (i was making a terrible success at that time ! ;) ).
    I think we are now living on earth because of a woman (eve) ,she wanted (Adam) to eat that apple ,and what after that ? here we are on earth because of a woman , and you keep saying women are not evil.
    Anyway , women are evil , and they know they are , they just can't admit it easily.

    I just remembered a joke , where 2 devils *a dad and his son* are flying , so the devil's son sees two women sitting quitly , so he told his father*the old devil* : dad you see those women , can we just go to them and make them fight each other ?and the old devil (dad) said : no kid don't ! don't if we go to them they will make us fight they are more evil then the devil !

  8. For me the best life is the university campus life.Why? i've tried it and i just can't forget about it , in my country we don't have to pay for the university , actually the government pays us to go to study (it's not a lot of cash , it was about 12 USD/month) , and we don't pay for the campus neither , so it was a good time for me and the best life i've ever had .It was just full of adventures , and stories , jokes ...etcHigh school life was Ok! but nothing equals the university life.I remember that in High school i use to have problems with teachers , with the principle ....but since everybody was facing the same problem soo i'm going to say that it was Ok!

  9. if you are a good webmaster and choose the correct niche(law,medicine,economy) then you can make 1k a day with google adsense

    Yep people really do make a huge profit from adsense , i remember one time when i read about a website that makes 300K from adsense per month!yes believe it or not it's a free local dating website (PlentyOfFish.com) you can check it if you want.So don't think that because you are not making that much , that people don't too !
    You just need to figure it out , then it will be your turn to make big cash (hope i'll do before you ;) ).

    And to amke that amount or more , you need to pick up your niche , to build your content and to advertise your website ( search engine don't click on your ads , but visitors do !).
    You need to find and apply all the SEO and internet marketing tricks that you can afford to improve your website traffic , more targeted traffic means more interested people and more clicks !

  10. 100 SMS a day !!!
    How many teenagers in USA ? If you love math , so with a simple calucalation you will find that Teen,agers are spending a lot of money , actually billions of dollars a year just to say something they actually could say better face-to-face !

    I think that this money can be spent on feeding people in africa , or to help building haiti ...etc not to say " hi , miss you" with an SMS !

    Society has come to a point where texts and tweets become our preferred mechanism of communication.

    I agree totally with deadmad ! we all are attached in some way in all this technology , and in that time we , or some of us , forget about the true value of emotions, of communication ; to say hi to a friend in person doesn't equal to send him an SMS with that word!To say I love you mom on mother's day , you need to do it in person and not with an SMS !

    Next we'll wear hats on our feet and hamburgers will eat people

    We'll wear hats on feets , i think that will be funny , but hamburgers eating us?! come on !

  11. Well, recently I've been in a long distance relationship for about 6 months over the internet with a girl I met online.

    I personnally don't believe in cyber love !I think that women are evil ( this is not me , but i've copied anwiii's words) , and out of control even when they are close to us , so what do you think about a women far away from you ? I still don't believe in cyberlove , it's a waste of time !

  12. News



    I think you all heart about Google's hacking , some people believed it , some didn't , but now we heart from Nytimes that hackers have taken control of a password system that controls all the google's web services.

    Ever since Google disclosed in January that Internet intruders had stolen information from its computers, the exact nature and extent of the theft has been a closely guarded company secret. But a person with direct knowledge of the investigation now says that the losses included one of Google?s crown jewels, a password system that controls access by millions of users worldwide to almost all of the company?s Web services, including e-mail and business applications

    And we thought that google was unbreakable?!!

    As i may understood from the news article , the intruders took advantage of a system password , sort of a master password for all the Google's web services such as Adsense ,adwords,gmail ,analytics ,docs ....etc.


    The problem is , what if these intruders took users passwords ? they said they didn't , but what if they did?!

    II remember that i've seen people saying they had their Adwords accounts hacked , in january , but i thought it may be different cases , but now i surely suspect that the intrusion was bigger then they officially said !


    The intruders do not appear to have stolen passwords of Gmail users, and the company quickly started making significant changes to the security of its networks after the intrusions. But the theft leaves open the possibility, however faint, that the intruders may find weaknesses that Google might not even be aware of, independent computer experts said.

    Intruders may find weaknesses , and if they did , then i will think again about my privat informations on the Google platform !

    When Google first announced the thefts, the company said it had evidence that the intrusions had come from China.The attacks have been traced to computers at two campuses in China, but investigators acknowledge that the true origin may have been concealed, a quintessential problem of cyberattacks.

    Why do Google put all the blame on China ? the first suspect if Google's have a problem is China !!


    What do you think about that ?

  13. Hi Kelli , and welcome to the Xisto forums.Looking for knowledge? then yeah , you came to the right place !Here you can exchange your knowledge with others and learn from them , and the best of all is that when you are sharing your knowledge by posting quality content on the various forums ; you will earn Mycents that you can swap for a quality webhosting plan , or a free domain , it's your Mycents -- it's your choice ;)Good luck and welcome again

  14. More girls on the forum , yupiiiiiii --I think we'll be able to start again that discussion about women ;)welcome on the trap -Xisto forums , feel free to ask whatever you think usefull for you or for the community!Try to post some good quality posts , you will see that you will be earning Mycents that you can swap for quality webhosting or domain names.Good luck and welcom again

  15. Very informative list, but I wonder: Why are people so preoccupied about mesothelioma?

    I think people who have mesothelioma and think that they had it at work or because of the exposure to asbestos , so the mesothelioma lawyers will give them the opportunity to suit the people in charge !and most of the time both lawyers and victimes get a lot of money , so they don't worry about giving away 50 $ for a click!

  16. They're giving up quality for speed. Not a very good trade, in my opinion.

    I think soo too ! we have seen a lot of good , or should i say great websites that loads quite slowly , but it not the webhosting problem i think,but it's because of the images and javascript.
    Css may take your speed down too, javascript,a lot of includes ....etc ,what Google want to see on the net according to this is website without css , javascript , images ....etc

    I think that Gmail is slow ,Google analytics code will slow your website if you put the code in it ; so is Gmail going to lost ranking because of this new speed signal.Are people going to continue using google analytics if they know for sure that it will slow their website and ruin their ranking ?

    A lot of questions needs answers , and till now i can't find it!

  17. Hi trappers ;)

    I don't know if i can post this kind of posts , but if it's against the TOS then simply don't approave it :P

    This is a post with a list of 100 top paying keywords for adsense ( updated list for 2010 ).
    You may say : what am i going to do with this stupid list ?
    Then i wwill say that this list contains the most profitable keywords when using adsense , so you have to be carefull because MFA(made for adsense) websites are banned by google adsense, so you need to pick a good keyword from the list , then you have to build your niche content with that keyword , this way your content will have a good keyword density , and your ads will be more pertinent.
    You can see on the list below , a keyword and a price , wich is actually the predicted CPC.
    Here's the list:

    1. Purchase Structured Settlements 53.48$2. Mesothelioma Lawyers San Diego 51.47$
    3. Secured Loan Calculator 51.35$
    4. Structured Settlement Investments 50.45$
    5. Endowment Selling 50.35$
    6. Mesothelioma Patients 50.23$
    7. Mesothelioma attorney san diego 50.07$
    8. Austin Texas dwi lawyers 50.03$
    9. New York Mesothelioma Lawyers 50.01$
    10. Phoenix dui lawyers 50.01$
    11. Secured Loans 50.01$
    12. Insurance Auto 50.00$
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  18. News

    Yep like you may heart , or read on the news article published on the google's official webmasters central blog ,Google added a new signal in the the search ranking , and it's website speed , they evaluate website speed for a web request .

    Adding this to the Google algorithm will not affect your ranking , as much as other signals , they actually said that less then 1% of the search queries are affected by this new signal , and this apply only on english queries on google.com , soo theorically it won't be a problem , but if you are willing to rank #1 for an english keyword , then you have to think again about your webhosting account ;)

    I think that a lot of websites will be affected by this change,i mean websites with a lot of images , flash coded websites *like Xisto homepage*....etc

    What do you think about that trappers?

  19. The news

    This news talks about a new Japaneese trojan virus "kenzero" that istalls itself on victims computers using Winny "the file sharing service" used by up to 200 million people arround the world !

    This new type of malware , infects the victims computer , then access his net history to publish it after that on a public website on the net !! wish it will end here , the virus after that offers to the victim a removal of his web history for a fee (about 10 Ł).

    About 5500 persons have been infected by "kenzero" till now , and counting , they say that the virus target people who download hantai games through P2P !
    So after stealing the victims web history data , the virus publishes it on a public website "registered to fictitious individual called Shoen Overns" ,then sends an email or opens a popup on the victim's computer to offer him a removal of his own "private" web history in exchange of paying 1500yen or 10Ł with credit card !

    It seem to me , that this worm , is doing more benefit for copyrighted materials owners ,then to the virus owner , or the gang as they supposed !
    If this trojan will use more file sharing services , like utorrent "i'll stop using it in case :P" , then it will be dramatic !!
    To see your personal web history removed from the website , you need to pay by credit card !!;) it make me laugh , and people will pay using the credit card?!! that way , it won't be only your personal web history wich will be published , but your credit card and financial informations too .

    Waiting for your reactions

  20. Well , well since you started this topic , then i'll have the pleasure of mentionning my point of view , let's start :

    well, "women are evil" is one of them. although you can substitute evil for female dog.

    Women are evil? yes , but not all of them , at least not my mom !! i would say that all women that i have seen or known are evil , and this is true , because they*women* will search for every possible manner to drive you crazy , they find that being a crazy man is a great thing since you have been crazy because of her !!

    "all women are bi". now this gets some interesting responses.

    Wow, wow i'm not gonna say that all women are bi , because they will say that all men are *person* !!I feel lucky since i have not seen or known a bi ,or lesbian woman till now . and i'm sure that if i'll know a lesbian woman , she will convert to be hetero when she will try me :P
    No , seriously , there may be a 1000 women in there who likes other woman or bi , but not all of them ! The pleasure that a woman will have with a man has no equal on earth .

    women who paint their toe nails are insecure

    Hmm , i would say that women who paint their toe nails are ugly !!Yes , if you see a pretty woman , you will discover that it's a natural beauty , they put a little of makeup , or without makeup !!
    But women who put a lot of mascara ; have ugly small eyes !!
    Women who put a lot of foundation ; have a lot of colored spots on their skins !!
    Women who put a lot of shadows on their nozes ; do have big big nozes !!
    Women who put a lot of perfume ; smells like shitt , or at least they smells themselfs badly !!

    That's my OWN point of view, so people who don't like my arguments , remember that , this is just a debate ;)
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