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  1. I have Gmail. I love the amount of space and how it keeps all your mail until such time as you delete it. I used to use yahoo and hotmail and then got invited to Gmail and I will never go back to the others.
  2. Hello everyone. Well me and a few friedns were last last night about Homophobia in todays society. And we all had a difference of opinon on it. I surpose that the best place to start is: What is Homophobia? It is a fear and hatred of people that are Gay, Lesbina, Bi-Sexual or Transgender. Homophobia does includes such things as predjuice, discrimination, violence and verbal abuse, plus there is more I just cant think of them off the top of my head at 5.20am. What are you opinons on Homophobia? Do you believe that it happens? Do you know anyone that is Homophobic, do you agree with their views if you do. I am not saying that everyone should tolerate the GLBT Community, but we are human also and deserve the same treatment and respect that straight people recieve. There is no difference between you and me just because I am gay. The only difference is that I am attracted to people of the same sex. I am doing a survey on Homophobia and with Moderators permission I will add the survery link at a later time once I have recieved approval or not. Thank you for your views on this topic.
  3. Well I can admit that I almost died when the doctors took my tonsils out. They cut something wrongs somewhere and I was told that I lost a lot of blood because of it and then my heart stopped ... you know what you do when doctors talk? Tune out and its like "Blah Blah Blah Blah"But I am alive and kicking and wont let anyone operate on me again for any reason what-so-ever :|Thank god Im still alive :| Im having too much fun with my boyfriend
  4. Ok ... well there is a couple of things that scare me ... some you might think is funny, but it doesn't matter. And there is even one in here tha will never happen so that is a good thing.1. Snakes2. Spiders3. Prof. Snape (from Harry Potter)4. Being in a car with my Grandmother (her driving is REAL BAD :| )
  5. Well now its time for a little bit of venting against my work.Ok, I am an Admin on a Chat Network (dont ask what one, cause I will not say ... I classify that as spamming and I am not into that). Well the Owner of the Network is always coming to me to do things for him. Its like he is not able to do these simple little tasks himself, which is right.You see today there was a room that was in Violation of our CoC and it had to be closed. But he wouldnt do it. Reason was he knew the person that opened it. BLAH ... I honestly dont care if you know the person or not. If the room needs to be closed then it should be closed by the fist person that sees it. Not run to someone else ... can you close this room .... BLAH BLAH BLAH ...Always asking how do I write this command ... can you write this command for me ... can you make this ... can you make that ... BLAH GET OFF YOUR BACKSIDE AND DO IT YOURSELF ... I dont mind helping out at all ... but come on when someone pages you to close a room at 2am in the morning when they can do it themselves ... its a little bit stupid if you ask me ... Oh well now I feel better ... thanks for letting me have a vent
  6. Well now you have hit a nerve with me ... not a good move at nearly 12.30AM when I have been having a REALLY BAD day. You are obviously a NON-Smoker ... YOUR CHOICE I am a Smoker - MY CHOICE No one is saying that you have to like smokers, if you dont like it dont hang around them ... plain and simple. NO-ONE is going to tell me that I cant smoke when I want ... DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE ADDICTED TO SOMETHING??? Obviously NOT!!! Yeah you got me annoyed big time here ...
  7. well that is a werid test of my insanity. I think because I cant answer that question then I must belong in a Mental Hospital .... j/kOh well, I have no idea. But I have heard there is a better instanity test out there somewhere. When I find it I will let ya all know where to find it.
  8. Current layout I dont like for the reason that you can hardly read the writing .. its not that good on the eyes ... I would give that a 6/10The one with index2.shtml is a lot better ... however I would still do some changes on the Font Color. Apart from that it good ... I would give this one a 9/10 ... removing one point for the color also, but nowhere near as bad as the current design.
  9. If you are using a "legit" serial number then contact the place that you bought the program ... but as you said that you are using the Trial Version, it appears to me that you are attempting to enter someone elses Serial Code ... And I wont help with trying to Hack / Serial / Reg Codes /Key Gens ... Sorry Bud ... I just dont personally believe in that.
  10. I must say that this is so much faster then it used to be. Even though it doesnt look as good as the last one ... at least it is loading faster for us that always seem to be here ... Thanx to the Admins and Moderators for doing this and making Xisto a better place for you and us.
  11. My Favourite 3 Movies and Why is actually quite hard to think of. I know the first two straight off the top of my head.1st - TitanicThis movie is a tragic tale that makes me weep and I love it to death.2nd - Ladder 49Sad, Touching movie that effects me everytime I watch it3rd - Home Alone SeriesThese movies help me to have a good laugh with the gadgets that are used to attack the robbers. It makes me laugh everytime.
  12. The only problem that I actually see with this sig is the wording .... its not really clear and visible. I woujld give this a 7.5/10
  13. In all honesty here I do not believe in "Life After Death" ... Im not a religious person, nor have I ever been. I surpose I have a good reason for that though ... People say that the "God" they talk about doesnt believe in someone being "Gay" ... well I cant change that ... they always go on about "God Loves Everyone" ... Yeah Right!!!If there was a God that Loved Everyone, then there would not be all this heartache and pain in the world today. Also he would accept people for what they are ... no matter what ... and according to people he doesnt do that ... so what type of a person is he?So no I dont believe in Life After Death ... well considering when I die I am going to be burnt and have my ashes spread over the ocean from a helicopter ... that is gonna be so kool one day
  14. Well you know what I really hate? I have smoked since I was 11 years old. And I am addicted to it ... do I wish I could Stop? You bet I do ... then why haven't I?Addictions are hard to break. I have tried Gum, Patches and even Medication and it doesn't work. Oh I so wish that they would find something to actually stop the withdrawls ... that would make things so much easier ... stop wasting all this money on advertisments to scare people and put the money into actually solving the best way to help a Smoker QUIT!!!
  15. Hi, I need some help in creating an Area on my Site to have Visotrs to Register to join certain areas of the site. They can create their own username and password.How can I do this for my site? Thanks in advance for your assistance in this thread
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