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Everything posted by Ariel

  1. my mouse has 5 buttons, so if i didn't install the drivers those 2 buttons don't work. You download the latest driver for the page of manufacturer?? try this...
  2. Hi people, somebody knows a card to connect cable tv and dont cost much??any page?? prices??Thanks!!!
  3. Congratulations!!! its good and i liked that!!!
  4. Ariel

    Need Free Ftp Client

    i prefeer ws_ftp, i think its simply and good!
  5. outlook works for e-mailing?? i mean, i want to send one mail for one person in one list copy in excel, i can do it with outlook??
  6. Thanks to people that create this games!!!!im crazy with call of duty now!!!
  7. Ariel

    Divx to VCD

    Thanks guys!!! i try to probe with adobe premier
  8. Thanks Shackman!!! (and other people) You really help me!!!Its true, i not yet into the world of digital cameras, now i exploring the web to get more information. u$s 15?? i want to go to singapore!!! in argentine the prices are too high, u$s 7 aprox cost the film for the other cameras!!! (not digital).Thanks for the help!!!
  9. i want a simply camera, only for takes photos for fun or fur put into pages, etc, but i want a camera that take no little pictures and have a display to view this.
  10. Ariel

    Call Of Duty

    People, i install the game and play it!!! goooooood gameeee!!! i love it.
  11. Intel, Amd its good to for my opinion, but intel is best. The price say everithing.
  12. Congratulations!!! good site and good work (with all says) with the flash!Time of work??
  13. I use AVG because its free and have updates.Where i can download Kaspersky??
  14. Hi, i want to buy a digital camera for my pc. What you reccomend in a price accesible??I like the sony cibershot?? do you have any to reccomend??Thanks!!!
  15. Im too old in relation you! 26 i have
  16. I have a bird...pichy and is a canario.
  17. Good Contribution!!!!Thanksssss!!! I can put this form in my page??thanks again
  18. I agree with zip, both are two distint software, but 3d is more complex that photoshop, i prefer photoshop for editing images.
  19. I love GTA vice city!!!i Think is a game that its to play play and play!!!
  20. Pretty Good Error pages, its original!!! i try to do something like this, but, i put no much things.
  21. What antivirus you use?? some free?? What is the besto for you???
  22. Ariel

    Divx to VCD

    i use Nero 6, but look in http://www.mundodivx.com/ and you find other programs.
  23. Ariel

    Divx to VCD

    i open this topic to all put our opinions and experience to copy divx to vcd (if you like).I have a question about this: how i do to paste the subtitles into a movie for see in dvd?? i have a way but its too slow to do. Anyone knows some kind to do this??Thanks!!!
  24. Good Movie!!! i saw this in weekend and really good!Reccomend to view!
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