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Status Updates posted by karanv

  1. Best lines- "I'll stay close to u.. till my presence doesn't hurt u.. I'll stay back silently away from u, once I feel that my presence irritates u.."

  2. Books can only teach you what is known, life experiences teach you principles to cope with the unknown

  3. brilliant minds are busy solving their life's problems, small minds are busy looking into other people's lives, you know where u stand don't u???

    1. chini13


      im different...i don't see problems as problems :P

  4. Definition of Human Being: A creature that cuts trees,makes paper & writes "Save Trees" on the same paper...

    1. web_designer
    2. anwiii


      i think i will never EVER write "save the trees" on a piece of paper. that would just be WRONG! :)

  5. HI i am new to this site so i don't know much about it. So just checking how this website works.

  6. mom always said if you cant say anything nice don't say anything at all. And people wonder why I am so quiet!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mandla


      is it cause u a mute?



      Surely it cant be because you never learnt any nice words lol

    3. web_designer


      well, i won't take you seriously or i will thinks that you can't speak nicely to others...

    4. karanv


      @anwii hey u r right it was just a joke.

  7. There are 70 ways to please a women 1 is shopping the rest is 69 !!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. anwiii


      you're lucky wd doesn't get this joke :)

    3. web_designer



      i thought it is a quote or something like that...hmmm

    4. anwiii
  8. When life seems difficult, (P.U.S.H) Pray Until Something Happens!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deadmad7
    3. Baniboy


      If you're so worthless that you don't bother to solve your problems and pray instead, I think you should J.O.B (Jump off a building)

    4. anwiii
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