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Everything posted by bsdpowa

  1. May I ask more about the payment? Do your employees have full-time job or do you pay by translated pages?
  2. What the hell are you talking about? I'm sorry but I don't understand a bit of what you're trying to do. A shell is like a communication tool between the user and an operating system core, something like MS-DOS is in Windows.The thing about the shell is that it's more used on Linux than it is in Windows because Windows has an integrated desktop system and the OS cannot exist witout the GUI but Linux can.Desktops come on many flavours in Linux and are not neccessary for the proper OS functioning and besides Linux is nativly multiuser platform that's why Windows users are so interested in so-called shells.You can rent a shell anywhere since there are so many providers on the net or you can ask a friend who rund any *nix system to give you one.Now, what server are you talking about?
  3. Yes, that's what most websites do.You work your *bottom* off like a negro for the whole month and then they make up some stupid excuse and shutdown your account.At least I have experienced that with MANY easy-money games and left broke at the end.Don't waste your time on that, get a real job or at least use your brain and make money the smart way, if you know what I mean .Second, if you advertise websites like that please write something about it.Tell us your experiences.
  4. My thoughts are that you are wrong.How many programs do you use that were made by individualists? Windows is "made" by a company, Office is "made" by a company, Photoshop is "made" by a company, Half-Life is "made" by a company...but we still have viruses and worms.What's up with that? The main problem is the operating system (Windows) is mainstream and the perfect solution to this is Open Source.So, shortly, if you don't want viruses, switch to *nix.
  5. Reply to:First thing: THEY CAN! COMPUTERS HAVE SERIAL NUMBERS AND PRINTERS LEAVE INVISIBLE WATERMARKS!Third thing: Not only the police can track your phone if you do have a secret adress, phone.Organized crime groups use the latest technology and some have the same equipment as the police forces.
  6. I know of two forums related to C++ with over 50,000members.Codeguru and Daniweb.I don't post links because I don't want to spam.Use Google.
  7. Hello, I'm not sure what kind of courses are you interested in since you didn't specify anything but I can suggest ExpertRating.You can read more at their webpage http://www.expertrating.com/.
  8. Maybe you could get involved into physics and cosmology, science in general.I'm very much interested in science and I would love to do researches in many branches of science but I don't have time since I'm too busy with other school projects.Have you ever thought of doing this kind of research? Maybe you could go for quantum mechanics and do a little research of the string theory aka M-Theory.It's very interesting and you could only benefit from it.Or you could go for biology or chemistry.There are lots of things to observe and to research in biology and it's fun too.You could observe animals and their behaviour or you could choose microbiology and observe to naked eye invisible creatures.On the other hand, you could do a little research on psionics or psychics abilities.There are many branches of psychics so you would not be bored at all.Meet people on forums that specialize in telekinesis and write something about it.Out of body experiences are interesting too.It's your choice.Then again, you could do some informatics related stuff.Do a research about internet and its users or games and people who play games and how they affect them or write about the endless growing technology of computers.Computers and Informatics is one big group of science so I'm pretty sure you would found something that would interest you.If you are from Europe you could write about the latest European Basketball Championship and its turnovers or do a research about how people are crazy on football (soccer) .Anyway, there are endless possibilities and things you could write about.The question is, what are interested in?
  9. I also tried and I had some problems with compilation of the tools necessary to make the LFS :/.
  10. The thing is not about his RAM but the customers RAM.Not everyone can afford 1Gb of RAM just to be able to run a specific program.That size of an array is heavily not recommended because it may eat all of your RAM and process time so your computer may hang-up.Why do you need 10,000,000 anyway? Is a field of 10,000,000 elements even possible? What are you trying to do? Tell us a little bit more.
  11. I use my computer for many things.Actually I cannot imagine my day without a computer.I use my PC for home work and entertainment, like reading mails, browsing the web, playing games and I use my laptop as my workstation, school, programming, graphic design, website creation...
  12. Can you present the Uzbekistan law clinic politics a little bit more? Tell us something more about it, how it works and stuff.
  13. I voted for "Other" since I don't live in USA and our political system doesn't divide into two main parties, but we have many and plenty of them .
  14. Yeah! Candy ownz! I like all kinds of candies as well but I don't spend alot of money on them because, it's just a waste of money :/.I liek candybars the most, Snickers, Mars, Bounty, Twix are my favourite but these days I also eat alot of Mono(?) chocolate bars.Then, I like gummies! You know, like those coca-cola bottle shaped gummy candies, and those little bears and everything that looks like gum .I also like a GOOD chocolate, Milka is my favourite but can eat all kinds except those with razines, yuck!, I also like Praline, mmm, expensive but goooooood.Emm, what else? Don't know really, ANYTHING that looks like candy .
  15. Exactly what I wanted to say.You could use that information and make some $$$ with it.Dude, use common sense! Do you really think anyone else would be so kind and remove your privat data if he would found your computer and take it home? Na-aaah! "Don't do others what you wouldn't like others to do to you" - that is BS in my opinion.If people would stick to that there wouldn't be wars, hunger, murders...today.Do whatever it takes in order to survive, because we know only one law on Earth, the law of jungle, strongest survives.OK, I've gone too far now but what I want to say is that you should use wisely what you get because you may never get second opportunity.
  16. I would suggest reading books in english and using english in everyday life.It helps improve your english skills by talking to people over some chat software or better yet, using microphone over the MSN or something or if you can afford a trip to US, that's the best thing to really learn english.If you would like to improve your grammar I would strongly suggest reading books in english, like I did, like Hamlet , books by Jules Verne or something.
  17. Hello,is anyone here interested in space science? I'm talking about ALL things related to space, I'm just crazy about it.Do you know of any good book about space theories? Do you know where to get the best telescope for personal use? Do you have any theories of your own? I've read on a man's website about history of the galaxy and some parts are really funny but claims to be 100% sure about it.He talks how we were higher force but had to take human form in order to bla bla blu ble.And how Soviet aircraft got shot down by aliens (I think he was reffering to Sirius when approaching Mars.So, tell me, what type of space science are you interested in?
  18. That website is old as a Bible , you should try totse.com.Besides interesting texts you have big community forum discussions going on there.
  19. hmpargi, can you tell us something more about that service? How does it work, how is the payment arranged and so on.Give su more details since there are tons of make-easy-money services out there and everyone claims his one is the best.And yeah, no refferal links .
  20. You ask "what windows do you have" and then you add Suse and Slackware to the poll?!?! I use XP Pro to suit my uni and bussiness needs.
  21. Mine comes from the Berkley operating system (BSD) and the world power.I want to tell everyobe how BSD is powerfull .
  22. It's impossible to do it with three lines.
  23. I would go for Visual Studio 6 and .NET, I would go crazy without it.Emm, Firefox and Microsoft Office.I use these three software packages every day and I would be lost without them.
  24. Yeah, Indiana Jones is one hellofa addictive game! I like good adventures with good stories and Indiana Jones collection is sure one of them.I like the game because it has interesting story with plenty of unexpected things in leves, which are huge.In one word, excellent!
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