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Everything posted by mayank

  1. Well, can anyone tell me how I can release the add-on domain name.....I tried my level best..but it is not showing me any add-on domain now :lol:Hey OpaQue can you please release the domain youself.....if you can I'll be greatful.
  2. I've recently changed my host from Xisto to Xisto - Web Hosting and I wanted to setup my second domain name which is mayankgupta.com also But, when i try to add the domain name in this account......it gives the following error : but, I've already changed the nameserver address from Xisto to Xisto - Web Hosting's nameserver. Even though I've changed the nameserver...and I've not been able to host my files on the new server....I am able to see mayankgupta.com without any problems. Please release mayanakgupta.com from the Xisto.com server so, that I can set it up on the Xisto - Web Hosting server.
  3. While going through Xisto.com network I noticed that Xisto corp has got two domains related to Google. 1. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 2. http://www.googlade.com/ Now, this is scary for Xisto as according to Google's Trademark Guidelines anyone can't twist the word Google and make another domain or product.... This is taken from their guidelines page : So, I think that it will create problem and nothing else for xisto corporation. Google can easily pay lots and lots of money to their lawyers. OpaQue my suggestion is that do'nt partk the domains to any website...or redirect it. Simply, take it down because.......(you yourself are intelligent )
  4. That is an awesome news that xisto networks has acquired another comapny. I am sure that xisto will grow much more than what it is at this point of time. OpaQue is doing exteremly good job in the field of free as well as paid hosting...Keep up the good work buddy.
  5. well, I've been using Google analytics for my blogs and I think it is the best of the lot. Most of the big sites and blogs use google analytics as it provides very detailed information about the visitors behaviour.Not just about refferers or search engine keywords..but from where they belong too....and that too they'll provide you with the city of the visitors.
  6. well, it seems that the server is down at this point of time and I will request everyone to please be patient. I am sure it will be up soon. That is the spirit guyz. Bad things happen and if we are getting free service we must be happy that we are getting it for free and we must appreciate and make it popular. -------Update----- The server has come up again. Both my sites are working. So, with in minutes of my reply..the server is up again
  7. well, it is bad that the way these file sharing services are reducing the download limit. Rapidshare has also reduced the limit and asks people to wait after they download one or two files. It is getting worse everyday but the fact remains the same that they are giving us free services only to attrack people for their premium services and for that they'll apply these kind of restrictions.However, they can take other steps apart from these restrictions and allow people to donwload stuff. Atleast they must mention it somewhere on their websites, like angel has mentioned about filelodge and fileden..where they say that the limit of download is 500 mb
  8. well, in orkut the possibility of changing the layout is not present.However that is a good option because just because of these layout stuff....many people are abusing myspace...as there have been cases where people's computer got infected from spywares.So, myspace is not the best option for connecting...although it is the most popular one.Angel the best way is give it some time.....invite few of your friends and in turn they'll invite some....and this way people will shift from myspace to orkut. Use the word Google...i mean tell your friends that it is an awesome place and is owned by Google and all such stuff and attract them :DSearch for your school, workplace's name in the communities and you'll find some of your friends over there as well
  9. invitation sent angel!orkut is a much better place to be than other social networking sites.
  10. I am not sure about having RSS for wapsites at all. However, I know a service which gives you the facility to convert an RSS into a wap site. the site which gives the facility of RSS->WAP is http://www.wmaker.com/ I hope that it helps you...although it is not even near to your problem..but may help in future
  11. Well, great for the community and great thing that now the report function is working again. This is a request to everyone that in case you find a spam post..Please use the REPORT BUTTON :)I wish that we could get the centralized reports but that will be ok for some time..I'm sure that with all the hard work OpaQue is putting in Xisto and Xisto that no one will be able to even come near to this great service
  12. well, I am certainly not a customer of globat.comI'd heard a good review of the service but now I think that this is aweful to charge someone when the person had not asked for the product. It is like....you have to buy it...no matter you like it or not!
  13. Yes, it is indeed a good freeware application.It supports all the possible compression formats. Yes, having rar in that belt is also good, because we actually needed a free software for that.However, the interface of the program is not at all good. It is so dull and can be difficult to use in starting. Winrar has a better interface than this.
  14. Well, if we talk about IM's I simply use almost all of them and then use a multi-IM like trillian or use meebo.com for chat.When it comes to VOIP...i use Gtalk because it has clear voice and is much better in that deptt. from yahoo. There is simple rule...you ask for a major IM and I've got it..so no matter which network you are...I'll follow you
  15. ha ha! nice suggestion. But alas, we can't do it. Anyway, I hope that things pointed out by pleno will be clear, but in case you have any problem..feel free to post again and we'll try to solve your problem
  16. yes, that is how it works. It can find the pictures from around the web and then create a 3d enviornment of all those pictures.I am sure it will work without the web feature as well...but will need many pictures of the same location.Another live lab product, which will be incororated in photosynth is called SEA DRAGONit is a product which can drive you nuts....because it's hard to understand what is it's function...but if you look at the tour of photosynth and sea dragon..you will come to know what exactly SEA DRAGON will do!Atleast, I won't take pain to explain the software...he he
  17. Well, I'll ask you simple thing....why will hacker leave all the other sites..when he knows that he can take control over the whole server! Server was never hacked!
  18. Well, personally I even feel so and I am glad that we have members like you and there is a quite number of members who want this community to grow..I am glad that we have such member which are hard to find anywhere else
  19. Welcome hitesh to the forum! Well, a nice Introduction from you and I am sure that you'll turn out to be one of the good members. As far as starting of the website is concerned then I will suggest you to start a weblog instead because they are loved by search engines as they get constantly updated. And you can use any topic to start with...it really depends on the taste. https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=blogger&passive=1209600&continue= http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/='>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/= http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ will be good to start with and you can book domain name from http://www.netfirms.com/ for around $4/year. I am an Indian as my name suggests and infact the owner of the website is also an Indian his handle is OpaQue and there are many others..like mama soap and many more...
  20. I know I am replying after a long time to the plenoptic's post and the reason for that is due to time shortage, I normally come to the forum and look for the posts which are not following the rules and I fix them and I go quickly without making posts :)Anyway, as you said plenoptic that you made some short posts here and there but that is fine with moderators or infact members considering the fact that you have contributed well always, we don't expect you to write essays everytime you make a post, we just want a post which atleast has a bit in it to be worth something.And as both of you pointed out that you are finding it difficult to use search engine, then let me tell you how I use the search feature :If at all, I find a news, software, update which I think that forum needs then I simply make the search about that particular thing...lets assume that GMail got update with chat....then I'll simply look around first in the proper place and if I dont find it then I make use of search feature to make sure that the topic doesnt exist. I simply use the keywords like "Gmail Updates chat" (sans quotes).This will most likely bring the right post or related post and If I get a related post then I simply make a reply else I make a new post. Over here too we are not saying that you have to be really specific, if at all you think that the post you are about to make will be different then the existing related posts then go ahead and make a new post!
  21. Well, we'll look into the matter and lets see what comes out after I'll discuss it with other mods and admins. we respect security of the information of the users. Yes, as other members said that it can be definitely blocked, but Mjay06, page can't be deleted, however we'll try to find out the alternate to that.
  22. Excellent tutorial mich!I think small introductions dont have much to say and a detailed introduction gives a little idea about the person which helps in making a better community.
  23. I appreciate your contribution in the forum and thanks for providing such nice link, however there are certain things which need to be followed and they are RULES. Please make sure that in future providing a link will not help, you'll need to contribute with some words.And pleno as far this site is concerned, it is not site by one person, I'd used this site around 5-6 years back, when I was new to the internet.As far this website is concerned, it provides some really cool templates, buttons and other stuff and any webmaster will certainly find great inspiration from this website. However, they are good for those extra graphics rich websites only, a clean neat website lover will find things less interesting over there.
  24. Well, as Plenoptic has mentioned that the credits reset to 2 after you get the hosting and it is also mentioned in the rules or Xisto readme.This is done to basically make sure that a user becomes active and not like getting the credits to somewhat around 100 and then get the hosting and then disappear for rest of the days. The reason behind this is that a user gets credits faster when he/she is not hosted.
  25. Well, they will not be able to put a ban on the site, if you host the site on your own space. However, more information can be read at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/5194172.stm Well, you can always use anonymouse.org to access any blocked website
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