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Posts posted by wild20

  1. You will have to wait about a month until a mod lowers it. Read the board rules next time and you won't have anything to worry about. Post in the right areas. Make sure you don't copy and paste, which is very serious here, and don't sopam or use language. Then you will be fine. Make some good quailty posts to show that you are doing better. Because they do look at your posts when they lower it to see if it should be lowered or not.

  2. Has anyone heard of a thing called BRAINS! You have a nice sized one actually, it should still be up there in your head unless of course you turned it off, or your friend did. Teenagers, kids, whatever you want to call them, are stupid. How do I know? I AM one! And I see the terribilly stupid things taht kids do. They go out, smoke, drink, crash their cars, sometimes kill people, and who knows what else. We should learn to use our brains. God gave aus one you know.Now you face jail, being expelled, and it may even stay on your track record the rest of your life. Which means you may not get a decent job. Have you heard of Burger King? They get about 7 dollars an hour. And barely scratch out a living. Come on, use some sense next time.

  3. Ah ha! I see. I thought we were on a discussion of whether or not The Ten Commandments were a means to be judged be. Fine then, I can take this side of the table.Omission? We are back to that again? There are very few sins of omission, but you have failed to show me any anyway. The Ten commandments literally cover all the sins we could commit, and if it doesn't, they are mentioned elsewhere in the Bible. That is why I am saying to you that if say the Bible is accurate for seeking what is good and what is bad, then it must be devine and inspired by God. Everything is covered in there. It is the Instructions for us. Check it out yourself. Read Romans, Matthew, Jesus actually lists out in His life, the way to live. If we followed Jesus' example, the world would be perfect. Can you deny this? I doubt you can. And the point is, He kept the Ten commandments perfectly!And might I add a few things? Muslims do not believe the Ten commandments. They have their own set of books and scrolls. Jews are like us, they are the first people of God, but they do not believe in Jesus. This is where they have gone wrong. they only believe the first half of the Bible. Whereas we believe all of it. They keep the old law, that was nailed to the cross with Jesus. This was Moses' law. A set of ordinances. Just some reminders.You say that you agree that you cannot rely on Human "nature" alone. So what do you rely on then? You must rely on something otehr than the human race. Is it monkeys then? Or maybe fish? You can't go by them, you can't go by us, you have to rely on a devine power that actually knows what is right and wrong. Someone who has had thousands of years of experience. I don't agree with using human nature at all. However, I find taht your list to Truefusion is actually quite accurate, so long as you are using the Word of God as your guide. But I do find one problem.You are trying to basically conform to everyone. I don't think it is possible. One person may say, I believe that it is okay to just take a penny someone dropped, and otherws will say a hundred dollar bill. Neither of these people are going to like the Ten Commandments. But if you take that out, you then lose your whole moral structure. I find it dangerous and believe that if you are going to have a moral standard, you should make sure it will insure the safety of everyone, which is what the Ten commandments do.

  4. I think the point is, is that this computer is custom. I actually got a price list on all this stuff, he isn't making more than a few hundred dollars. And a lot of time goes into a custom. With the stuff being pout on, it looks like it will cost around $1600-$1800 US dollars to do this. And the price can be adjusted to make him a decent profit while at the same time saving you from work. Just my opinion.

  5. :angry: Nice post Morosophes, but it really doesn't cut it. Are you even a Christian? Sure the Ten commandments are just a set of laws, but they are divine. You are basically calling God a liar by saying we don't need to obey Him. Read John 14:15.Omission? There is no problem with it. It doesn't really take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Besides, the Bible states to be kind to one another, if you have two of something, share one. If you can't do something, you can do the opposite. And I think we all know that. You are taking this to the extreme, something that is entirely not needed.If you go by human nature alone, you will fall and be lost. You can't serve two masters, just like you can't go your way and God's. You follow Him, (and his Commandments) or you don't and follow your own. You can use the two together, but your belief must never contradict God's Commandments. Adultery? Yeah sure go ahead, but you will be sinning according to the Ten commandments. Do you think it mentions adultery in the bible for nothing? I don't think so.

  6. Hmm. I think it seems like a fair price, but I don't know what you are getting the parts for. If you got them around $1500, I wouldn't take more than a $250 profit, if that. But like I said, it all depends on the price you get the parts for. For the time it takes to put a computer together, which is about 2 hours with software and everything, a $100 dollars an hour seems pretty fair. You won't get a lot of people buying these anyway, so naturally you will want a higher profit for your work. Overall? I would rate this computer 8/10, since it is quality, and the price is a moderately fair deal all around. Good luck to you!

  7. No problems. Just edit your post using the edit button, once you have clicked it, use quick edit. Remove the referal on you sig to and your set to go. I know, it stinks, but rules are rules.Hey thanks for the site though, I didn't know this was here. I will have to go and try it out. I have never used a rewards program so I don't know if I am missing anything. But if your friend got an ipod Nanao, it must. thanks.

  8. My opinion? No offense to you anwiii, but drinkers, are generally losers who abuse children, women, and everyone else around them. Strong opinion? Yes. I know several drinkers. Both are/were great guys. You can drink, but be safe with it. I don't agree with it anyway. So I don't drink. What do you do? For one, you can stop going to parties. But that won't do sometimes. So you get on the eoffense. You don't need to be on the defense all the time. When they say, hey, want a drink? You can say, no. And have them laugh in your face. Or you can get a little more up close and personal. Look 'em in the eye and make it clear that "Drinking is for losers, I like my brains thanks". You may lose some friends, but I know that most of the time, they will lay off, and respect you more highly. You need to be firm though. If they laugh at you, just laugh with them. Just say, " Yeah we all got our preferences. Me? I would rather have pop, but don't let that stop you from having your drink". Then change the topic to something like school, if you are in it, or something else. People change their attitudes quickly, likely they will forget it. If they are giving you a huge problem, then get firm and tell them in their face you are not going to drink. Just a suggestion. I have never dealt with drinking, but I know from experience it works in other situations.

  9. Truefusion:You have this covered 100%. But I want to add my opinion, so I will :angry: I believe there is a God for several reasons. I think that the evidence is way to supportive (*see topic entitled evidence for God). I also believe that Jesus died for us. There are historical records of everything in the Bible after the Bible was written. I think that no one would sit around and write thousands of names down in the Bible for fun.I think God is there. Like I said, the Bible had the facts before we did. Such as scientific facts, and historical facts. As a matter of facts, some historians actually use the bible is they don't believe in it because it verifies other historical facts. Does it mean the historical facts were there first? No. That is my point. A catastrophic flood was recorded in many ancient civilizations, but the Bible recorded it before they did.How did I find Christ? I was raised a Christian, but hadn't accepted Him. Then I made the decision to be baptized. I didn't want to, I told the Lord He had to make the Pastor ask me. The next day he did. I was stunned, and refused, told Him, make him ask me again, sure enough, he asked again, again I told the Pastor no. Did the same thing to God, told Him, one more time. I am sure I was testing God's patience, but sure enough, the Pastor asked again, I accepted, and I am glad I did. It was amazing to see God work like that. I think it is different with different people. You may do the same thing, and god says, fine, don't be baptized, and leaves you alone, other, like me, He said, I choose to show you my power, and my might. The experience was life changing.

  10. Ahem? Did I force you to join in the discussion? I don't think so. That illustration is the best one ever. Why? Because I did not force you to join in, you did on your OWN FREE WILL. The same works with God. He doesn't force you, but He gives you a chance. It may have been a radio station airing an evangelistic series, a television show that asked people to come to God and believe in Him as their Lord and God. It may have even been at church, but the point is, He gave you a chance, He is giving you another right here as we speak. You have to accept it though. It is between you and God.You mentioned you are not atheist, but not religious. Which are you? There is actually no middle ground. You believe in God, or you don't. If you believe Aliens created you, then you don't believe in God. But seriously, the risk is great. There is no cost to follow God except His commandments, but rather, you would risk hell instead. Why? I would love for you to answer that for me. I am not preaching at you, but in Christ, I found something that nothing else could replace. It was amazing. The experience watching Him work is amazing. I displayed the facts back a few pages. You can accept it or not, the choice, is yours.

  11. Zythrix:Ah, but you are wrong in one point. In every climate in the world, we have at least one of these three basic natural sources. If you don't have hydro or sun, you have wind. If you don't have wind or hydro, you have sun, and most cases wind too. Wind is always abundant.These new technological advances are great, but they are not going to develop fast enough to do any good for a time, so we need something now. Energy star is great for homes running off-grid too. I just think that as a start, we should use natural forces. Once we have that, start working on new technology and see if we can find something better. Just my opinion of course.

  12. You think SM? I don't agree with this forum name. You have just lowered both your reputation, and your standards, and I can say that it is very unprofessional. If you want us to keep the forum rules, then don't break them guys. C'mon. Family friendly. Remeber? I think we have gotten some good input AGAINST this forum. If you think about it, why even have rules? Are you willing to risk your reputation for a forum with profanity in it? That is the question to be asking here.

  13. Hey you guys are taking off without me :angry: Okay. Check this out guys.Sandeep:First of all, I think you are biting off more then you can chew. Want a deeper hypothetical situation? What if you couldn't stand someone, so you went out and raped someone else. Now would that be okay? No. Let us say you were not happy, does it give you grounds to cheat? No. Relationships can ALWAYS be worked out. That is the beauty is God's love, and ours too for that matter. Remember that the Bible says that when we get married, we shall be joined in one flesh. Something that is suppose to be strong and last forever.Heavensounds:You are getting into to deep stuff :angry: Let me clarify this in my opinion. I think we need to look into the Bible for some answers. We will start with the story of Rahab. Remember she was the one that saved the spies of Joshua. She hid them and I am sure lied about their whereabouts too. Was it right? Let us look at the ten commandments. I believe it doesn't say don't lie, it says do not bear false witness. The same thing? Why yes, except for the usage. It says against your neighbor. Does this mean to your parents too? Who is your neighbor? This was a question that was asked by some people. I think everyone is you neighbor. What does this have to do with lying? You should not lie. To save someones life, I believe is more of a favor. But the Bible has some answers. It says to obey authorities that are godly. Is the US government godly? Maybe not as much as they should be, but they give the freedom to worship God, which in part carries out His command to worship Him. What about hitler? He did not carry out God's command. This means that you should not have obeyed him. Killing however is something that is inexcusable. Only God gave permission to kill, and only He can. Lying is something atht is curcumstancsial depending on what it does. Saving someones life is imortant, if you said where they were, I beliueve you would have a part in their murder.

  14. I am preparing to write an article on this guys. But I have already written one in the debates section about if the Bible is true or not. I think you will find it very interesting.nustadventist:Are you an Adventist? I am just looking at your username. I am a Seventh Day Adventist. So naturally I wonder if there was another on. Anyway, I think Christianity is a r3eal religion. There is none other like it. I can say that all the others are alike. They have multiple gods, and worship them in a way that Christianity does not.As far as the Bible. People say it is actually a hoax written over time by copycatters. I beg to differ. Look at the genealogy of some of the books. Are people going to say that someone spent their whole life thinking up names top put in a book? No! The book is real, so are the people in it that were written, and therefore, the Bible is true. That is using the law of deduction I might add. If, then. :angry:

  15. truefusion, you hit the nail on the head.sandeep:Don't you see, when you break god's commandments, you hurt someone. Why do you think they were put there? They are not a set of rules, they are a set of commandments, given to us by God out of love for us. If you break one, you actually hurt someone. Even more so if you are married. It hurts their feelings. sure it may not hurt you, but you are not the only one to think about here either.

  16. OpaQue:Your idea is good, but lights should not be turned off completely, this uses extra energy to get the current running again. They key? During the day, the lights dim to a point where you cannot see the light, but the current still runs, nut needed the extra energy to start it up again.gaea:There you have it gaea. That is what I am talking about. Clearly you are WAY ahead of me, and the time period you are in :) Thanks for clearing that up. Where did you get this info? It is amazing. I didn't know that those cells were so far ahead of others. Eight hundred times more power?! Crazy dude! That would be very effective. The government should look into this. Not that they would listen anyway. They would rather burn up are resources,..literally.

  17. I am so tired of power outages. When you live anywhere near trees, it happens, so I wild20, have an idea, the very first one in this forum as a matter of fact. I have always been interested in off grid power supplies, I even researched it. I think we should be switching to off grid power supplies. For several reasons. You see, it forces people to use more wildlife friendly sources, and makes it easier, a whole new business on maintenance too. cities will still run using the power companies, but homes will run off of other stuff.Power supplies vary but include, power cells, like they use for cars, wind, and water, but more likely solar panels. On the roof, solar panels can easily power a large house. I battery bank will be stored in the basement or garage and allow the house to run for three days during bad weather with no problems. However, in order to increase this length without sun, power usage will be cut and monitored by the owner, using a small panel that cuts and controls power to different parts of the home. You never want to cut the power, because it uses a lot to run it again, but in rooms such as bedrooms, power can be cut down to one outlet.The appliances will also need to change, energy star will be good, but more efficient ways should be sought after. I would go to use more economic washers and dryers that use less power by using more efficient energy converters, such as low power motors utilizing differently built gears. Dishwashers are nice, but use to much power. We should switch to something that runs with less time and less power. commercial runs run with less time, but use power like no tomorrow. That would have to change as well.Basically, my grand idea is make life easier by not having so much power. Switch to power that won't make you have to call the electric company whenever the power is out, you control it your self. What do you guys think?

  18. Whoa whoa! Don't awitch diets without your vet's consult. If you do, you may make the matter worse. You summed it up pretty well Mich, but grass will be eaten before it throws up. If the dog throws up, don't let it eat grass again, it will throw up again, so don't let it eat grass again. Just clean up the mess, and then wait. If it throws up again, or is acting strangely, take it into a vet. My dogs vomit all the time, but that is because the are out and get into stuff like grass and weeds. You got me, because I don't know. But the vomit an average of once a month. Sometimes they just eat too much to fast. Not to worry.

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