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Posts posted by wild20

  1. I tried, but it didn't work. None of them want to provide you code. I will wait until there is someone who knows. I really need it though. I found one that was cgi-bin/something I don't know what it was though. I need to know what goes in the process code. I know you make a form, and set the value to get, but then there is the form action part. You know, the part like process.php that runs the whole works. That isn't working and I am not getting any happier :blink: At least the Bible will be up though.

  2. I am looking to put a whole Bible on my site, don't worry about copyrights, I already have all that. It will be put into my site book by book. My problem? I need a form that will only search the /Bible part of my database. I need an html form, and then a php code that can be put into just ONE file but that will display a search page afterward. If you could help me out here, I would greatly appreciate it since I will need this in order for it to work. The goal is simple, have an html form, that will lead to a search of my entire inneed.mxweb.co.uk/bible database without searching anything else, but when you get the results, it will display it on another page that will be, say,...results.php. And then I would like to know if I have to save that results page as a php or html file, it will be displaying the results of the search. does anyone know if this is even possible or if it can be done? I know, complicated. Thanks.

  3. It is just a forum, nothing wrong with that, although usually sites that are just forum don't get that much traffic. Real sites will have a main page, to invite people in. A good site will also tell what they offer, what they are about, etc. It is just my opinion. I like a site that has a nice homepage and is informative in what it offers, I never put just a forum attached to a domain because I think it looks bad. But then again, I am just stating my opinion.

  4. Hey there. I like your site, nice design, and neat and orderly. too many Mamba open source sites look like a truck ran through them. That is, people that don't know how to use them. Your site is great. May I suggest a few things though? You need forms on your site. You are working only with email. And although there is nothing wrong with that, it does discourage people from sending their feedback. I use form builders that pre make the php processing code. So I would try that. Ballotbox.com also offers free pools that you can put on your site for your polls, turning in extra feedback. Also, if you can, newsletters are a great way to get listed. There are some newsletter directories out there, and you could join and list your newsletter, getting you more traffic. Just some suggestions.

  5. What can't I stand? Hmm, well I think we all need to be a little more tolerable in life, but in general, I odn't like people that steal, or take stuff that isn't theirs. Which includes taking stuf from a website without asking, etc. I also don't like certain foods, if that qualifies. I am genrally more tolerable than most people. It is best to take your time, and be flexible. Too many hot headed teens and even adults out there make life very hard on themselves. Just my opinion.

  6. I am a christian. I run a ministry site. You know, bringing people to Christ. I am opening a newsletter, online Bible, and bible studies. As well as religious articles, and a new collection of "Reflections" daily thoughts on my top contributor that she writes. It is good stuff.God has blessed my site and I am thankful ti Him for that. Slowly I am making it up. Eventually I would like to start a 501 © non-profit organization and start holding evangelistic meetings. It all depends on how the site goes. Cheers!

  7. So do I. I take photographs with my digital camera. hotographs create a permanent way to remember lved ones, r other people or events. I prefer color photographs. Although some likeblack and white photographs. It al depends on taste. You make make quite a bit of money taking photographs and selling them to various companies. I debated on wheter I should sell photographs, but decided againstit. You know, I would prefer to keep mine.

  8. I want o be a Wildlife Biologist, Research Biologist. On he side I do/would like to do Ministry and evangelism work. I also currently freelance write. So I get paid to write informative articles Which fits me since I am on tap17. It takes a good writer to do this though. But I find it cool. You are you own boss, but then again, you are put under Self Employed under the IRS, so you can only make $400 a year without having to pay taxes, which isn't had to make. :lol: Oh well.

  9. Oh man! Another goes. We never pay attention to members until they decide to leave! Hey I wish you the bet in your walk in life, and hope and pray that you will be succesful in your doings. Thanks for being a great member and if you have time to come back every once in a while, please do! It would be great to see you again. Please take care! The world isn't all it should be. Not that you are any safer here at Trap, just you know, we keep in touch then. Now we can't. Take care.

  10. That happened to me, and the dog killed it. Wasn't good. sorry to hear about that. Just keep waiting. He should come out, but I would put any predatory animals away, or you might find your hamster after all. The sunflowers seeds should work. Just be patient and wait. Oh, and please keep us updated. Thanks!

  11. Yeah sure great, now we will have all these offenders using it to spy in womens windows or hide it in a house. It shouldn't be for common public unless a background check it mandatory and a lisence is required to own one. But the technology around it is really cool. I would get it and hide it next to those rat holes by my coop. Look out rats!

  12. Us? We are celebrating communion. We have an Agape feast, a dinner of fruits and a basic diet. Then partake of communion, you know, wash each others feet, drink the wine (grape juice), and eat the bread. It is a special and sacred time to remember Christ's death for us. We will be leaving pretty soon to go do that.Some people despise the foot washing, but I think you need to remember that the greatest man who ever lived, God's own son, washed the feet of some of the lowest in the Earth. I will see you all later. Have a blessed Easter guys.

  13. :lol: Hey Mxweb. You should be a salemen. :lol: I know for a fact that Mxweb and Xlrhost are great. I never have any downtime at all with this guy. *whispers* Xisto is great, but it hasdowntime every once in a while. I would rsather go with something that is always up. *end whisper* Am I a traitor? Maybe, but I doubt it, I just shop around for hosting. I have multiple websites. Xisto has a great forum, Mxweb has great uptime. You pick and choose, or do it my way, choose both :lol:

  14. Yes I am sorry Morosophos, I meant we can take the rest of the Bible in a literal way too. Yeah the Ten Commandments say nothing bout what happens if you don't do anything, but the rest of the Bible does. My argument is this. It is not possible to rely only on human "nature", or behavior really, alone. You will stumble and fall then. You can rely only on the Bible though, because in the vitals areas such s what not and what to do, it is very clear. And no one can say otherwise. When it says do not steal, it says do not steal. When it says do not lie, you don't lie. When someones life is at stake? You can do one of two things, tell the person that will cause the person to die, and either trust that God will intervene on their part, and that His will is done, or, lie, save the person's life. But there is a Bible story to go along as guidance here. It says in the Bible that if a government is lawful and bringing righteousness to the land, you should obey them, because they are of God. But what about ones who don't? You still have to obey, but not what goes against the Bible. In the story of Rahab, she saved two spies lives when they were stuck in the City of Jericho. And God did not hold it against her. We can learn from this. Anything in life has a answer in the Bible.Yes human "nature" is used to an extent in judging and acting upon things and decisions in the Bible. God is not the author of evil. You said that He created human nature. Yes He did, but it was changed when we sinned. We are not robots. You have to believe on your own. You still have moral decision making skills even if you are not saved, but most of the time, the other part, evil, rules over the right. Sometimes unbelievers make kind decisions, and this is an excellent example. But when we believe in God, He gives us a little of that original nature back to us. It is this nature that allows us to make the right decisions. This is what I want to follow. My point is you have to use human judgement very sparingly, and use the Bible liberally. You should never rely on your judgement alone.As to your response my my analogy, I would like to use a small hypothetical situation. We wanted to make the Earth prefect and without sin. How would we do it? What standard would we conform to? You will have to adhere to one law. What will it be? I am not saying it is impossible for the human race to adhere to one moral standard, I am saying it won't happen if we don't do two things. Stop and follow the Bible, and accept God into our lives, our creator. Why? If you follow the Bible without god, you won't be able to do it. I promise you that. Why? Because there is no reason to. No incentive. God is our incentive. We follow Him because we recognize Him as our creator. He created us. And because it says to follow His commandments, we do. The whole Bible is a moral standard to live by. But back to our situation. How would you rid a whole world of sin? Like you said, we need a moral standard, we need an incentive, but we also need to know what moral standard. Mormons believe in multiple wives, which leads to unfaithfulness anyway. So not that. Others promote domination of the whole world by their religions, which can't happen, because that is force. You need everyone to accept this FREEWILL. so we have Christianity. It doesn't believe in killing, promotion of it's religion above God, or above the whole world. It promotes goodness and righteousness. Where does all this,..peace come from though? That is the beauty of it all. It comes from God, and the Bible. A moral standard by which we can follow, and be perfect, if it was followed exactly. There you have it.

  15. He shouldn't have done it the point. Hacking is not good at all, unless the proper authorities ask you to hack for security reasons or in a sting operation. You could make matters worse or even give someone else who is bad a leading edge. Sure, now we know the computers are not safe, and so does everyone else. What is my point? If you suspect a problem, bring it to two places. The government and the media. If it is on the media, you know the government will take action to help it out. Maybe. It all depends on how you approach it.

  16. I don't think that Love has any of these qualities. Sure there is nothing wrong with being protective over say, your spouse, but we are talking one to one here. Real love isn't selfish. And it is forgiving. That is perfect love. You are talking about cupboard love. It gives and gives as long as there is a string attached. Real love isn't like that. God's love has no strings attached. That is the perfect love. Get what I am saying? Love doesn't have qualities of evil. If it does it isn't real love. that is all I am saying. Just trying to make a point.

  17. In general, Motorolas are great. But their reception often stinks. A tip, the more technology, the more things that could go wrong. Simple is better. Unless you want to go all out. I don't know any specific brands. If you are looking for something that is fashionable, than don't look at a motorola, Nokia would be better for that. Motorola doesn't get the best signal either. Sony is usually good, but I heard they are cheap. I would talk to a dealer. If you get someone more concerned about your choice, which is rare, you can get a quality phone. the easiest way? Shop around! Good luck.

  18. Is there one I can implement into the place I put the Iframe code? PHp is great, but after JC05's and my episode with the form, I think I should give it a rest for a while. I just need something quick like an attribute that says something like borders="no" Or Borders="invisible"Would something like that work? Oh, and are we suppose to be putting these in quotes. I noticed you didn't, but then again, you are a mod.

  19. Took lessons way back there. Remember very little though. I know how, and can do it well for hours. It is a favorite sport of mine, although I don't get out enough to do it. there are those public pools that always have some unknown thing swimming in them. Or there is a private pool which costs a fortune to out in. The thuird option? Alpine swimming. If you are camping or way out, that is cool.

  20. Jaylin:Easy there. We should not be insulting people. Here is what perfect love is. It is uncodnitional. It isn't shelfish, it isn't prideful. It is self-sacrifice. It is something you will be willing to do anything for. What is a potrait of perfect love? I can give it to you in one simple story. I will give you two examples. There was a father and he took his son out for a walk one day. They were walking in some mountains on a trail. However, a bear lunged out of a bush toward them. It grabbed the boy, and started to drag him away. The father grabbed his son and beating on the bear ggot it to let go. He told his son to run, which he did. Later that day, the authorities found the dad. He sacrificed himself for his son. That is the potrait of perfect, unconditional love. Is the story true? Yes. A parellel it may be, Jesus saw His childrensuffering and dying down here. What did He do? He came down here, and died for all of us. for you, for me. And he did it knowing what was going to happen to him. It was an act that rejected all selfishness and pride. There is the perfect axample of love. In a single story. Provided by a single man. That is, Jesus the Christ.

  21. Heavensounds:Wow quite the topic this became. I need to stay on more. anyway. Let me tell you what God is. He is the device creator of all of us. Where is He? Well if you are talking about literally, then in heaven. However, in a spiritual sense, God, when we invite Him into our lives, is in every one of us. god isn't good, He is righteous, and there is a difference. Sure we all have good in us, but none of us is righteous to the point of without sin. If we were, than we would be God. The point is, God created us. We failed Him. He gave us free will and His love and we through it down the drain. Now you have a lot of people don't even believe in God. But He is still there. You may not believe. But does that change anything? No. My point? Something created us, and the entire universe. And it wasn't a big bang, or some bogus evolutionary theory. It was someone that was smart enough to give us all brains, a system more complicated than any programming language or computer any day, and than give us the free will to prove He is fair in giving us a chance to dis obey.

  22. So I have this sidebar right? It is a basic sidebar for a lot of pages, and I need to be able to change one file for the whole thing. My solution? Iframes. The problem? I need it to be the same as my background on the sidebar. I can do that on my main file. That isn't my problem. can someone please give me the attribute for making no border? So it looks like part of the page. For instance. Look at the shout box. In the input field, there is a border around it. If you turned the input field to green, it would still show that border around it. I don't want that. I want the border around it to be invisible. Can someone help me out with that?

  23. You guys are seriously confusing me. Truefusion, a girl? I thought your were a guy, or the other way around. Or something. You want to clarify things a bit?And your irthday is in December? Cool. I know some people with December birthdays. Ahem, but um, what day in december is it? Anyway, happy belated, or early, Birthday :angry:

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