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Posts posted by Zagubadu?

  1. I have been looking at DAO for some time but i cant work out what type of game it is!
    Is it a third person RTS type game whereby you select your character, or party members, then click an area and they move there, or click an action and they carry it out (sort of like age of empires, C&C etc...) or is it more of a third person action-RPG more like world of warcraft whereby you control your main character and click action bars and buttons and then issue commands to the party through another interface?

    If it is like an RTS then I will give it a miss, but if it is more like a traditional RPG then id be interested.

    That's the thing its both of those. Sure you can do the over head view with the boring clicking as you watch your guy move. Or you can use WASD movement to move your party member you've selected as your other members follow. Yes you can do both views I believe they are trying to appeal to both RTS fans and RPG fans. So in a way yes its a traditional RPG if you choose for it to be so. :) Which is why I love it so much. When things get a bit clustered and you have enemies far away so sometimes you have to pick that view if only for a moment to make your party attack different people. So basically the guy you have selected it does play like WoW its kind of hard to explain. Imagine playing World of Warcraft having a part of four, but you can control all the members of the team. Or you can choose to just play your character and set up tactics for the others. Tactics are like lets say you have a Mage class you can make it so when someone falls below 75% health you cast Heal on them. Sort of like FF Gambits because I don't remember which FF but one of them that was on the Ps2. This game is insanely fun I just wish I had a better computer. Lets say if you buy this game I highly doubt you'll be disappointed. Hope this kind of clears things up its a very rare playing style game so its harder to explain and I can't really compare it to anything else because its one of a kind in my book.

  2. Hello, I'm sure you've all heard of the game Dragon Age Origins. I gotta say this is one of those games that you can really see yourself playing for a while. It reminds me of Final Fantasy except while I'm playing it I'm actually having fun. Yea Im not a FF fan ( FFF? ). But I am a fan of this game. Its fun, has an interesting story line, oh and above all has something most games now a days don't have, its hard as hell. Maybe its just hard for me but I figure if I'm getting owned at the normal difficulty even more experienced players must be having trouble with the higher difficulties. Anyways it has a unique playing style where you can ( Now don't think litterally ) play it turn-based. Now if you don't know what that is well its where you take turns attacking eachother ( Pokemon style :D ) but its not that. What I mean by this is that you can sort of pause the game go over your party and make each player do a certain thing. I don't do this a lot I give them orders as we fight and I think thats what my problem is with this game. So the story goes after a period of time these creatures called the Dark Spawn attack this city. They've defeated the Dark Spawn seven times before, but this time something went wrong ( Not going to spoil it for those wanting to play ) so basically *BLEEP* hits the fan. You start off the game very similair to oblivion where you pick a race and make a character. Then later in the game you start to pick up party members and its just really fun. I Was suprised when I could play this game because my computer isn't all that good. My current specs if you guys are interested in this and want to get a rough idea of what you need to run it at LOW settings. ( Its one of those games where even the low settings look really nice and after a while of playing you don't even notice the graphics because the game is so BA! )Windows XP Professional 64 bit ( Service Pack 2 )Intel Celeron CPU 3.33GHz ( I know its bad thinking about getting a new one soon this is the only weak point in running this game on higher settings I beleive )2GB of RAMOverall I would rate this game a 9.5 because it plays nice is a really fun game, has a crazy and interesting story line, and above all doesn't require a really good computer to play BUT still somehow looks really nice on my piece of crap PC. :)

  3. Yea anwii I strongly disagree with what you have to say to me. First of all I don't want everyone smoking it. Heck I don't want anyone smoking it. Why would I want to cause more attention to it. Anyways its besides the point what I wanted to say up there in that wall of text was this. It doesn't matter if you think its not harmful, addicting, or bad at all! The main point is that its illegal. I wish all the people I knew who smoke pot could feel what I felt that day. Sure it may not be all that bad and also there are worse things out there SOME in which are legal, but the main point is pot is illegal so unless you feel like going to jail for what is basically nothing just don't do it. Seriously it felt silly and stupid getting arrested over what lots of people believe to be nothing. What I believe to be nothing. It just doesn't matter what anyone thinks of it because if you live in the U.S. its illegal and will be that way forever. Lots of people think and say oh one day it will be legalized. Well its not going to happen. Its going to go as far as Medical Marijuana which I think is fantastic. The reason for this is treatments for cancer and lots of other diseases leave you without an appetite. If you don't eat you can get sicker and eating is very important if your dying thats obvious. Without certain nutrients and a healthy appetite it can get worse and it can be harder to recover. Pot brings back your appetite so I think thats good that its helping people. So I hate people who think pot should be completely illegal. Sort of off topic here. :)

  4. Yea so this is kind of an interesting experience. I never thought something like this could even happen to someone like me. It seemed like something that should be on TV except on a huger scale. But still it relates. I posted a topic a while ago about how I got caught with a little bit of weed at school. All though they didn't actually get the evidence ( Weed ) apparently someone had already snitched and thats all they needed on me and my friend who sold it to me. I got rid of it before they searched me by giving it to another one of my friends named Vinny. So I got suspended anyways and it was this big thing and I was going to have to go to drug counselling even though I believe there are people out there who really needed it. I think drug counseling is wasted on people who don't have a problem. I know thats the first step admitting you have a problem. I think smoking weed once a month is not a problem. Anyways back to the story so he brought it with him back to his house and called me saying he would bring it tomorrow. He kept saying excuse after excuse about how he didn't have it up until Thursday afternoon when he called me saying he would leave it under a dumpster behind a store near our school. At this point I'm the most suspicious person in the world. I knew something was wrong. That maybe he had just lost it or decided to keep it to himself or something like that. Because at that day in school I didn't just give him the joint I also gave him my bowl, and three lighters which were in a cardboard case. So its Friday and school just ended I'm walking too where it is and I start feeling bad and all antsy. I just feel like somethings wrong but I didn't know what. So I get it from under the dumpster and start walking towards school to catch the bus and all of a sudden I hear someone hollering at me. I turn around too see some guy who turned out to be a undercover detective. So I was five feet on school grounds with something illegal. I haven't heard if I'm expelled or not but if I am its like wow the difference in that could have been a few feet. I've never been handcuffed before or arrested so it was weird. So there I am standing there like what the hell as some guy is running at me like I was just about to start running. He says come over here. At that point I knew what was going on. So I was taken to the Police Dept. in cuffs. Oh but of course he had to talk to the principal at my school so I had to walk through the school cuffed and looking like an idiot. Which I knew he really didn't have to talk to him he just wanted to do that to be an *bottom*. There I am getting finger printed, picture taken, and searched. When I found out he was a cop I had a pretty good idea of what happened. Some how my friend Vinny got caught with it. ( I originally thought it was the school who caught him ) But it was actually his mom who found it and she called the cops. Over a joint which is ridiculous. So they set up this whole operation where they were going to get me to take possession of it again. I've also never been interrogated before which was also pretty ridiculous. Kept asking questions where have you been getting it, where do they live, where do they keep it? He said me not answering questions would put me in Long Creek which is a Juvenile Detention Center. So I've figured by now I've ruined an entire family by telling them where I've bought it from. He kept saying they would do the same to you. They're not your real friends. You have no friends. It was all really annoying. I told him I don't think smoking weed is a problem, I also don't think it should be illiegal. If its illegal cigaretts and alcohol should also. I'm not going to smoke anymore because its not worth this. Being high is not worth going to jail for. Its just the whole drug counselling thing being expelled from school its going to really suck. How are they supposed to help someone like me in drug counselling when I don't need it and am over drugs? Weeds not like crack you don't get withdrawals, you don't crave it, and I don't believe you need drug counseling for it. Can anyone tell me what counselling is like? I'm going to try and have fun with it which sounds silly but I plan on telling here what I think of pot. I'm a very strong willed person and stubborn too so if they get me out of there thinking pot is bad and Blah Blah Blah well they would be dreaming.

  5. Hello everyone I've recently decided to drop Windows 7. Its great and all I just find theres too many complications with a bunch of different program compatibility issues and I just don't want to deal with it anymore. This isn't a try and convince me to keep Windows 7 thread. I'm happily done with it. So I'll be switching back to good old Windows Xp. Now my question is and believe me I've been looking around but can't seem to find a simple way to do this. What I want to do is change my OS but at the same time keep certain files that I don't feel like losing. Its a pretty big amount about thirty GBs. I don't have a External HD or freakishly large USB drive. So does anyone here know what a free and easy way of backing up my files and taking them with me to the land of Windows Xp?

  6. I don't intend to bash you or make you feel bad. But I will speak my mind on this matter. First I would like to say I've never believed anything unless there is lots of facts to back it up or I've witnessed it myself. Now everything in this story sounded about right. I believe that people can have short disorders which makes them like this. A kind of schizophrenia or something along those lines. The whole flying business I think is an outright lie. I've never seen anything out worldly like that. The closest thing I've come to a weird experience like you explain is a dream. A dream that felt like it was killing me. I'll refer to the Matrix which sounds funny but here me out. That movie made me realize that everything we feel, touch, smell and taste is all in our head. It may seems as if its your finger thats hurting when you prick your finger but actually your brain is just telling you somethings happened. So after I had these experiences it started to scare me. I realized what had happened and the fact it actually could have killed me because of an episode of 1000 ways to die I saw. This woman was killed in here sleep while having a bad dream which caused her not to breath or something like that. So I've had it happen to me a few times where I was sleeping and all of a sudden it felt as if I couldn't breath so I would freak out and try to move to find I couldn't move at all. So I would try and shake my self awake until finally succeeding and awaking. I found myself to be out of breath and I was very much afraid. This has happened like three times before. It makes me think that you can have such a bad dream that you can actually stop breathing. Because things feel so real in dreams. I felt as if something evil was holding me down. Now I don't believe in the whole god and devil thing so all I can think of it is that you can be scared to death. :) I think either your lying about this whole thing. Or you thought your story wasn't good enough so you added the whole levitating thing. I think maybe you have some kind of disorder. There are lots of disorders out there that make it seem as if things are talking to you. My aunt turned here thermostat all the way down and almost killed here self by freezing to death. When asked why the hell she did it. She replied that "they" told her too do it. See "they" "them" "him" "it" I believe its all just a mental disorder. I'll never believe the levitating part of your story not even in a million years. Sorry.

  7. When someone new comes to Xisto I welcome them and IF no one else has posted a link to the TOS and other rules I will. Simply because too many people skip over the TOS. Which isn't as bad as other ten paged paragraph after paragraph TOS. Most will just skip over this no matter how long it is. But the rules here are enforced and I hate to see people banned. Someone was just recently banned from the Shout Box because of spamming. I bet if he read the rules he wouldn't have. Because people love this service and how you can get free hosting in a week with a .com domain. So I will continue to post the TOS and rules because I think its important to keep members here and to keep them following the rules.

  8. agubadu, I have disconnected the heatsink from on my CPU (on my PC) and the CPU chip seems, feels and looks fine. There's absolutely no markings on it of where it could have fried or even melted. The CPU seems to be in good condition. I read on overclock.net that if I took out the CMOS battery and put it back in, it'd reset to factory settings..should I try this?

    Yes definitely do it. All that battery does is keep your bios setting and your clock time. Also the website I was one when they over clocked it they did not double the speed as thats not practical. You can only overclock a little bit. Like 3.33GHz to maybe if your lucky 3.66GHz. I don't think its possible to make it double. So just take out the small battery on your motherboard and this should fix your problem.

  9. Ok I've just found out that over clocking can be a bit dangerous depending on the CPU's speed, and type. In some cases it can just slow your computer down a bit, but in other cases it can fry your cpu leaving it useless and broken for good. I believe this may have happen as you cannot even start it up properly. Still I'd try and look for other options before buying a new CPU.

  10. Yea I know this may not be big thinkers but Stephen King's books were always some of my favorites. They all seemed to have a message that you only got at the end of the book. Some of those messages I apply to every day life now. :) Maybe to expand your mind you should pick up one of the classics, The Dictionary. :D Nah just try a book that you like that also is a bit challenging for you to read. That way it teaches you stuff as you stay interested.

  11. Is there any way to set up a computer so that it runs games faster. I don't know if you guys know what Can You Run It is so if you don't I'll explain. CYRI is a online program you use to see if you can run computer games on your current system specs. It will say something like required ram 2GB PASS. Same thing with video card specs and CPU. I got a perfect score on Border Lands. So this should mean that I can run the games with the setting maxed out, right? No. I have tried with max settings and it lags like crazy. I can run this game with some setting low and some medium. I am using Windows 7. So is the problem that my video cards resources are being taken up by Windows 7? Is the system scan incorrect? It also says that I have a perfect score for MW2 I highly doubt thats possible. So is there any way to optimize my system with certain settings or anything? My system is already cleaned once a week. ( Registry errors, Defrag, and other stuff ) Does anyone know whats up?

  12. Yes unfortunately there are not enough donations to feed everyone thats been hurt by the tragic event. Really things have already gotten that bad? We really need more people donating. There is a chance to donate at every lunch at my school right now. Lots of kids don't do it. I'm going to admit that I don't do it either. I don't get a lot of lunch money so I think its normal. Other kids spending loads of money on junk food and other stuff they don't need they should be the ones donating.

  13. DotA is considered a RTS just to let ya know. :D Yes I enjoyed playing DotA a lot but found after recently upgrading my system I can't be bothered with games like that. Not saying its a bad game because its actually very good if its all your system can really handle. I liked the fact that it was a game that needed team work. A lot of games these days one person can carry the whole team. One person carrying the whole team means that the other team fed. Which means they just basically are not very good at the game and gave him lots of kills. I also like the fact that you can upgrade weapons into even more powerful items. The skills though are definitely the best thing going for th game. There are very few skills from the normal warcraft game in DotA. All of the rest are custom made. Also they are a ton of fun to use. Also a lot of them require a lot of skill in order to be used effectively. It's not just click spell click target. Some of them you have to aim. Others you have to time just right or they are rendered useless. Do you play on east? Pm me maybe we can play some time. I'll be a bit rusty though. :)

  14. A 2 GB single stick will perform faster than the 2.5 that you are going to put up. There are two simple reasons. Firstly , You'll clock won't be 800 it'll be only 533 . Secondly, I don't know why but even when people put up 1+1 GB it performs slower than a single 2 GB. That's what I have noticed. So I'll say you stick with a single 2 GB. If you plan to upgrade in future buy another 2 GB and put it. oh, and You won't see more than 3 GB in a 32 bit system. So unless u plan upgrading on a 64 bit OS stick to 2 GB
    Hope this helps :)

    Yea my mobo can handle 4GB of Ram and I have a 64 bit system. So its all good. Yea and I should make sure that 2GB stick is the same as the other one right?

  15. The maximum memory that my mobo can handle is 4 gigs. Its also a 64 bit OS so thats good. So i the long run what will work better talking performance. Two GB with the higher speed? Or 2.5 GB of slower speeds? I mean the fact that there is another half GB shouldn't that still make it better regardless of the speeds? Lets say this is going to work for my computer is it better then just using the 2 GB stick?

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