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Posts posted by Zagubadu?

  1. Oh my god.....

    If u read forums why u didn't saw my post about Xbox emulator for PC?

    All that you need to play Xbox games on PC is fast PC/Emulator/and image of Xbox DVD :D


    Information about Xbox emulator you can find here:



    By the way it's the first link which google gives you on request: "xbox emulator"


    Also you can dl xbox games using bittorrent :)


    Good Luck in your research :(



    Keeper, Sons of the Dragon http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    No he wants the other way around. Pc games on xbox.

  2. It sounds as if he just really wanted to be with you. ( Thats why he was all caring and stuff. ) But now that he is actually with you he thinks he doesn't need to do all that stuff anymore.Just read the most recent post, glad you broke up with him. He seems very neglectful. Find someone else who will truly appreciate you.

  3. Do you know why wrapping it in towels would work? All I can see it doing is making the problem much much worse... The chips inside generate huge amounts of heat, but with the vents covered with towels that hot air has nowhere to go. You'd just heat up the inside of the XBox to a very high temperature (way above the normal operating temperature) which would damage the machine. Any information as to why this works, and what exactly you're doing, would be appreciated.

    People have a lot of theories why this works. Also its broken I mean like useless. A box. Until I do the towel trick. I know that it could be damaging it but I don't care because its the only way to get it working again. Why the towel trick works? Well some say it re-heats solder that broke do to its cycle of heating and cooling. Others say it "Resets" the chips inside (Gpu, Cpu ) Seriously that what they say. Which I don't really get what "Resets" means in this situation. As to what I'm doing? Well I just take out any game and the hard drive. ( Still lets you open and close the disc drive ) Unplug the A/V plugs. Keep the power one in and turn it on wrap it up in towels. ( I've used two sweatshirts one time while over my friends house, also a blanket one time :) ) Doesn't matter what you use all it is about is the heat.

  4. How do they know for sure how hot it was? Did they actually have it in their hands?There will be all kinds of things floating around in outer space, it would probably boggle the mind.

    Theres a special telescope that can measure all of that. ( Temperature, density, size. ) You know whats scary to think about obviously we have had encounter with aliens. ( Theres just to much out there no way could they all be hoaxes. ) So why does the government want to keep it a secret? Do they want war, our planet? Kind of freaks me out :)

  5. If they didn't actually catch you with any in your possession then there isn't anything they can really do. Depending on how old you are, they might try and put you into some kind of rehab program.

    Everything in moderation they say. If weed were legalized it wouldn't be grouped together with dangerous things
    such as cocaine and methamphetamine. The fact is alcohol is much, much more worse and fully legal. Alcohol
    is just as destructive if not more so than any narcotic
    Marijjuanna is no priority to me. Sometimes the law could be a bit more objective and equal across the board though.
    If your going to ban one thing then ban them all, including alcohol.

    Only a complete hypocrite would condemn marijuana and then go and get drunk.

    Exactly! Its just marijuana been illegal for some time. I think it was first made illegal because this guy saw that hemp ( What you can actually make out of the plant not the buds you smoke ) Was allot more efficient and better to be used as paper, cloths. In this case its paper because he had a paper mill and somehow he started a bunch of stuff about how bad pot is. Which he then tied in to a bunch of racist crap. It was then known as like the Crazed Black Man Drug. ( You can picture what should have been there instead of "Black Man" ) And its been illegal ever since. Now don't quote me these are just things I have heard. All of the stuff about racism is true.

  6. Right, keep telling yourself that. :(
    In the perspective from the law makers, there were elected to protect citizens. And one means of protecting citizens is to establish basic, if not, or specific guidelines that may effect large numbers of people. When those few are impaired from whatever endangers others with a device/item that can cause potentially great harm, then it's up to law makers to remove that "threat."

    So, the question is, "using any inhibitors put others in danger?" I say inhibitors in a general sense of blocking natural function of sense. I have been on the road many times where people swerve in and out of the traffic lane because they were fumbling with the radio, flicking the cigarette, talking on the cellphone, dozing off from cold medicine and yes because they were high. I sure don't want to be in a traffic accident because someone wasn't paying attention. And narcotics have shown higher percentage distracting proper reactions. Well, that's my point of view. I am not judging the actual usage of pot is good or bad. But when a pot user decides to get behind the wheel and endanger other people's lives, that's when I have a problem. And I'm sure there are other million reasons why I don't want to be affected by those who disregard my boundary, my safety...

    But the real question is, are you sorry that you got caught? :) "Finally got caught" sounds like you thought you were never going to be caught by anyone. Perhaps you felt you were invincible from the police or maybe you were not like the other pot using junkies? I think anything that takes you away from doing your job, living your life, relating to other people is a bad thing :D

    Yea so alcohol and cigarettes get to stay because they are not anything like pot? No because they make a lot of money. And yes I could go do something else. To bad I do things while I am high homework, cleaning the house, anything. A lot of people think kids like me just smoke pot then sit their like a log.

  7. NASA recently found a object in space orbiting a sun that was hotter then the sun but did not fit in any known dwarf star size. And the weird part is it has the density of Styrofoam. Makes you really wonder what else could be out there. A moon made of cheese maybe? :) Also makes me laugh at people who don't think there is other life out there as well.

  8. Finally got caught with pot in probably the worse places ever. First I would like to say that I don't think smoking pot is a problem. I think that drinking and smoking cigarettes is way worse. Its just pots been illegal for so long its really easy to get people to believe that it is really bad. The only bad thing I can say so far in my 3 years of smoking is money, memory. Yea It takes you money and then you start to not remember things very well. I don't mean like really bad memory loss. Just like you sometimes forgot stuff. My cousin has the same memory problem so I think its the weed :). But anyways I couldn't get any my normal way because of some unavailability of rides. But I decided to just get some at school. Which is really sketchy for me. I know people so it was easy. He just gave it to me at lunch. And next thing you know I'm being called down to the office. So there I am scared out of my mind when they just say oh never mind we were not looking for you you can leave now. So right when I get out of there I pass it to someone else because I'm all scared now. They call me back in search me say the have enough evidence. Try and get me to say where it went. I told them someone flushed it for me and that I would not give out his name. Now all this was over a course of three hours. I was so shaken up by all this. I got a police referral and five day suspension. I don't know what a police referral is and I really want to know what that means. Also counselling, I have a rough idea but when does that mean specifically. I wish people just understood that marijuana is not as bad as people make it out to be. But when it comes to all the other bad stuff, cigarettes, alcohol, some of the medications they prescribe to people. Its pretty ridiculous. I'm happy to say that after the drug test in 45 days I will continue to enjoy and smoke marijuana.

  9. Hello I hear a lot of talk about Xbox 360 and the RROD errors. Well I have some weird stuff going on with my Xbox. But I've fixed it countless times. I've gotten one ring, two rings, three rings, even all four lit up. I've seen like E64 through to like E74. All these problems its impossible I could have them all. How do I fix it when it does it? ( About every two days. ) Towel trick. I would send it in but warranty has been up forever. Yea so I just wrap it in towels and it fixes it over and over again for two days lol. Like clock work I'll have to fix it again and again. Is this normal? And also will my xbox finally just stop working. I hope not I have been lucky so far. So anyone out there with no warranty and nothing left to do. Wrap it in towels turn it on and pray!

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