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Posts posted by Zagubadu?

  1. Hello everyone. :P I was just interested if anyone knew where to find a Joomla Template ( V1.5 ) That would fit for a Guild Website. It doesn't necessarily even have to be WoW themed I actually preferred it wasn't. But if it is thats okay too. I have found a lot of ones I love from Rocket Theme but I am not willing to pay that much money for a theme. They have really badass ones too. Yea so does anyone know of any FREE ones that look really good. I have found a few websites who say they off free ones but then it always goes to a Paypal or Credit blah. So also if anyone just knows of any good Joomla Template sites that'd be awesome. Thanks! :angel:

  2. This is already sort of happening if you think about it. Sure they are not like Droids I Robot style. But there are factories of just robot like machines that make stuff that people used to once make. They are a lot more efficient and don't call in sick or just plain don't show up to work. I bet people still need to work maintenance on them but for the most part they do the job by themselves. People think jobs are hard to find now if this was to happen I don't know what it would mean for people looking for jobs. I doubt I will live to see the world like that so I'm okay. We will see about my kids kids though.

  3. Actually I was just reading a topic about this, sort of. One person that replied there explained it as sort of being a planet or something. I always thought it was literally a hole in which things get sucked into and no one knows where they lead. Well anyways he goes onto say that at its surface the gravitational pull is so strong that even light cannot get out and nothing travels faster then the speed of light so it would be impossible to get out. Have they ever flown anything into a black hole? Or are they like really far away? What I would try to do is like a satellite of some sort with a camera and then fly it into a black hole to see what would happen.

  4. It saddens me how some people could actually think that we are the only life here in space. There is just too much out there and its only a matter of time before we find other life besides us, or they find us. Personally I think we have had alien activity here on Earth. I don't think that the UFO sightings are government related. Its just creepy to think because you here of all the movies and stuff depict that when we have an alien encounter they just want to kill us or take us over. I think if there is a species advanced enough for space travel long distances that they wouldn't come here searching to just take us over.

  5. I really do not understand where you are going with this. Your saying have machine that does a bunch of different tasks? I really am not getting you on this one. This is where I lose you.

    What if you can link the process of completing a quest to a task of a machine in a factory?

    Perhaps you could explain it to me in a different way?
    As for machines being able to make decisions on their own personally don't think its probable. I mean we could make machines do certain things based on certain things, etc. But it will always come down to what we tell it to do. I don't think it would be possible to make machine that could think for itself.

  6. Maybe some of you have not heard of all the different changes to the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft. I have played the game and off not really enjoying low leveling up and even getting bored at 80 to the point where I just quit and sold my account. Having a few friends playing it though brought me back and I am glad that I am playing it again. For those of you that have played the game before all these changes and has stopped playing since then will probably be tempted to play again as I was. So here is whats up.Remember spending forever getting a group together to do a dungeon just to have people leave or to lazy to go summon at the Stone so you never end up doing the instance. Or just plain tired of never being able to find an instance? Those who have not played they game basically it was a pain in the butt compared to how easy it is now to level up just through doing dungeons which is the fun part of leveling. While questing on the other hand is boring and tiresome at least for me and a lot of people on WoW that I know of.But, now there is a new system in place where you can go to a menu select the dungeon or dungeons from a list that you are eligible for, or you can select random which will put you in any dungeon your eligible. Selecting random will get you extra XP and money at the end when you complete it and a bag you open that has a random item in it. You'll never have trouble finding a group because it searches for members of your party from all realms which are can be in different time zones. You will not have any trouble finding a group even in 2 in the morning.I love this system so much. I have not quested since level 15 ( The level you can use the Dungeon System ) and I am now level 30 just off dungeons. You also level a lot faster this way making the goal of 80 that much easier.Level 30 Priest and 20 Paladin on the Burning Legion if anyones interested in leveling together.

  7. Yea it would appear that there is a big problem with Trap 17's time zones or time whatever its hard to explain maybe you guys can get a better understanding when I explain my problem. So sometimes after a shouting a bit in the shoutbox I get a error that tells me I must wait 1600 seconds to shout again. At first I disregard this error and I believe it will go away after a few seconds ( Like the normal 15 second or 5 / whatever much smaller amount that should have displayed ) but after trying to shout again it just displays like 1578 seconds. So I think that this problem relates with the one your talking about. Same thing with the shoutbox displaying the wrong times and also if some people are behind the clock enough their shouts are not even shown. Needs to be fixed.

  8. Never heard of this one before. Sounds pretty good. I like the story line it reminds me of this book I read. The book is called Desperation written by Steven King where this powerful force is making people go crazy. How much does this cost?

  9. Wait a second is a windows VPS what I am looking for? Is a Windows VPS basically like remote desktoping to another computer running windows except its not actually a physical computer but online? If so I would like to know how to maybe cancel the VPS I have now and maybe get a refund? I mean I used myCENTS to buy but I didn't really use it T.T

  10. :angel: I can't do this I'm where over my head here. It seemed to install okay but when I try to start the GUI with startx it says some fatal error stuff and just doesn't work. I'd be happy if someone more knowledgeable could do this for me. -.- Seriously because I can't do it.

    Well gnome seemed to install but each time I try to start I just get a bunch of fatal errors and stuff.

    root@vps:~# startxxauth: creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.24431

    X: warning; process set to priority -1 instead of requested priority 0

    X Window System Version 7.0.0
    Release Date: 21 December 2005
    X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.0
    Build Operating System:Linux i686
    Current Operating System: Linux vps.zvent.com 2.6.9-023stab043.2-smp #1 SMP Fri Mar 9 11:50:20 MSK 2007 i686
    Build Date: 16 March 2006
    Before reporting problems, check https://www.x.org/wiki/
    to make sure that you have the latest version.
    Module Loader present
    Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
    (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
    (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
    (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Sat Feb 20 17:11:07 2010
    (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"

    Fatal server error:
    xf86OpenConsole: Cannot open /dev/tty0 (No such file or directory)

    XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"
    after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
    Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console

  11. VPS 1 : Budget Package - $20 / mo. - Setup FREE! -
    11 GB SPACE (including Operating System, CPanel etc. files)

    192 MB Guaranteed RAM
    256 MB Burstable RAM
    1 IP Addresses allocation

    VPS-1 is good for projects which do not require a FULL BLOWN control panel. Because of small Memory limit, it works great when configured with Light Weight Control Panel. VPS-1 owners may want to customize its MySQL, Apache etc. modules and want to use it for personal website.

    Recommended for :-

    - To run Background Scripts / Custom Server Scripts / Game Scripts.
    - Small Website which need Custom Modules or Open Ports
    - Custom Apache/MySQL setup for building dynamic Websites.

    * Private Nameservers
    * 24/7Round the Clock Support
    * Forum Support.
    * VPS security hardening

    That says Cpanel. I believe that I am installing the GUI Gnome right now. I hope it works will reply on my results.

    During the installation for a few things I have only seen it happen a couple of times it says Permission denied. I sure hope this works :) It asked me what resolution it wanted me to run it in and then continue to install I am having high hopes just because of that.

  12. Ok I have gotten in turns out the account name was totally different and they wanted me to play try and guess that account name for half an hour. Well I'm in and its a friggen command prompt I didn't think this was what they were talking about when they said OS :) I'm sad now because I can't work this thing at all. We would have better chances with a toddler and a crane. I think I heard some where that there is a way to get into the GUI because I really want to see some colors and a cursor maybe. Is this the only thing I will have access too? This isn't my idea of an OS. Its Ubuntu and I have Ubuntu on my laptop so how do I get into the GUI? I tried that star x or starx everyone was talking about that does nothing.

  13. Last night I was pretty tired and I finally got onto my VPS thing with Putty but it was just a terminal so I was all confused. So I just typed in logout and it closed. I saw that you could connect to it using Remote Desktop. I heard from someone else it was like an online OS of some sort. So thats exactly what I was assuming it was just and OS online that you can run programs on which is what I need. Because I need to run a Vent. Anyways now I can't even get on through Putty which I did once before. I've never been able to get on using Remote Desktop. When I heard all this talk about it being an OS I was confused when I saw the old fasion terminal which is too confusing for me to do. Is this how it should be? And also why can't I get on anymore? I have been able to get on my admin thing VHCS but you can't do anything from there. Also from that page I can see that my Telnet is down? What does all this mean?

  14. Last up to 30 minutes? I have never been in a dream and looked at my watch wondering why its been 30 minutes before. So they last 30 minutes but they don't actually feel like thirty minutes? If its supposed to feel like 30 minutes as well then I have never had that happen. All my dreams ( The ones I remember ) are around 30 seconds to a minute. They are also never real. They never feel real I mean. It just feels like pictures almost. Like if I was to remember something from my past right not that's exactly how my dreams are. Memory like.

  15. I love fishing! I don't fish a lot though. I would like too and the thought of paying that much money for doing a hobby type thing seems ridiculous. I bet up where I live there is license requirements or whatever I'll just keep doing it illegally. Whats the worse thing they can do for not following rules like that? Its a small offense I would think.

  16. Jesus anwii your so oblivious. Its like you read my post but you actually didn't. I don't care if this is marked as spam your pissing me off. I am not confused AT ALL. I was just trying to get something clarified! I was just wondering if links to illegal stuff was considered against the rules? How is that so hard for you to understand? And then you ask me if I even asked Xisto - Support Wow read my post. I hate people that post a reply to someone when they did not even read what they said. Close this topic. Questions been answered.

  17. :) That's sort of what I am doing. First welcome to Trap 17. I am doing that with a mixture of other Tech stuff. I am stuck on the name of the website sadly. Its weird kind of OCDish I need that name before I can go on. Anyways I think there are too many Game Review websites. You need to add in other stuff..

  18. As much as you think its clear I don't. Until now. I wish OpaQue just said links to illegal stuff is against the rules.

    Hello Justin,
    Thank you for contacting Xisto - Web Hosting.com. I apologize for delay in response and inconvenience caused to you.

    Our admin have answered your query in below URL :-

    http://forums.xisto.com/topic/70737-does-Xisto - Web Hosting-allow-torrent-sites/

    So please check and let us know, If you have any query. Thank you for your time and understanding.



  19. if you don't know the difference, then don't host the files.

    Oh but I do. See look at your wording and perhaps you can help me in finding an answer. "then don't HOST the files." See HOST, now putting links to illegal torrents is not HOSTING. I just want one of the Admin or whoever to say - Putting links to illegal wares is against the AUP your hosting will be terminated if you do so OR Links to files like that is okay as long as you do not host the files on your actual web space.

    But since the introduction of myCENT I am unsure how Xisto - Web Hosting deals with Xisto account with adult contents. And thus, to get a clear picture please contact the Xisto - Support.com/billing

    I am unsure if OpaQue has disregarded this or whatever. See I don't know where anyone stands here. I don't know what OpaQue does or anything. I have a slight idea of what you do Buffalo but is OpaQue part of Xisto - Web Hosting or what? If what you've said here stands as it is I'll just have to wait until I get someone to clarify on my Ticket. No when you say adult content I'm just assuming this also includes illegal torrents correct?

  20. Wow I felt stupid reading this at first because I thought he was talking about like Space stuff holograms. Then I hear talk about drivers licenses and I was so confused. So hes definetly talking about like Holographs thought that was the right word for them? I guess not I didn't know it even existed yet. So yes Volumetric display was what I was thinking of when I read this topic. I do not understand what you mean by protecting it. If I am understanding you correctly couldn't you just put glass over it? Like a glass box of some sort? This topic is really confusing me because this technology I thought was advanced so how could you do it for 10 dollars?

    If I have no idea what I am talking about please delete this

  21. No no no no no..... See I do not know if he is talking about actually hosting them on your webspace. See I want to know about links. Heres why I think that it even matter since I know that's coming up as your next reply if I don't. See if is hosted on their web space they are responsible for it. So they can get sewed or whatever. But with links its not really their responsibility. Like I said before I made a ticket about it. I'm waiting for further confirmation on this.

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