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Posts posted by web_designer

  1. I guess no one is interested in the IRC. it's still up... only a few have ever joined.. disappointed.

    sorry to hear that soviet :( i agree with you this is so disappointing
    but i think you did all you can and what is happening in the IRC is the same is happening in the whole forum, lack of activity. so, i think it is a good thing if you look at it from another corner. i mean if the the members are active in the whole forum but not in the IRC, then this is a real problem. but now, i think you should be satisfied or feeling good since it is the same every where. so cheer up, and i hope everything will be great soon. and thanks for your hard work :).

  2. thanks for the information, they are so useful. this is the first time i hear about such technique. and it is really helpful for all web designer, and it will reduce a lot of work on imaging. i will try it as soon as i can and post the result. thanks for sharing :) .

  3. hi Yegane,welcome to Xisto community. i hope you will have a great time with us. there are a lot of categories in this forum, and i hope you will find what interests you in here. so, post valuable posts, contribute in discussions and have fun.

  4. Adobe photoshop costs money and GIMP is not worth the trouble if you are into this professionally. Occasional editing and work editing is different so in such case it's better to pay money.
    I found paint.net to be better as it is free and will do most of the tasks like OP wanted. For more advanced operation i think there needs to be other editor.

    adobe photoshop costs a lot of money, i agree on that. but, if you have only a few photos to edit, i mean they are not your profession or a something you should do a lot. you can always download a trial version of adobe photoshop from the official website and use it for a couple of months or about. if it is your profession or something you have to do a lot, well, i think then you should buy adobe photoshop. with no regrets :).

  5. one of CSS3 feautures is "text shadow" and " box shadow". and they are used in the most common browsers like opera and firefox. even if they are not now,i am sure they will be in the near future. and they are really a great feautures, i used some of them in my portfolio.


    if you open it, then you can see the box shadow of the sideshow in opera, but not in firefox.

    so, if you want the code to add a text shadow, here it is:

    text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #000;

    this code gives a 2px righ and below the text, and blurs for 2px. this code should work in safari 3+, opera 9.5, firefox 3,konqueror and icab.

    and all you have to do, is make a div tag to the text you want to highlighted, and add this property to the tag in the CSS file.

    for example, you want to highlight the text of your post's title. so, add a div tag around the title, like this:

    <div class="post_title">your text should be here...</div>

    in CSS file, you should add this:

    .post_title {text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #000;}

    that's all. and i explained it in details in case you don't know a lot about CSS, well i can't remember if you are :D so, just in case you don't know how to use it. and you can do the same in wordpress theme. just add the div tag around the text you want to highlighted such as in index.php, single.php,...or any other files, and add the property in style.css file.

    i hope i could help you, and this what you want. and if you have any further questions please ask me, good luck.

  6. I guess I need help now, just updated the template again after making certain changes that are in fact noticeable, so no need to specify them :P
    Firstly, I need help in creating the layout of the page, just below the main horizontal navigation bar, there are 3 boxes, with the boxes at left and right end having fixed width of 200 px and the box at center also having fixed width at the moment, but, i don't want it to fixed, I want it to be fluid filling up entire space in the center which is what making me cry :angry: Since, I am not a css expert neither I am a web designer, so if anyone having good command over css and layouts, please help me making it fluid, so that I can get 3 column layout with left and right boxes as fixed and center box as fluid...........
    also, all three of the boxes are contained in another div...

    Please take a look at the template here.........

    Reply asap......and also don't forget to leave your comments, and suggestions or even criticism regarding the template :)

    Thanks in advance :)

    check this link


    it contains CSS under the example. and i am sure it will help you a lot.

    also try this link


    in general, i must say that if you want a fluid box or columns, you should set their width using percentage not pixels. pixels make the boxes or columns fixed not fluid. for example, in your layout make the left column (float: left;width: 33%; ) the same for the right column, and the middle column make it (float: left;
    width: 34%; ).

    i hope those will help and good luck.

  7. thanks for the valuable advices mahesh and deadmad. i am really appreciated.

    i was thinking of adding more ads in the sidebar, as sky skyscraper for avoiding redesigning my site, what do you think??

    and i was intending adding ads only below contents and sidebar. because i think if i added more i will ruin my reputation :D . well, i don't want to disturb my readers with a lot of ads.

    but i intend to add ads on the sidebar in the front page as you said. and thanks for suggesting me those sites i will try to do my best.

    and can you guys help me with the target thing. i still have irrelevant ads with my site. i made some researches and i can optimize them and target my contents by using :

    <!-- google_ad_section_start -->CONTENT<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

    but where should i place them??
    around the code of the content ( i use wordpress CMS) or around the posts from wordpress dashboard, because i tried it and nothing changed. so am i on the right way and it takes time to change or not??

    thanks sor your suggestions. i will try Webmasters Central from google and see. and thanks for the plugin i will use it.

    and i was thinking of adding adbrite ads instead of adsense in the sidebar. so what do you think??? which is better ??

  8. this is what i hope too mandla. things here unfortunately are dying . and after reading what mahesh said i even feel more depressed and wish i was with you all here in those active days. but as you i will still hope that everything will return to normal i mean like the old days of Xisto and new members will come and stick in here. like i did :D, not post a ten, five or even three posts and disappear.

  9. hi there,i recently added GOOGLE ADSENSE to my website. and i noticed that the ads are not relevant to my site contents. and they look really awful right now :( . any way, i hope you can help me with this and give me some tips and advices on how to use google adsense in the perfect way. thanks in advance and every single advice will help me because i still new in this field :) .

  10. Micheal other than your spamming- are you sure adsense sends money via paypal ? Google has its own payment processor so why they'll send it via paypal ?
    @WD - Gooogle sends verification PIN to your address by which they confirm your address and identity. You can check the option to get cheque or express payment to your bank account or even western union money/similar money transfer. If you just want the cheque to be delivered to your address then just select the appropriate optioon, reach the 100$ threshold and wait for PIN to get into your email. And yes bank knows which company is giving you money via cheque.

    That is because you are asking for cheque which is drawn on your name so your name in bank account and on cheque should match in order to transfer funds. You can't get funds on your brother/sisters name if the name on cheque is yours. This is long disance processing and they are not aware of who is who as per your reasoning so they are performing their steps to transfer funds to your account.

    thank you mahesh for your reply. i am really appreciated, i am still new and i don't know much about all these. so sorry if i ask a lot please forgive me :blush: .

    so, i understand from your reply that i can receive the check on western union, by choosing this option from my account in adsence. so if this is right, please tell me how?? or where can i find this option?? i hope you can help me with this.

    also, can i change the payee name?? seems i wrote it wrong :D ??

  11. OMG! I checked it, Xisto IS more active than Xisto! 3 users online...and a MOD!!! Now, That's something you have to think about...

    what?? :o really??
    oh this is more sad and disappointed :( . and things seem more worse than they look. it really hard to hear that. when i registered in this forum, it was so active, about ten times than now. i hope things will return back as they were before.

  12. hi Chivision,welcome to knowledgsutra community. i hope you will get a great time in this forum. there are a lot to do in here, especially when you get used to the site. there are many categories to choose what are fit your interest, you can post your opinions and thoughts and have fun in the same time. enjoy and good luck.

  13. Hello! I am Ann. Nice to meet you! I am newbie too.I came across this forum and surf with this forum.I like it much and looks informative. I would like to say hello to all the forum members. Hope have a good time with you all.
    Mobile App Development

    hi ann, nice to see you here with us. i hope you will have a great time dealing with everyone. but please try to start a new thread and introduce yourself with it. so we can welcome you and you can ask anything you want.

  14. hi,now i signed up in google adsence and i want to know how can i get the check. first, i thought they will send me a check to my home address. but after reading here and there, i am now confused. if i should receive a check from them without transferring anything to my bank account, then why should i give a payee name that matches the name in my bank account?? and to be more clear with my question, will my bank be informed if i get that check from google??and can i use my paypal account to receive that check??

  15. i know i am evil :) i can't help it hahaha!


    ok. your wish is granted. you see me, chini, h4l, bani, rob, kobra, and opaque in the chatroom at the same time. you love it so much, you never leave. even after they leave. you care and think about it so much, you never leave the chatroom... EVER again and the rest of your life suffers for it :)


    i wish the same thing WD wished for just to see what would happen now :)


    oh this is horrible, :o this is even more evil than before anwiii :P


    ok, your wish is granted, we met all in the chat room just like the old day, had fun and talked about everything we like. and finally, we found out that we talked about everything and anything. and we were out of words, so, we started to argue :D of course, you are the one who started everything :P and we ended fighting and left the chat room :( .

    oh this is sad but i know we will pm each other and make up things again :) .


    now, i wish i can organize my time these days, so i can catch my friends here or work on schedule again. because i am so lost :D that i don't even know what is today and what is the date?? :P

  16. yeah i agree with you guys, ravelkass and truefusion are the most two active moderators in here. thanks god they are working on keeping things clear here even if they don't post anything. i hope the others will do the same too, and the administrators be active again. well we all should hoping since we can't do anything but hopping :) .

  17. Hi there,
    As I said I would like to join the KS board you have designed after some days, and here I am. Ok so here is my old school request.. which I used for staying absent in the school days :) :

    Hello web_designer,

    I am member of KS. As per the regulations of your KS Board, I have been active in the boards lately, and deem fit to be put on the boards. I assure you that I would give no chance of giving KS Board a bad name by making myself to be put on the 'wanted list'.

    Thanking you,

    thank you BCD, this was the most elegant request i got till now :) i am really appreciated. and i will put you on the board soon, and sorry for the delay but i wasn't active for about a week, may be i should put myself on the board now :D . but i was making a huge step in my life and i didn't have a net for a few days. so again sorry and i will add you soon. and be careful, from the "wanted list" ;) .

    wd is taking a break right now for the last couple days. she should be back online in a couple more days. be patient. i didn't want you to think she is ignoring you

    oh anwiii, thanks a lot :) for the explanation. i knew i could count on you ;) . and between, your words really made me smile, they looked like an answer machine words :P . but they were so supportive, thanks for covering me friend :) .

  18. i must say, i like it more now. it looks more professional. but also needs more work. for example try adding a different hover color for buttons in your menu, like light gray, and of course with hover you should change the font color too. because the underline link in menu bar is kinda old effect, but it is up to you.also try to make the read more button in a different shade when the mouse cross over it, or add a transparency to it using opacity. and you can do all those using CSS with simple code lines, and i do believe it will give a life to your site. also you can use many images instead of one and add a simple effects to them.because usually, the site who has a big image in the home page a little of text, it should have a fancy effects for the images.so, i do think you did a good job till now, but needs more. keep on trying and your site will be great, and keep us informed. good luck.

  19. well, i am searching for a domain name to my portfolio too, and trying to find out the best way and the best one. and as i figured out till now from other conversations in here that keywords in domain name affect the seo. even in not in a direct way but they do. so if you already decided a one and it is still available, don't hesitate. go and buy them, and hope you luck with your site.

  20. hi godwasadj, welcome in Xisto community i hope you will like your time in here.
    and about the code you posted, it is not related to how you can connect your email to a form. to be more clear, you can't connect the code of submit button with your email, because it is only a way to tell the browser that you want to send the information in the form you filled now. but you can create a PHP file, name it (mail.php for example) that contains the code of your email, usually it will be like this:

    <?php $to = "YOUR EMAIL SHOULD BE HERE"; $subject = "Contact Us"; $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; $message = $_REQUEST['message'] ; $headers = "From: $email"; $sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ; if($sent) {print "OK"; } else {print "We encountered an error"; } ?> 

    and your form should contains this code:

    <form method="post" action="mail.php">Name<input type="text" name="name" /><br/>E-mail<input type="text" name="email" /><br/>Message <textarea name="message" cols="50" rows="10" >                </textarea><br/>                    <input type="submit" value="send" /><br/>                    </form>                

    as you can see, the action attribute is what will connect your form with the PHP file that contains your email.

    i hope that will helps you a little, good luck.
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