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Posts posted by dizilluziondmasokist

  1. Why are so many guys jackasses. For so long males have dominated society that I feel like feminism has a nice change. I am not a feminist. However I feel like, "you get what you give on these things". I have had so many bad experiences with men that the most expected thing of me if people knew how many guys have *BLEEP*ed me over, is to in fact become a lesbian. I will of course not, and just stay happily bi.

  2. Oh I do not think that anyone will commit suicide. This is the venting section. I have other ways of dealing with my problems *toke* *toke*. :P But if someone does feel that way then since I know the feeling, I feel that it is at least best for myself to convey some of my own issues with the topic. No?

  3. I love both. I like Battle Royale, Wolfs Rain and Priest. There is this one called Demon lady, I find the dvd but I never can find the manga. Right now I am reading this book called Behold a Pale Horse. I have been trying to find other really good goth manga for a while now. Anyone here have any suggestions?

  4. Even though I was raised in a ghetto, I was never good at these. Well here is one I guess.Yo mama is so fat that when she got out the house they called the national gaurd. Someone said they saw Marshmallow man.............I have not thought of that one in a while. This next one is not a yo mama joke, but it might amuse youyo house is so trifling that you invited me over for dinner one day. I came over and there was ony one room, a bathroom. Everyone in your house was dancing around it singing, "we are the world".

  5. I am in love with Dimmu Borgir. Some of my other favorates are Nailbomb, Megadeth, Pitbull Daycare and Ramstien. I think that Metallica has become really popish. At least I think so. I did not like their newest cd, St Anger. But I do like their Reload. I used to have it. Well that is, until someone stole it.

  6. I like trance, electronica, hardcore and that whole scene. I am kind of a raver so I guess it came with the territory. When I listen to it I love to just zone out and go with the waves. It feels really good. That sort of music is also really good for meditation. I don't think I like any particular artist. But when I hear music that makes me feel something then I like that one.

  7. If I had a clone of myself, I would not make it do everything that I don't want to. Because it would not necessarly want to. Since it would be YOU essentially, wouldn't the clone either make another clone to do it or make you do it. Believe me, it would know how too. What I would do would be make it do half the things that I have to do, I do the other half. Now if you can change the genetics of the clone to be basically zombie-like then, you could make it do whatever you want.

  8. You know, you would think that they would make it a tad easier somehow for their to be more choices in the election. I mean, if it is democracy and all. This just goes to show just how much our government is controlled by an inside job, not us. I say this perhaps because I am a libertarian, bitter because my candidate did not get into the running, but hey hey, one day ya know.Ideally I would choose neither, because we are perhaps screwed however we pick. But I would have to choose Kerry.

  9. I hate myself and everything around me. I hate the fact that I am stuck in this world. I hate what I have become. I hate it when people are so into their own *BLEEP* that they forget that they actually live around people. No matter if they want to face it or not. I even hate the fact that the last sentance is a steriotype. I even hate the fact that this is what I percieve as true. Not only that, I hate the fact that I can not do anything about anything but my own *BLEEP* accept give people advice that does not work for me, but does for everyone else. I hate it when I help people, dispite my dislike for them. I hate them even more for backstabbing me after I help them. So yes, I hate myself too, because myself is all I can be. I hate most of all that I am stuck that way, in this place.How about you? What is everything you hate?

  10. I would not say I have had a vacation so much as having to get out of town before I blow up. I will have a good "vacation" coming a week and a half. It will be a nice *bottom* two months. Then I will come back here. Things will be differant and my life will be better.I am planning on going to Washington state. Where I will be creating a completely new life. Funness.....

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