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Everything posted by whafizi
America and their allegiences are the one who causes the trouble in the middle east. Not the locals. It is the same to what happened around the globe. These people need someone to blame on, and they use Muslims as the black sheep. Yesterday, some Britain commando go at a public, dressing as locals and start shooting and killing Iraqi police. Eventually, they was cought alive and jailed. Then, some group of Brit army with tanks and chopper bashed the jail and take them away. THIS IS RUDE! See the report; "British Special Forces Caught Carrying Out Staged Terror In Iraq?" -Info Wars News -http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Look at this, please look closely. This is what the anti-muslims has been doing for years, but never been cought. This kind of pseduo-terrorism is used to justify counter-terrorism activities that being bashed to Muslims in the Middle East. The actual reason for this is to gain control of the world second largest oil exporter, Iraq. THIS IS THE MAIN REASON FOR ALL OF THIS. But look, this is how formal western media is covering up the news. They convey the facts as "foggy" and vague, making it sound irrelevent to the whole world; "Iraqis in Basra Slam 'British Aggression'" -Yahoo! News; -https://www.yahoo.com/news/?ref=gs Before this, we might heard some conspiracy theories about things as such. Most of us quickly dismiss them as it might sound too absurd or too uncalled for. But now, i would like to call everyone to open their eyes, as the conspiracies does really happens all the time, and some strong group of people do the dirty work for them. This kind of things was rooted far-far away deep in the history of the world. Before this, in order to execute this kind of coup de'tat, the had their own president, John F. Kennedy shot in the head. This is also what happened in the September 11 World Trade Center attack and many-many more... What kind of world are we living in?
New Virus is emerging. Microsoft users, be alerted!. This is one of the reason why i dont really like M$ stuff, but still, i need it really much despite of its problems I'm sure this virus is able to penetrate every PC using M$ os, eventhough it's security has been updated regularly. The only one who safe is the ppl who uses extra firewall, software or hardware. Notice from KuBi: Changed title from "virus" to "worm". This is a worm, not a virus. Also, to see a more in-depth description of this worm, please refer to my thread here
I Need Some Help(medical) swollen left side of my jaw,by ear
whafizi replied to JohnNitro's topic in General Discussion
The swelling was progressing too quick. Personally, iI think that is moght not probably be a cancer. -
You want it for the whole screen? I think that depends on your graphic card. I was using NVDIA once and it happened to me. The screen scrolls, but there's no scrolling bar. The scrolling will be decided with your mouse movement. It was unintentionally, and i dont know how it was done.
How Can Stay Active In The Forum ! :blink:
whafizi replied to aminzzlink's topic in Web Hosting Support
Does anyone know how to stay active and keep posting? I find that i was really active at the beginning, but cannot stay that way to the end. Does anyone like to share their opinions? I think this is avery big problem for me. -
Php And Session Talk about Session Handling in PHP
whafizi replied to thedevil's topic in Programming
Please make your code avaliable to others so that we can analyze it. -
A Note To All Illegal Windows Xp Owners
whafizi replied to prosorcerer's topic in Websites and Web Designing
I wont really rely on MS updated. Because, whenever updates are released, there are always new ones discovered. Really, this MS problem wont have a permanent solution. So, beside relying on MS, i really like to give my hope to other protections such as Norton A.V and ZoneAlarm firewall. These are the best solutions for me so far. Therefore, i knew i am protected all the time. -
London Bombings Aftermath ...two people murdered...
whafizi replied to brainless's topic in General Discussion
Questions need to be ask. If you quickly came to conclusion after some tragedy happened, than probably you will be mistaken. As these attacks seems to be very concerning, everyone will be scared, and their mind are shut down by news and propaganda that been spread by the media. You see, we must use our mind, otherwise others will manipulate us. Here are questions that need to be answered;1. Why that man run away at the first place?2. Why the policeman quickly wanted to shot to kill. He was held down already at that time, then five shots was loaded to his head.3. Why quickly the policeman declare that the man was'nt one of the terroris? Is this because he is not from the middle east? Has the police made all the investigation needed? Has the police really know why at the first place that man run away?So ladies and gents, use your brain. Please think before coming to conclusion.One more question;Who is this Al-Qaeda is? Why they would kill the innocent? WHAT IS THEIR MISSION? You know, because of them, then several things unjusts are justified in this modern world;1. The attack of Afganistan2. The demolision of Iraq3. The prejudice feeling and hatered to all their community.So, do you really think that these are their attentions? Do you really think so? Then what's next? -
It is really MAD, i tell you. Why? Because the man was already held down. The police man just shot him at the head five times like an animal. The Killing Of Suspected Terroris I am suppose the police are really desperate to find a suspect that they can interrogate. So, i believe they will try very hard to keep the suspect alive, meaning they should have try to at least not to do the "shot to kill" thing. Maybe shoting his chest is more appropiate than that. Would you agree?
911 :: Truth Or Lies the proof that will open your eyes
whafizi posted a topic in General Discussion
So, what do you think about the 911 attack? Really scarry, huh? Everything is so crazy, just like the hollywood film. But now, some questions are rising, some doubt need to be answered. What really happened there? Now, ladies and gentleman, I wish to present you a video that will able to open your eyes to what really happened in 911 attacks. This is a very interesting material that will help you to rethink about this "terrorist" thing. Please dont shy away from this truth; Left click and "save as" Road To Tyranny or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The size is about 233mb, but it really worth viewing. Just like viewing X-MEN 2. -
I just want to share something here. If you care about your love ones, your people, your country and the future of mandkind, please read this; Condolences to everyone... This is not just a problem for London, but the whole wide world. Terrorism has killed many people and had caused prejudice among religions and countries in the world. For this, more people are killed as the effect of antagonis reaction between them. Condolences to London... This new pattern of terrorism attack sure make us confused. Before this, the attack is mostly targets the politicians, millitary and goverments. But lately, the so-called terroris are attacking publics, schools and does not differentiate between passerby and their anemy. It seemed to me that instead of helping them in their cause, this kind of attacks will bring more hatred to their community. In Iraq, they started to attack malls, schools. In Afgan, they started to attack publics and in London, they attacked innocence. This kind of action is irrational and unexceptable for their cause and will bring them nothing except hatred. I m sorry to say that because of this, Islamic communities are being blamed, hated and misjudged. So why did they do this? Condolences to everyone who have lost their beloved ones... Like I've said, this new terrorism pattern got us confused. It just dont make any sense. For this, we must really ask a question. "WHO DOES REALLY BENEFIT FROM THIS ATTACKS?". I have theories about it but I dont know if I should share it. I like to bring your attention to this because it is not a small stuff and it is really important for our co-existance in this world. "Who Benefit From These Attacks?". The answer is NO ONE. So what we should do is to really examine the questions that we have. Do you really think that these terroris would go blindly attack everyone, everywhere and at the same time kill themself without any apparent reason? Come on, this isnt a film which the BAD guys are totally bad, where all the BAD guys would do is to kill, kill and kill. This isnt a Hollywood production where feature some mindless group of people doesnt have anything else to do execpt taking others life. Terroris or whatever you would call it are groups of people who have visions, targets and rules. Just like other criminals, they have reasons to do things and what happened wasnt showning any much of a reason. What happen was only negativity being picture to their community, which is TOTALLY OPPOSING THEIR CAUSE. If you believe that terroris are groups of bad guys which have the same traits of bad guys of hollywood, then, please think again!. Like I've said, this isnt the Hollywood film, they are all humans like we are. So, once again, we and all of our community should question this and find the truth about the so called terroris attack. Do you know that the support of Bush's war in Iraq is fading? Until now nothing was found there? Do you know that Bush's administration dragged US army to war without support of the NATO? Do you know that Bush's best supporter, Tony Blair was announcing their retreat from Iraq?Do you know? So WHAT does this al-qaeda group was doing? Are they crazy? Why did they attack london? Are they so stupid? So now, with what happened, maybe British troop will stay in Iraq for alittle longer, Bush support will bloom and at G8 meeting US wont be blamed for over 23 thousand of Iraq civiliants casualties. Will this be the Al-Qaeda's victory or Bush's? You think about it. Infowars::The Information They Dont Want You To Know
Thanks Buffalo. It's just this topic was too interesting. Thanks again for the advice.
Now everything is out of hand. War erupts, ppl being slaugthered, kids die of hunger, but still they say that their actions is done toward the best of mand kind. B*LS**T!. Everything that they done so far is for themself. Subtlely, they carved the nations future toward their value. Like you've said, everyone who has the power will use them in the accordance to their own personal agenda. That's where we can see politicians got rich and richer every day, at the same time ppl are being dragged to poverty, unjust and nothingness. Ppl like Bush is one of them. Do you know that he actually orchestrated the 911 attack? I dont want to bring you guys with just theories, but these are facts that you should not overlook. Videos are avaliable; archive.org/download/911theRoadadtotyranny.wmv *-a VERY VERY interesting video that you should see. This shows the prove how 911 was directed by Bush. 911 Busters *-more interesting facts that can open your eyes. Please, in the name of human peace, please dont overlook those videos. Please... Notice from BuffaloHELP: You can express your views without using expletive language. Added 2 *s
I kinda thought the same thing
I believe that you should have the both FTP accounts on here and your new site. So, i dont see any problem. Just copy your files from Xisto to your PC and paste it to your new hosting. That's it!
Hi. welcome. It seemes you had made so much post for a single day. Please keep in mind that spamming is not allowed
Sometime tatto is nice. But I'm scared when ppl told me that infections can happen.
Hi, My Name Is Kenneth perth, western australia
whafizi replied to jay2aust's topic in Introductions
Welcome Kenneth. Hope you will find your stay here interesting. Just chat, share some ideas and make friends! -
Yes, the arrogance of human nature is now out of control. It is ok if they dont want to have any faith in GOD, but the worst effect of it that they will assume they can do anything that they want in this world. This kind of thinking is now spreading from intellects, politicians, businessman and youth. At the end what they only value if their life and doesnt care anymore about others.You know, today everything is blurry. You cant trust your government anymore. You cant trust the TV, radio and certantly you cannot trust the politicians. All that they do is to sit on their *bottom*, and then when problem comes they will tell much excuses, saying this and that. But still we rely on them very much because we dont have any choice.Actually, there is a better way. I believe with communities like this (Internet, etc) we can spread the idea which will make others rethink about the way they live, and revaluate the value of human society as a whole.
Actually this is not a request. This is an information that i think should be shared with new hosted members. Cannot wait to get your DNS propagated? 48Hrs is too long. Really wanted to see how your website is going to be? Then, you've just read the right article. Even if your DNS is not yet propagated, you can always "fool" your PC into believing that it has been properly propagated. This is how you do it. Firstly you will need to find a file named "hosts" and open it using any text editor. In windows, the file is in here; %windir%\system32\drivers\etc*where %windir% is the windows root directory like c:\windows In linux/unix, I believe it is here; /etc/hostsTo fool your PC, you need to examine the IP address of your hosting. When you created your hosting account, please note anything like this; Please note the IP address, That's where your site is hosted. The next step is the most vital one. This is the core of the trick. In this example, your domain name will be domainname.com and its IP address is You will want have it accessible from these addresses; http://www.domainname.com/ and http://www.domainname.com/. So, considering this, we will have to design the trick for two host. This is the basic format of "hosts" file parameter IP_address canonical_hostname aliasesThen, in this example, you'll need to add these lines at the end of the "hosts" file. http://www.domainname.com/ domainname.com *please note that we do not add the prefix "http://" infront of the domain names. Please save the file, and you'll be able to browse to your site immediately! Note: If you want to access your site using other computers, you'll need to do the same steps to them. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Updated hosting IP address.
I've heard this theory before, but I dont know if it is credible enough. Just take some time to read.Before going to war with Iraq, Bush was really sure that he would find WMD(Weapons Of Mass Destruction) there. Therefore, he invited Blair and some other countries to attack Iraq with full confidence. But until today, do you realize there is nothing there, nothing, nada, none! And the worst thing you need to realize about this is that Bush forced the US army to march into the war without any approval of NATO!.But today, Bush is loosing the support of every other countries. Blair, most importantly has been the best supporter of Bush is also tired of waiting. Plus, the coming G8 meeting would most probably condemn Bush administration for the war that he brought to Iraq, which yield no result, but the death of some number between 22,787 to 25,814 of Iraqi civiliants there. This does not include the death of those who believed to be terroris. My friends, this is a VERY huge number.Thefore, to take Blair's back in Bush coalition, he need to do something that can make Blair stay beside him again. Plus, with this, the G8 leaders will still see that this so called terroris are still very-very dangerous and it will justify most of Bush's wicked action. So, that's what happened in London.It is not the fault of America, but the wrong doing of Bush.I heard this before too;"kill 1 it's murder kill 100000 it's foreign policy". Please dig into it.Tell me what you think.
Whoa, so you were the guy that they showed on the tv?
Why dont you try to use PHP + MySQL solution? I believe it is better for web apps
Back to the question, "Who Benefit From These Attacks?". The answer is NO ONE.So what we should do is to really examine the questions that we have. Do you really think that these terroris would go blindly attack everyone, everywhere and at the same time kill themself without any apparent reason? Come on, this isnt a film which the BAD guys are totally bad, where all the BAD guys would do is to kill, kill and kill. This isnt a Hollywood production where feature some mindless group of people doesnt have anything else to do execpt taking others life.Terroris or whatever you would call it are groups of people who have visions, targets and rules. Just like other criminals, they have reasons to do things and what happened wasnt showning any much of a reason. What happen was only negativity being picture to their community, which is TOTALLY OPPOSING THEIR CAUSE. If you believe that terroris are groups of bad guys which have the same traits of bad guys of hollywood, then, please think again!.Like I've said, this isnt the Hollywood film, they are all humans like we are. So, once again, we and all of our community should question this and find the truth about the so called terroris attack.Take the red pill and i'll show you how deep the rabit hole goes...
For starters, on one is dragging you to read this topic. If you dont like it, please dont bother to read it. Secondly, there are some of us are spritually awaken, which have alot of questions which need to be answered.