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Everything posted by whafizi

  1. I dont hate them as far as they behave properly. Everyone need to understand that most of the time smokers wanted to stop, but they just cant. It is also the same as to drug addict who realize he is living like a trash, but there's not much they can do. They need help.It is crystal clear that smoking is bad for you and for everyone else. Maybe not now, but someday smokers will regret their habbit in the past. The best policy is that to stay away from doing so.
  2. Dont believe everything written on the paper, dont believe whatever you heard in the news. Analyze, search for truth, search the internet about the actual facts. It does seemed to be too underground, and yes it is. Facts that were always hidden from your eyes are there in the net. Today, i've found this one; Puppet Of String Conspiracy is a dirty word. But trust me, this word is the one that causing many chaos in the world, for example, Abraham Lincon was killed because of conspiracy, and it was also the same when Brutus killed Julius Caesar. Go here; Info Wars Then you can open your eyes more about this word. *edited: where is the edit button anyway? Notice from Johnny: Merged double posts...avoid them in the future by using post preview.
  3. If GOD existance is still blurry for you, then please consider this;1. If there is no GOD, then there is no life after death, then nothing will happen to you or believers, ZERO, NADA!.2. If GOD exists, then most probably there will be life after death, then there are probably people who will be send into hell for not believing or commited sin and some who goes to heaven for eternity.Make your choice
  4. Condolences to everyone...This is not just a problem for London, but the whole wide world. Terrorism has killed many people and had caused prejudice among religions and countries in the world. For this, more people are killed as the effect of antagonis reaction between them.Condolences to London...This new pattern of terrorism attack sure make us confused. Before this, the attack is mostly targets the politicians, millitary and goverments. But lately, the so-called terroris are attacking publics, schools and does not differentiate between passerby and their anemy.It seemed to me that instead of helping them in their cause, this kind of attacks will bring more hatred to their community.In Iraq, they started to attack malls, schools. In Afgan, they started to attack publics and in London, they attacked innocence. This kind of action is irrational and unexceptable for their cause and will bring them nothing except hatred. I m sorry to say that because of this, Islamic communities are being blamed, hated and misjudged. So why did they do this?Condolences to everyone who have lost their beloved ones...Like I've said, this new terrorism pattern got us confused. It just dont make any sense. For this, we must really ask a question. "WHO DOES REALLY BENEFIT FROM THIS ATTACKS?". I have theories about it but I dont know if I should share it.I like to bring your attention to this because it is not a small stuff and it is really important for our co-existance in this world.
  5. Yes, right. I was using your points, not opposing them. Its true that there are more then meets the eye. The world is very vast and there are many things that unxplainable/X-Files things that surround us. Whoever that give a thought about this will surely believe that there are something higher power out there.
  6. GOD does exist... I pledge my belief to one and the only one GOD of Moses, GOD of Jewish, GOD of Jesus, GOD of Christian, GOD of Mohammed, GOD of Moselim... and probably many more ancient civilizations that we dont really have the knowledge about... GOD exists differently from HIS creations. It is unfair to judge GOD attributes to what human posesses. GOD's love, GOD's knowledge, GOD's mind and other attributes of HIM are unique and differs from ours. Otherwise, GOD is no difference from humans and therefore there is no significant value that can separate the Creator and the Creatures. You might easily be able to understand these; -GOD is the creator of heaven, hell and earth. -GOD is the creator of human, animal, and plants. You might not be able to understand this easily; -GOD is the creator of Time. -GOD is creator of Space. -GOD is everywhere, but no where. The human knowledge might not be able to grasp the truth of GOD. That's why GOD delivered scriptures as the guidance for human being. It is also really important to know that GOD knowledge supress every dimension, time and space. "People who read the scripture with bad attention(such as searching for its mistake) will not be able to understand what's been written". Read all the scriptures with open heart and you will find the truth. Consider this; human mind is still very limited. Sometime, we will need the heart to understand GOD, not using the mind. There are many "Unsolved Mysteries" those are still uncracked in this world. That's the prove that human minds are bounded to limitations. Truely, this is really confusing. Just as to say that the universe was created from nothing in the Big Bang theory. Actually, GOD has no bound of time. HE existed before TIME exist, and HE will never cease to existance. HE was,is and will. As said before, we cannot understand this because our mind is limited. Just to say as robots are bounded to logic, the human is bounded to their minds. Try to search for the book titled "The Power Of Now" and try to understand what's been said about GOD. It is really nice. Some say religions tends to separate humans. Why? Because of the lack of human understanding of their religions, egoism and greed that lead them to war with each other. Their religion has different names, brought by different messangers, born to different people at different times. Then, that lead them to believe that these religions are not from the same source. What they didnt know is that their GOD is actually the same GOD of others. "We gave you eyes, hear and mind. It is your responsibility to use it wisely".
  7. nope, i think its only the file index.php used the authentication, i think. two files i think i found to be valid: index.php and config.php. but again, i dono, i might be wrong,
  8. did you send a query to mysql_fetch_array() ? description; sorry if i got you wrong...
  9. yeah, his right. the only way to get of the problem later on is to make a massively huge number of postings. which mean to spam. i really hate when ppl do that, so i really must avoid doing it.
  10. to admins:hi. i have problems about me being inactive.after this, probably i'll be outstationed to somewhere there's no internet connection. i'll be there for a month or two.so, i'll most probably not active at the time.i dont want -ve points to add up. is there any suggestion? i love Xisto and i dont want to loose it. it's ok for me to have my acc suspended, but please dont add to the negative points. thanks
  11. i m using windows os. as far as i've tested, i think apache is the best!. firstly, apache was designed to be a perfect match for php. i got no php problem when using php on them. for me, apache+php+mysql is the best webserver system ever!. secondly, as far as windows is concerned, apache binary is easily transportable into another server or system. what you'll need to do is only to reinstall the service with the command; apache -k install then click run. this is because apache dont rely on any registry key settings or any special shared dlls. but of course, you'll might need to reconfigure paths that stated in the httpd.conf. this really handy is you have customize your webserver and dont want to loose its setting.
  12. thanks all for the replies.i think it is really because of my firewall. but thanks anyway
  13. nope.. it doesnt work. are you sure it is 2082?this restrictions make me go crazy! i hate this network!. everytime i want to access my cpanel, i have to go somewhere else.
  14. i've been using mambo for a while now. it is really easy and useful. but one thing bother me though; how to create a custom mambo modul? i've been searching on the net about this, but i could never found them. anyone have the resourse? thanks
  15. it has been a while since i can login to my cpanel. i think what happened is that my cpanel was blocked by the firewall we are having here. i know that i can go to cpanel by using; https://www.name.com/account/login.php but i also know that this can be cone using; http://forums.xisto.com/ could anyone tell me the xxxx. what port number is it. thanks a bunch!
  16. today, everything is tapped. phones, internet, even emails. see what yahoo mail have written at the bottom of the page; but im still using it. why? because i dont think i m a threat to anyone.
  17. really interesting idea. really.before this, i've have stumble upon the same kind of thinking. i've been studying about it and actually tried it. but then, i know i was wrong. it would never work. remember the idea about "energy cannot be created, only can be converted into another form"?. it true. the system you have design might have the ability to retain energy (electricity) for some period of time, but then, the energy will slowly dissipiate. why? consider this; 1. the copper wire you are using will impose some resistance, where the electricity will be converted to heat and slowly dissipiate into the sorrounding invironment. 2. the mechanical movement will impose some physical resistance to the wheel and wind. so, again, the energy inside the system will be converted to other energy and dissipiate into the invironment. this system, at the best will only be able to retain energy
  18. photoshop + image ready are the best duo for creating website template. with the graphic function that provided by photoshop, you can use your limitless creativity to design a template. by using image ready, a template creation is simple as clicking and slicing.
  19. haha, i was just about to create a new thread for this. yes there are tools for such quests. personally, i like to use webzip to download a site. it is avaliable from spidersoft; http://www.spidersoft.com/ but there are several issues that you need to understand before copying a whole website; Legal Issues This is the most important aspect to look at. sometime a website is copywrited which legally prevent any duplication of it. further more, they said if you are cought, you'll be punish to the highest extend of the law. Secondly, you might cause the site you are copying to slow down. This might crash the target website or make it inaccessible from other users. this kind of situation might get you into lawsuite. beware! Dynamic Websites Copying websites which contain dynamic items such as forms will render it useless. The form will not work if you copied them using this tool. but if you have broadband access which is always on, then it is no reason why you should do that.
  20. for swishmax users, you can go to the swishmax website which contains tons of example files. using that, you might get the idea what swishmax can do and where is the limit of it's abality. happy SWISHing! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. the first thing that you must know is that "energy cannot be created, only can be converted".that's why, magnetism and gravity cannot produce power on their own. we must exert some sort of energy to them in order to have somekind of energy (e.g magnetism + physical force = electricity).if you can prove that you can generate energy from NOTHING, than I can assure that you'll win the biggest nobel price.
  22. please consider the message you are recieving is an early notice. it signs that your hd is probably going to have problems later on. if i were you, i'll find a new hd and back up all my files. what i'll do is reformat the old hd and use it only for OS and temporary files. for me, i MUST seperate OS and software into different HD instead on the same drive as my important files.why? because OS and program files are being used frequently and it increases the probability of HD crash. so what i do is that i put my important files at a secondary hd.
  23. it is still under development. but someone said, those problems about super conductor will be adhered somewhere about 10years more.
  24. for me, i think it is ok. anyway, it is a school. It should be controlled. we dont want to see school internet being used for bad things such as porn or whatever.but, the most important thing is that the admin should be very responsible. he/she should not abuse their power. if an abuse happened, students are needed to report the incident to the management.long time ago, i've come to a company which was really restrictive about their internet usage policy. users can go to the companie and their partner website only. no email or anthing else. only port 80(for HTTP) was open, other access was imposibble. wasnt that annoys you?
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