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Posts posted by Cerb

  1. 999 isn't God's number - it's 777. Do some research before you say stuff like that.


    To get worked up over such a thing is awfully moronic. The only reason 777 is recognized as "God's number" is because of silly numerologists. It has nothing to do with the actual religion of Christianity. If God has any number assigned to him, it would make most sense to be 3. That is, to recognize the trinity. Now, why don't you do some research.

  2. Also, I hate to burst all of your bubbles, but recently the mark of the beast has been found to be the number 616, rather than 666. While many printings of the bible say six-hundred three-score and six, it has been known for a while to be an inacurate translation. Tests were also done by Oxford University students with imaging software to read previously illegible portions of old manuscripts. They concluded that the number truly read 616. This same number can also be read in many other printings.For more information, search Number of the Beast on wikipedia.org

  3. I started to post here yesterday, but I was disconnected and never bothered to start over. In my opinion, this is nothing more than a silly childs game full of drama. Yes, 666 has been accepted as the number of the beast. That is, in the Bible. The Bible also talks of how the world will truly end, and it has little to do with demons just coming up from the depths of hell and 'ending' it. There is far more to it than that.

  4. I collect woods for use in my instrument building. Most of them are nice exotics, and I have quite a few burled veneers. Of course, there are the more traditional boards of woods such as maple and mahogany. The wood that I can't wait to tear up and make a bass from is my 12' * 8" * 3/4" plank of near quartersawn mahogany. The main reason for wanting to use it is the fact that it has been aging in an attic for the past 40 years.When I was younger I also collected basketball cards. I had thousands of them, and then we moved. I still have most of my collection, but I have a couple 1000 card boxes missing. I don't really enjoy them much now, and I imagine that I will sell them when I'm older and they are worth more.

  5. I will agree with everyone else, in that having a tail does not signify that you are in some way one of Satan's little demons. This defies all logic, and even the very book that Christianity was founded with. I also agree that it could very well be an evolutionary mishap. According to evolutionists, we are descended from apelike creatures, which very well could have had tails. This recessive gene could very likely turn up occasionally. Though, being as it has not been studied thoroughly, we know very little about this phenomena. Whether it is a tumorous flesh, muscle and blood vessels, or an actual continuation of the spine in unknown.

  6. Failure is always an option when travelling so far. Within those ten years it could very easilly get bumped by a piece of rock travelling thousands of miles per hour, or be caught in the pull of another large body and not escape. It's all too unpredictable. With any luck, though, it will make it.

  7. I recently (5 or 6 months ago) began working in a coffee shop as my first job. Among many other drinks, we serve hot teas. Many of them are loose leaf, and some are prebagged. Just recently I started trying all of the many blends we carry, and I discovered that I absolutely love the stuff. My favorites are probably the black teas with rose petals and the straight green tea. Chai is another favorite, with Kayoto cherry following very close behind. Does anyone else really enjoy tea and drink it regularly? What are your favorites? I need some stuff to try, as I am pretty new to it all. I know tea is very common in European countries, so I'd like to have some input from the people of Europe, aswell.

  8. Number 20 is actually incorrect. Usually the female will rip the males head off just before the deed is done. If lucky, and they occasionally are, the male will be able to get away quick enough. In response to Gyad's response (:D) to number 9, obviously you couldn't die from holding your breath. You would pass out long before, and your breathing would continue as normal. That is, if one had the will power to hold it that long. This can, however, kill brain cells.

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