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Posts posted by Cerb

  1. I haven't been working on it for very long, but you can check it out at cerb.trap17.com. When finished, it will be centered around bass and my bass building. The 'updates' thing is to be replaced by a shoutbox, and the iFrames used are going to be replaced by PHP includes. I didn't have PHP installed on my computer, so I was just using iFrames to test it on this machine.

    I will constantly be adding new stuff to it, I'm sure. Eventually the "Random Shizzizle" part of the menu will have it's own page so that the menu doesn't grow to monstrous proportions.

    P.S. Check out my poem of sorts by clicking on "Ponder This". It's my first attempt at poetry, and I really didn't mean to right it as such. Once I finished it, though, I really liked it.

    I also forgot to mention, if anyone viewing it could take a screenshot and post it here, I would be very greatful. Also include your screen resolution and browser/version.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Please refrain from double posting (back to back). If you must add or edit, use the REPORT button and send with a detailed instruction.

  2. I have the 40 gig version. They are nice as hell. The only thing I hate is that I bought it about 3 months after they came out (I sold my previous one, and needed another). I dropped $450 for the 40 gig. Apple just announced that they are merging iPod and iPod Photos, and the Photo will become their default line of iPods. Now you can get a 60 gig version for $400!!!


    Oh, well. It has served me nicely. I've been an iPod junkie since the 2nd generation, and I've never had any problems. I'm just waiting for the iPodLinux team (google it :unsure:) to release a kernal for 4th gen Photos.

  3. I started playing around with Coke Music after Habbo Hotel wiped out my furni. I didn't play Habbo for a little under 6 months, and when I get back, about $50 in furni had been cleared from my account :unsure:. My account on Coke Music is _SOADFan_. Last time I checked, my furniture and rooms had been wiped from inactivity. For a while I had a somewhat popular room that was bass (the instrument, not the fish :P) themed.

  4. I always find stuff like this neat. For a while I practiced telekinesis. I got good enough that I could spin a disk on the end of a needle that was sealed under a glass globe. I could also dangle a string with a weight on the end from the top of the same glass globe, and make it begin to move in circles. I never got great at it, and I probably couldn't do it anymore, but it really is just a struggle to take hold of your mind. Knowing that you can do it is more than half of the battle.

  5. Hi Cerb,

    Yup, it really is a great forum & the web hosting IS THE BEST ..no BS.

    Welcome to the forums. lots of friendly, helpful & knowledgable poeple herE.


    Just click on "Free web hosting" at the top of the page & scroll down to see your credits.



    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. From what I can tell, the hosting will be amazing once I get it; lots of stuff to play around with :unsure:. Nice forums, aswell, which makes it that much better.

  6. Where exactly does it show us the credits that we have earned? I've looked through my MB controls, and it doesn't seem to be posted there. I know that they don't register until the admins go through the posts, but where will they be posted?

  7. Sadly, I know the type. Elitists seem to fit into this category aswell. The thing that relates to this most in my life are guitarists who believe they can play bass since it's 2 strings under what they usually play. No one can groove like a bassist, and most guitarists can barely pluck these nice thick strings :unsure: .

  8. Well, I originally came here looking for some free hosting, but it seems I have stumbled upon a great forum. I'm usually hanging out over at the Talkbass.com forums. It looks like I'll have to include this forum in my daily rounds of the net :P.

    Anyways, I'm 15 and from the U.S. of A. My hobbies include playing bass, building instruments, and creating music. My favorite genre of music would either be jazz or avante garde rock (King Crimson, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, etc.).

    Hmmm... What more can be said? Oh! At the moment I'm building a 4 string fretless jazz bass that can be found Here. Once I am qualified for hosting, that blog will be moved here and be all nice and tidy :unsure:.

  9. Net send can be a fun thing if you are logged in annonymously (sp?). Our school has a couple of computers in the library that are logged on all day with a schoolwide account. It's always fun to send messages to teachers computers; you need to know the name of that computer on the network, obviously.

  10. If you don't see it affecting your life, job or otherwise, once you've finished, I wouldn't bother. I'm a teenager (15) whose parents didn't finish highschool, and I certainly don't see myself dropping out in the near future based on their example. Don't worry too much about your daughter. If she really wanted to quit, she would do it whether you had or not.

  11. The topic description pretty much says it all. If you are a musician, what do you play?

    I. myself, am a bassist. I play primarily 4 string, but can play upwards of 7. My preference when it comes to fingerboards is unlined fretless. At the moment I am playing a decent enough ESP to hold me over until I finish building the bass I'm currently working on (you can see that Here.)

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