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Posts posted by greenpeace

  1. The dial up connectivity that is the only mode of internet connectivity available in rural India. Even though most part of the country is covered by mobile towers, 3G is not widely available. I used dial up when I was in India and it was extremely slow and I was never able to send a file more than 2 MB over email due to connectivity problems. Now BSNL, India's national telecom company, offers DSL connections in many villages.To send 4 GB data over dial up, I cannot think of it.... I would prefer a pigeon instead. :)

  2. There was no damage to the world's most ambitious project. A short circuit occurred by a piece of baguette bread dropped by a bird on 3rd November 2009. This occurred in LHC's outdoor electrical installations and they call the event as a simple "power cut". The effect was decreased performance of cryogenic systems in LHC sectors 7-8 and 8-1. The standard fail-safe backup systems came in to action and everything is back online now.

    LHC's official statement about the incident can be read at http://directory.web.cern.ch/directory/

    Our understanding of the Universe is about to change...

  3. 1. It is from Google. Brand really matters.2. No flash or image ads on web interface. I hate Yahoo or MSN for this reason.3. No ad signature on outgoing emails.4. Excellent anti-spam.5. Free POP SMTP and IMAP access.6. Simple interface, I have already learned email technology from college and now I just want to see it in practice.7. External mail collector, I can access my college and office mail here and send from any of my addresses.8. One GMail ID gives access to all Google services.9. Plenty of space, but this is history. Now I need more, really.

  4. I too got the same message but the sender was different, not only once, but more than 10 times. I strongly feels that this scam works by harvesting emails from social networking sites as all the mails with similar content was received on my email ID that I use exclusively on social networking websites. My spam filters were smart enough mark such messages as SPAM and even otherwise, I would not respond to such messages.This is a scam and eventually it will end up in asking money in a twisted manner. When you paid them, they will vanish in to thin air. Everyone points it to some African countries.

  5. If it is about higher meanings of language, it is Sanskrit I think. Most of the words used in Sanskrit has different meanings and the appropriate meaning inferred according to the situation. So it was hard for scholars of modern times to translate Sanskrit literature in to English, even though most of them are already translated with never-ending controversy over abstract meanings.My native language, Malayalam, is also not easy... and we have numerous versions of Malayalam in our small state of Kerala. What I use a "print language" so that everyone can understand :) ...

  6. 160by2 is a free SMS service which has some features like queuing of messages for future sending. Currently they claim to support messages to Kuwait, India, UAE, Saudi, Singapore, Philippines and Malaysia. I have tested India and Kuwait and they work fine, even though with some delay sometimes. Visit them at http://www.160by2.com/

    Another free SMS service that works fine for me, but only to Indian mobile numbers, is http://www.ibibo.com/

  7. The "issues" you believe that God being the Creator of all matter brings up can be easily done away with by assuming a definition of "creation" that is not limited to human "creation." In other words, don't place God on a human level. You use a definition for "creation" that assumes creation already existing. However, how can there be anything else in existence than God if God was the one that brought these things into existence? Your definition creates a paradox by excluding God being the Creator of matter.
    By assuming that "creation" means "bringing something into existence which didn't already exist" and using the word "manipulation" for human "creation," you can avoid a lot of problems, therefore making things logical.

    Well, even the title of this topic can be classified as "prejudicial" as it asks Who is God, as this question presupposes that there is a god and the seeker does not know what he is.

    Yes, things are logical if we could believe that there is a creator God... It, of course, helps us to avoid lots of problems. But is that enough? We humans are inquisitive in nature and therefor none of us could find real peace of mind from mere belief in a personal or impersonal God. In my opinion, that comes only when we "realize the truth", as said by Lord Jesus and as proclaimed by all schools of philosophy in India.

    We must "see" God, or more precisely "be" God... Then, perhaps, all paradoxes are resolved...

  8. I applied for an account at 000webhost earlier this year. They asked me to download an executable file from their control panel. They say it is for some DNS verification (I don't remember exactly). I downloaded the file but as I was suspicious about the necessity of such an exe file for free hosting, I scanned it using various online anti virus programs. The results was terrific, the file contained a Trojan... So that was all for me... simply deleted all their emails and the file I downloaded. To be sure, I added their domain to my hosts file pointing to local host so that I don't want to go there even by accident...

  9. This is a hard question for a person from India, with a Hindu background. In our records, our religion is marked as Hinduism and other people used to call us by that name. But for us, it is not a religion with a strict sets of beliefs, symbols, concept of a creator God etc.I personally prefer to call myself as a "Vedantist", that can be translated to a Hindu it its common form, of course. Swami Vivekananda used to denote the Hindu's of India as Vedantists, the followers of the Vedas, world's most ancient religious philosophy. Hindu means an inhabitant of Hindustan, the term coined by the Persian invaders to refer to the people on the other side of the river Sindhu. So today, it should include all citizen of India, including Muslims, Christians and people of other faiths.So, to conclude, I am a Hindu in general and a Vedantist in its specific meaning.

  10. God is infinity in all dimensions. To me, God is the force that relates to me and only me and is also guiding force in my willful actions. It goes beyond my thoughts and he takes care of me while I sleep. I see his force in the people I love the most and the more I try to understand God, the more I find myself puzzled.
    Talking in larger scale, he is the Generator Operator Destroyer and I feel he is the sole cause of everything planet Earth has seen.

    If God is the creator of everything, it raises some issues. "Creation" in its common, everyday sense is "organizing things that already exist in a particular order". In the case of God's creation, how can he "create" without these source components? If we argue that God made everything out of nothing, isn't that a strange impossibility? If we accept this idea as a fact, our today's science's are just child's play...

    Next problem is the WHY? Why God created the universe? Seeing the injustice and suffering around me, I cannot accept that creation was a noble process... What was God's intention in creating this universe? The common belief that he wanted man to search and find him sounds strange, as he made man and he want man to find himself! What for?

    The concept of operation and destruction is also the same... What is the purpose?

    I think, I may not be able to answer the original question... "Who is God" but I can answer it in a negative way, "Who is not God". Let the discussion develop to more subtle ideas...

  11. "Astrology and all these mystical things are generally signs of a weak mind; therefore as soon as they are becoming prominent in our minds, we should see a physician, take good food, and rest."


    By Swami Vivekananda (1863 - 1902)


    This comment is quoted from the website of Vivekananda Vedanta Network, Ramakrishna Vedanta Society of Boston, USA.


    What do you think about this? I fully support the idea of Swamiji and believes that Astronomy is what we should think about, not Astrology.

  12. Please note that these Chakras are just symbolic expression of our centers of attention in our body. Man, mistakenly identified as the body finds his mind attached most of the time in relation to the reproductive organs as it gives pleasure. The practice of Raja Yoga helps one to raise his mind from this lever towards the highest location in the head, ie release from identification from pleasure seeking sense organs to truth seeking intelligence.Music is an aid for mental relaxation but it has nothing to do with the genuine Yoga system. For this, you need to meet a capable teacher, a Guru, and follow the strict rules he prescribes. In due course of time, for some experts it was 20-30 years, you will attain the goal of Yoga.

  13. Spirituality is the view that hold supremacy of the consciousness or spirit over matter. Different views are there within the domain of spirituality, some says that matter and spirit are separate entities, some says that matter is spirit and some others says that matter is unreal and only spirit exists.Religion is a practice of some of the above and many other philosophies so that a desired goal, liberation to say, is attained. These are different roads, suited to different classes of people. As one hat do not fit all, one religion may not fit all intellect.I would like to bring your attention towards a religion, to be precise a religious philosophy, originated in ancient India known as "Charvaka cult". They holds that matter is the supreme truth and the term spirit is used to denote the physical body only. It is material pleasures that we must seek for and there is no such a thing like god beyond this body. But this view is only in the history of religion in modern India. I know that some groups of rationalists are still promoting these views.

  14. GMX is a good email service. The most interesting part of their service is its ad-free interface that looks like a professional corporate panel. When it comes the the real stuff, email, it allows us to add up to 10 add-on addresses at different GMX domains. We can send and receive emails from one single location. It allows us to collect email from most free email providers including Yahoo, Live, Hotmail and GMail as well as send mail from these addresses. So we can manage multiple accounts from one single location. Another features is their active community participation where users can suggest features which will be implemented as soon as possible.The drawbacks are already discussed here. It is slow, takes a long time to load over a slow connection. Old browsers cannot handle the GMX interface. On a 10 point scale, I would give GMX 8 marks.

  15. It is not always possible for a file hosting and sharing site such as Rapidshare to ananlyze each and every traffic through their servers for copyright violations, computer viruses, child pornography, terrorism related material etc. Among all these, I am particularly concerned about the possibility of transmission of dangerous information in a hidden manner through these servers.A few years back in India, some persons with terrorism related activities used email accounts to transmit messages. As any email send over the network can be monitored by intelligence agencies, they simply created an email and the messages they want to transmit was kept in the drafts folder. Then the username and passwords were given to concerned persons. As this process involves no email sending, it was hard for our agencies to track.I am sure, agencies like FBI would have sufficient technology to detect and monitor such illegal activities on the internet. It would be a help if we could detect and report any such "less secure" areas to the concerned authorities.

  16. Posted Image


    Have a loot at the last three months worldwide browser usage statistics. Still Internet Explorer 7.0 rules the world. This data is collected from the StatCounter.com's Global Statistics. Numerical data of the above graph is here.


    Internet Explorer 7.0 - 24.81%

    Internet Explorer 6.0 - 16.77%

    Internet Explorer 8.0 - 16.73%

    Mozilla Firefox 3.5 - 15.5%

    Mozilla Firefox 3.0 - 14.22%

    Apple Safari 4 - 2.52%

    Google Chrome 3.0 - 1.91%

    Google Chrome 2.0 - 1.72%

    Others - 5.82%

    I feel that this is due to the supply of IE free with the Windows OS and people in general are yet to learn about the browser security aspects. We are still relying on the security assurance given by our antivirus programs...

  17. Yoga, as stated by sumaru in the first post, means "to unite with". Its original meanings are lost nowadays due to extensive commercialism and new age "yoga gurus" who features it as a system of physical exercises for general well being, just like aerobics or modified form of physiotherapy. In its birthplace, India, the term Yoga was used to denote every form of spiritual pursuits which enables one to "be one with the absolute". As its original meanins are in spiritual arena, a brief introduction about Indian spiritual systems would be required.India, from the ancient times, believed in personal experience as the perfect proof of reality. This experience should not be tainted with clouded vision or intellect. Purity of the mind and single-pointedness of the intellect were the key factors of Indian spiritual practices. Generally, the entire system was divided in to four paths as follows.1. Bhakthi Yoga, the path of absolute love for god2. Karma Yoga, the path of selfless service towards the mankind3. Jnana Yoga, the path of knowledge in which a seeker analyzes everything, including his body, mind and the universe intellectually and differentiates between the permanent and transient. He the devotes his whole attention towards the permanent reality, which we call in India as "Brahman".4. Raja Yoga, the path of specific meditations and physical exercises that enables one to control his mind and senses so that it can be directed towards higher goals in life. The popular Yoga sessions in western countries are mainly based on the Raja Yoga, but in a highly diluted and altered manner. Originally the Raja Yoga system was organized by an Indian saint called "Patanjali". His popular book, "Patanjala Yoga Sutras" are the authoritative text on the subject of Yoga. In the first dictum, he states that "Yoga Chitta Vritti Norodha", that means "Yoga is cessation of mental projections", even though I am not fit to provide an in-depth philosophical description. So, practicing Yoga means practicing willful control of the mind and senses so that we could see things as it is, not through the mind which modifies the reality.While composing this, I got an email from Vivekananda Vedanta Network that explains the goal of all Yogas including the Raja Yoga that I am reproducing here."In whom is the universe, who is in the universe, who is the universe; in whom is the Soul, who is in the soul, who is the soul; knowing that Truth--and therefore the universe--as our Self, alone extinguishes all fear, brings an end to misery, and leads to infinite freedom."Written by Swami Vivekananda in March 1899, to be included in the prospectusof the Advaita Ashrama at Mayavati in the Himalayas. Complete Works, 5.435.For followers of Christian faith, the entire system of Yoga is nothing but practical applications of the teachings of Lord Jesus, "Let thy know the truth, the truth shall make you free".

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