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Posts posted by ckuehner

  1. ckuehner  grt info man


    would u mind illustrate more plz


    then how can i contact my internet provider


    and what is static ip and how could i get it


    Not real sure what you would like me to illustrate. Can you explain?


    As for contacting you ISP... well.. I don't know. Depends on who your ISP is. Look at your monthly bill and find their Technical Support number. You can then check with them to see if they allow you to host a server. (Chances are that they don't) Typically an ISP is going to require you to purchase a business package instead of a residential package before they will allow you to host a server. Typically this business package will include a Static IP.


    A static IP is an IP address that never changes. For example if your IP was then nomatter if you reboot your computer, modem or router... that address will never change.


    In comparasin to a Dynamic IP which is what most ISP give residential customers... a Dynamic IP might change from day to day. Today you may have and tomorrow it may be or something.


    The problem with that situation is that DNS Servers around the world associate a web address like http://www.mysite.com/ with a specific IP address... so if your IP address changes... those DNS servers are now pointing to the wrong computer.


    Does that make sense? There are ways around this... such as Dynamic DNS Services... (such as DynDNS.com) but if you seriously want to run a real web server... that is not the way to do it.

  2. If your specs say that the system can support 4 GB of RAM... then the only way to achieve that with 4 sockets is to install 4 1GB RAM chips.Having 4GB of ram has absolutely nothing to do with burning up your CPU. (Unless you try putting the new chips in with the computer running or something silly like that)In reality... having 4GB of RAM will help other things... It will decrease hard drive access, therefore possibly cooling down your Hard Drive Temperature. This is due to the fact that your computer will not have to access the Windows Paging File as often. The paging file is hard drive space designed to act as RAM at those moments when your computer does not actually have enough physical RAM to complete the current task. Thus, with more RAM... the less often you will access the Paging File. This also explains why extra RAM makes a computer seem to run faster... Access to physical RAM is in the Nanoseconds range... while accessing the Paging File is in the Milliseconds range.RAM=FASTPAGING FILE=SLOWOr at least that is a simple explanation.Adding RAM is the single most important upgrade you can do to a PC... and there is no danger involved..Since you have a Compaq Computer... just make sure that you buy RAM that has been tested to work with your model... Compaq is Notorious for needing specific manufacturer's RAM chips. Just any old chip off the shelf might not work properly.

  3. I am feeling a little old around here lately.FYI - I am 38 years old, yep, pretty ancient apparently.Anyway, I do find it entertaining to read posts and comment on topics that are written by 14 to 17 year old kids. Entertaining because after 38 years, there isn't a whole lot that I haven't seen or done, and to see these things from a fresh perspective of someone who hasn't seen it all is quite refreshing.Quite a few of you seem to have your stuff together pretty well. A lot of you are well spoken and use proper grammer when writing posts. However, some of you appear to be absolutely clueless, and couldn't form a proper sentance to save your life. (Trust me... proper grammer is important... how you express yourself when writing is quite often how the rest of the world percieves you)What I would like to know is what the average age of the members of this forum. I am just curious.

  4. I have already a domain name and need to host my own website in my computer. How can I do it? I need help as in step-by-step instruction from you guys... Pls...


    Any reply would be appreciated...


    First things first...


    1. Does your ISP allow you to run a server?

    2. Is your bandwidth high enough to make the server usable?

    3. Do you have a static IP address?

    4. What type of features do you need your server to support? (PSP, PERL, ASP... etc)

    5. What operating system are you running?

    6. Do you have a dedicated machine for this server or do you plan on running it from your desktop PC?


    I can probably think of a thousand other questions that would be helpful before being able to give specific instructions.


    Also, if you are running Windows XP, then you need to decide if you would prefer to use IIS or Apache for the base HTTP server. (I would highly recommend Apache)


    I would also highly recommend that if you seriously want to run your own server... that you consider running one of the Linux Distributions... that is a far more stable way of running a web server.

  5. Oh yes... that is the distortion effect caused by the force field I have around my private school where I teach mutants how to use their special powers for the betterment of mankind.Actually it is an interesting picture though. Anything that actually makes people wonder and speculate coming up with all kinds of wild theories is always a good thing.Keeps people open to the various possibilities that exist in this universe.

  6. Laser Surgery is the best answer.I spent a couple of years wearing glasses. Hated them, made my nose sore, got broken alot because I was always a pretty active kid. So I switched to contact lenses. Way better than glasses. But they still had issues. Very irritating when they were dirty.The other issue with my contact lenses was that they block some oxygen from reaching your eyes. Over many years, this becomes an issue. The blood vessels in your eyes get larger to compensate for the lack of oxygen. This is not a reversible side effect. Once they become enlarged... this is permanent. Eventually, these blood vessels will expand into the retina causing blind spots and other issues.A few years ago, I spent $3500 for Laser Surgery. Very easy procedure, and very quick. A little freaky to have someone perform surgery on your eyes while you are awake, but not that bad.Before having the surgery, I always assumed that 20/20 was perfect vision. Believe it or not... it can be even better. I went from something like 20/200 vision in both eyes, to 20/15 vision in both eyes. I can see better than I ever did with either glasses or contacts, and my exams are free for the rest of my life. If I ever need an adjustment, it is also free. A few more years, and it will have paid for itself just in savings from eye exams and replacement prescriptions.Also, before the surgery, I was ineligable for any type of government Law Enforcement Positions due to vision requirements. Now I exceed their requirements, because they allow vision corrected by laser surgery. (this was the original reason why I got the surgery)

  7. The clostest thing I found to a "free" Photoshop is

    Photoshop 6.0 Tryout Version. I can't save it since its tryout but I can Copy + Paste my image and paste it onto a free photo program.

    Are there real Free Photoshop programs out there? I don't want trials or tryouts....


    Well, you can always use the trial version of Paint Shop Pro. It actually is a fully working version (Time Limited)


    As for a true free Photoshop program... good luck. There are a lot of free programs out there... however none of the truly free ones have all of the features of Photoshop. It is possible to do all of the things that Photoshop does by using several programs... but this method is very annoying because you have to switch back and forth between programs depending upon what you want to do.

  8. I mean comon...most people don't care about a "free tshirt" especially when it's false and they always slow down my computer. they're really annoying i get sooo frustrated. banners are okay because theyre just there they dont popup..BUT they are very tempting to click on expecially when it says "shoot the thing" or something lol i find it fun..


    Yes, I agree ... Pop-ups are very much an annoyance... I don't know that I would say they are useless. They may be useless to a casual web surfer... however they are extremely useful to an advertiser.


    Everybody hates them, and there is a ton of software designed to block them, however, they are also still the most effective way to advertise on the internet.


    From the standpoint of a surfer... I would like to destroy all pop-ups. From the standpoint of an advertiser... they get the message across very effectively.

  9. hi

    For some unknown reason, when I connected to the internet today, the internet connection icon in the taskbar didn't appear.


    I tried unchecking and re-checking the "Show icon in notification area when connected" box under my connection's properties, and the Customize Notifications under Taskbar Properties still lists the internet connection as "always show".


    I willing to go into my Registry to fix this problem.


    Any help?

    Thanks ahead!


    Maybe this is a stupid suggestion, however, in my experience, most computer problems are usually something extremely simple.


    Check to see if you have "Hide inactive icons" enabled in your taskbar properties. Might seem like a really stupid thing... but it is always a possibility. Just right click on an empty space on your taskbar and select properties.


    It is possible that the icon has just slid into the inactive list. The inactive list is not really acurate... in order to stay on the active list, Windows actually expects that you normally click on the icon... otherwise it doesn't think you are using it.

  10. ISTANBUL, Turkey - First one sheep jumped to its death. Then stunned Turkish shepherds, who had left the herd to graze while they had breakfast, watched as nearly 1,500 others followed, each leaping off the same cliff, Turkish media reported...

    See full article over here ...


    I know sheep have a tendancy to follow their heard. It's instinctive for protection but I had no idea they would go to these kind of lengths! Surely they would sense the movement of the following sheep and stop? Obviously not.


    But it's not all funny. That family have lost $100,000 where the GNP per head is $2.7k. Over 35 years worth of earnings :P


    Comments welcome...


    Hmmm... so it appears that sheep are not so different from people after all. Sheep follow each other without regards for the consequences. Does that sound at all familier? Reminds me of excuses I have heard (and probably used when I was younger). Things such as "Well, all of my friends are going to the party" or, "Well, everybody else was drinking and smoking dope"


    The whole earth is filled with creatures that just seem to do whatever the other creatures are doing. Cows do it, Sheep do it... even birds and bees do it.

  11. Moral Fibre is when you find that someone and you give it all up, you risk your life, your future, everything but when you have done all this for her/him you wil know that the juice is worth the squeeze, you know that she will look after you and take care of you as you did for her and eventually she will start liking ya(if she doesnt allready) so all ya boys out there that are ugly(no offence)and you want to go out with a hot chick, just do one amazing thing for her and she will know that you do have real fealing for her and she will eventually start liking you, just try try again i say, but if it is just a crush(normally like for teenagers)then just ignore it, its a flick and you will regret it all your life that you gave up your life for one crush and she still didnt go out with me B)  girls are fussy B) (no offence :P  B) )


    What does that have to do with Moral Fibre? Look up the definition of Morals in the dictionary.


    Moral Fibre is best defined as INTEGRITY.


    Itegrity is defined as "Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code"


    I fail to see what that has to do with ugly guys dating hot chicks.

  12. Hmmm... the perfect boy or girl...Whether they exist or not depends upon what your definition of perfect is. If it is a person with whome you will never argue.. then there is no such thing.It is human nature to argue. No two people in the world will ever see every little thing eye to eye. If that is what you are looking for.. then stop looking. There is nothing wrong with a little argument, it is healthy.. the key is to not let stupid little things blow up into big things.The two keys are trust, and communication. Men and Women since the beginning of time have had a communication problem. If a man says to a woman "I want a Guy's night out" a woman will hear "I hate you and I want to go out and chase women so I can find one better than you"It works the other way around too. We men don't always hear what women are saying correctly either. The trick is learning to understand what what your partner is feeling... not necessarily what comes out of there mouth. We are a society that speaks before we think... so quite often, what we have meant to say is not what actually comes out of our mouth.Once both people realize that and work together to understand what the other really means... then the relationships can work.As for soulmates... With the Billions of people in this world... what do you suppose are the chances that the one and only "Soulmate" exists for you in your own hometown? Or even in your own State or even country? Just something to think about.

  13. I know a lot of people who build their own computers, and most people on forums have custom PCs too. Are there any benefits to doing this?


    I know that if your a gamer, a custom computer is the way to go because you get better performance or whatever... but I'm not a gamer. So don't tell me about that.


    I want to get into music producing, so what would do for that? Like would there be certain parts that would be needed that aren't as necessary in others?


    I'm thinking about buying a turntable to so I can cut up and scratch records like a real DJ, but since I'm a loser I want to be able to edit on the computer too. Are there any PC turntables that I can use with actual records and have the results on the computer? That'd be awesome, but I dont know if its possible...


    If you could post a recipe for the computer I'm looking to build that would be awesome. Just a basic computer that is strong enough to handle a music player (WinAMP), microsoft word, AIM, and an Internet Explorer, plus being able to use Acid/Fruity Loops/Reason, or one of those PC beat producers, all at the same time.


    And if that can all be done with a store bought computer, let me know about that too...


    For what you are looking to do with a computer, you could honestly simply go down to your local Best Buy or whatever stores you have in your area, and buy the cheapest computer that they offer... and it will easily be able to do the things you listed.


    Advantages of building your own computer.... UPGRADES.


    As everyone knows, a computer is only new technology on the day that you buy it. Tomorrow, something bigger, faster, better will come out and you will have old equipment. To a point, this doesn't matter, because if what you have will do what you need it to do, then who cares if it is old equipment. Sooner or later you will be forced to upgrade though. You will need more memory, maybe more hard drive space, a better video card, faster processor...


    If you build your own computer, these upgrades are far easier to add later. Many Store Bought PC's are impossible to upgrade. Memory and Hard Drive space are never a problem... But quite often video cards are built in to the Motherboard, and the processor is not upgradable. Which means that once you need those upgrades... you have to start all over again and buy a new PC. If you build it yourself... you can simply buy a couple of parts and keep yourself up to date.


    While actually building the PC is extremely simple... you should first do your research and learn the basics of what each component does so that you can make a better decision on what parts to buy.


    Another option... hire someone who already knows these things and have them Custom Build your PC for you... you still have the Upgrade Advantage.

  14. We all know how easy kids are to "brainwash" with games and TV right?

    Yesterday I was watching TV and there was a program on called Gammo (about computergames) and it was about a game called Grand theft or w/e, about stealing cars... In this game you are a criminal stealing a car and being a thug, shooting and looting on it's way.

    The irony was that after this program there was another called "police chases" (dutch=politie achtervolgingen), about the police chasing down adult and kids wich did the same thing as the videogames they make  :P

    I think its sick when you first let children play these games to become criminals and then chase em down and send them to jail.


    Just like the use of marijuana, wich is proven not be a hard drug. Here in Holland it's legal, but everywhere else it's looked at like it's the same as cocaďne and all and long times in prison are given.

    So here in Holland the crime rates are way lower then other nations, not only , but mostly due to the fact marijuana is legal here.


    Also with all this economic mess going on it's hard for poor people to put food on the table, due to the fact everything gets more expensive and salaries and wellfare remain the same or get cut off.

    For some people who have nearly no money there is no ohter way then to steal food or do other stupid things to make sure their children can eat.


    Maybe they need prisoners to keep the governments paid :unsure: ...


    So let me get this straight... You think that criminal behavior is caused by video games and because marijuana is illegal in most countries? Hmmm.


    Criminal behavior is caused by the person that commits the criminal act. It can be for a lot of reasons. The criminal weighs the advantages and disadvantages of the crime... such as what do I gain as opposed to what do I lose if I get caught. If the chances of getting caught are slim... people are far more likely to commit a crime... solution... add more police officers. If the punishment is is too lenient... then what is there to keep them from commiting the crime. In America, the punishment for theft is quite often simply probation and community service. GOsh... that will teach them. Some countries simply cut of the hands of a theif.... Those countries don't have a theft problem. Solution... make the punishment for crime more severe... and also follow through with the punishment... no more plea bargaining.

  15. I've heard of people going back to high school in their later years and I really want to know just how likely it would be to be granted permission to go back at the age of 34.  I quit in the middle of my 11th year and I've never stopped thinking about going back and finishing.  It's like something I need to do before I die or something.  How can I be a good example to my teenager is she should decide to quit if I didn't finish myself?  So, if anyone out there has any information about getting back into high school at my age, please let me know.  The information would be appreciated.


    I'm not sure why anyone would actually want to go back to High School.


    The best solution is to simply get your GED which is a High School Equivalancy Test. The business world sees that the same as a high school diploma. Having a GED will allow you to move on to bigger and better things in your professional life.


    With a GED you can then move on to college if you wish. If attending a Full Time College is not what you have in mind... there are a lot of different programs out there where you can attend classes part time and achieve an associates (2 Year) degree in your spare time. Once you have one of those... a whole world of higher paying jobs opens up to you.

  16. i personally dont think its bad to cheat on ur mate as long as u dont let he/she find out...because cheating on your mate might just be the thing that keeps you two together...and what he/she doesnt know wont hurt he/she :unsure:...i mean like for instance...a friend of mine went out for a girl for almost 2-3 years and they cheated on each other the whole time but never got caught and they had a great relationship...they ended up braking up in the end because she had to move away...but they still keep in touch and hook up every once in awhile lol...but if ur married then u should not cheat no way!...or if ur going out with someone u can picture spending ur life with u shouldnt cheat either...thats just my opinion...what do u guys think?


    I guess that it depends upon how your partner feels about the subject. If your partner feels that cheating is acceptable behavior... and so do you... then I guess there is no harm in it. However, if either party in the relationship would feel betrayed by having the other cheat on them.... then cheating is wrong.


    The idea that the if the other person does'nt find out about the infidelity would make it OK as absolutely rediculous. Number one thing... if you are in a committed relationship... it doesn't matter if your partner knows or not.. you should never do anything that would hurt them (always act as if they knew everything that you do)


    Also believing that the other person would never find out about it is also a rediculous idea. Sometime down the road... maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, or maybe next year... They will find out. Sooner or later, that kind of thing always comes out. Better to just be honest right up front. Having been on the receiving end of a cheating partner... I can tell you that even though it may hurt to know the truth... it is far better to know right away than to have been lied to for a long period of time.

  17. I see 3 big company making web site developement programs.  Macromeida has Dreamweaver MX,  Adobe offers Golive CS, and Microsoft provides Frontpage.  I'm just a newbie and have no idea which one I should learn.  Any suggestion? Many thanks.


    Which one you should use depends on what you plan to design. If you are simply going to design a personal Web page, then Frontpage is by far the simplest to use.


    However, if you plan on designing webpages commercially... then you should consider either Dreamweaver or Go-Live. My personal recommendations would be Dreamweaver. If you learn to use Dreamweaver well enough, and get a few websites developed to add to your portfoio... then you can pretty much find work anywere (assuming that you are creative and talented).


    Dreamweaver is more widely used comercially than either of the other packages. Free templates are also widely available on the web so that you can practice and see how the professionals do it.


    Having spent several years developing commercial webstes, I have used all three packages. After learning all three... I actually find Dreamweaver to be the easiest to use as well.

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