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Everything posted by cragllo

  1. Photoshop is the best... I used to use Paint shop pro...
  2. Earn money from your sites today by placing adverts on your site, if you have a blank space, why not fill it with a nice colourful advert? and make money when people either click on the banner or if they buy something through that advert... Click HERE to sign up! Thats all you have to do!
  3. :: computers:: internet:: web design...Thant sort of stuff... mostly things to do with web design, like web graphics and site templates....
  4. STOP spamming! Some one delete these posts, make him wait longer for hosting....
  5. In my school, a program called 'Surf Control' blocked everything!The school cant do anything about it... because it goes throught a server in the council offices, you cant even go on bitesize... lol...
  6. I use FireFox 1.0! Click my sig in you wannna try it out...
  7. cragllo

    Pixels Pixels

    thats prettey rubish, im not saying im any better lol
  8. cragllo

    Pixels Pixels

    y dont you use photoshop for all that...
  9. cragllo

    Pixels Pixels

    I use paint shop pro, or adobe photo shop... or adobe photo impression
  10. cragllo

    Pixels Pixels

    Thats quite good, go here http://www.armyoftrolls.co.uk/ its awesome pixel art site... Its got an 'adoption agency' too, lol
  11. I use Abyss Web Server to test all my websites and scripts... PHP installed and MySQL too. Easy to install them with good step by step instructions on how to...Apache is hast to setup, Got me fooled!
  12. I was just looking at http://forums.xisto.com/topic/125-user-contributions/ and they are using some of the banners Ive made for them, WooooooHooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I got another for you... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. why do you keep linking using code? just put the url in! like this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. They are not free! you have to subscribe http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  16. I wouldent saim in the 'Banner wiz' i just get bored alot, lol
  17. yea, lol********************************************************************Nice banner there
  18. It is quite sad, but you can make alot of money off it... I have a dating site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (not paying for a propper domain! yet...) Only two people have signed up.. but I get Ł5 for every sign-up. And they get access to over 300,000 people!
  19. I havent got the sims 2 yet, my pc is too rubbish.I havent realy got the skills to make sims 2 objects...A program calles blueprint might do it, but then it might not, Well all (the ones who cant) have to wait for someone to bring out a program to do it like Transmogrifier lol.
  20. No - is a free downloadable game, seperate to the other titles, its about 200Mb Get it here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Some good sites with addons and maps are: http://de.ign.com/ http://enemy-territory.4players.de/news.php
  21. Where is it? And why were you banned? lol
  22. I like it, but the font is a bit confusing...Try to make the font and background blend together a bit, it looks too roughf at the moment. Good Job though.
  23. The fact is that objects for the sims 2 are much harder to make than sims 1, the images for objects in the sims 1 where 2D images, the sims 2 is tataly 3D and the objects are much harder to make...
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