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Everything posted by cragllo

  1. Here is a simple script to make a contact form with PHP. First off you make a simple contact form, insert the following into any page: <form method="post" action="form.php">[/br]Name:<input name="name" type="text" id="name"><br>[br]Email:<input name="email" type="text" id="email"><br>[/br]Subject:<input name="subject" type="text" id="subject"><br>[br]Message:<textarea name="comments" id="textarea"></textarea><br>[/br]<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="SUBMIT">[br]</form> Now make a page called 'form.php' and inser the following only! No html tags! <?php[br][/br]//Declare the variables[br]$recipient = "YOUR@EMAIL.HERE";[/br]$message = "name: $name[br]email: $email[/br]subject: $subject[br]message: $comments";[br][/br]//Contents of form[/br]$name=$_POST['name'];[br]$email=$_POST['email'];[/br]$subject=$_POST['subject'];[br]$comments=$_POST['comments'];[br][/br]//mail() function sends the mail[/br]mail($recipient,$subject,$message);[br][/br]//This line sends to thankyou page when finished[br]header("Location: thankyou.php");[/br]?>To finnish you just need to make a page called 'thankyou.php' to thank the person for contacting you. I hope this will help someone out there!
  2. My firts php code was [/br]<? include("navigation.php"); ?>
  3. Everyone can add someting, wether its a sign post or a skyscraper! I got no rep
  4. It does scroll to the side, or it would not be a srteet...It just hasent got enoughf shops to fill the page to have it scrolling...
  5. Thats awesome Jave! Im updating the page now... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. 2.5D, I dont think there is such thing... lol. Yea thats find what i meand by ?d is that you can see the whole of one side or something...
  7. Ok Ok, Im going to change the way the images are displayed, (just gonna do it manually, not use php to do it for me... im lazy) and Yes becca, you can make people and cars 'n' stuff... .jpg are fine... and so is .swf! With the new way im doing it, i can put .swf files in YEY! You are limited to a max image size of 200px wide and 400px high. I was making a site for someone, a side scrolling one... and it was a row of shops (which linked to sub-sites) and i thought it would be great if i did something like that at Trap... and i did REMEMBER PPL 2D ONLY!
  8. Members can make their own shop front....teir shop front will be added to the street,They arent acctual online shops, just images...
  9. Thats cool, you can make as many as you want becca... Ive added it, see it here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Looks a bit wierd next to the black box, lol
  10. No sorry, uim using php to insert the images, it picks up the file names in a directory and displays the images in alphabetical order, so no, only image formats .png and .gif are the best to use.... .bmp files will not be accepted!
  11. of corse it can becca... anything you want! just no larger than 200px wide and 400px high. :DNOTE TO ALL! It would help if you had your name on your shop front somewhere, so that we can instantly tell who made it!
  12. YEY! people have taken notice at last!Note to self: about 8pm GMT is the most active time on Xisto forums...
  13. Those circle logos were a fluke... Iwas messing around in photoshop, i dunno hoe i did them
  14. Ok, this is the Xisto community Project... How this works is, you design a 2D shop front that can be no larger that 200px wide and 400px high. After you make your shop front, just post it here and we will add it to the street... To view the street as it progresses, you can see it HERE! So what are you waiting for? Get making! Oh, and have fun!
  15. I can do it myself, right click save as , the edit in photoshop or something...
  16. It came to me in a dream... lol, i cant remember a review i think...
  17. I like that Gmail logo, awesome, where did you get it?
  18. Yea! The simpler the better I think! I like simple things... simple things please simple minds
  19. Sometimes it takes time for it to be updated in CPanel...
  20. I have started a banner exchange, please join it. CLICK HERE Thank you, Craig.
  21. Ive just done some the first two arent realy what you are looking for i know... (1) (2) these are some things i done with photoshop... (3) (4) What do you think?
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