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Status Updates posted by Indego_Media

  1. Still in the land of the living just been a little busy of late......

    Sorry if you all missed my occasional interruption of conversation.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  2. Thanks for the Comments on my latest posting and profile. your right my website needs work you know what they say about a builders house and all :)

    Anyway thanks

  3. 10 years on and the Passion is still going strong. My life is good, Hope everyone else is having a nice day..... Last night could not have been any better even if i'd planned it....

  4. Back on Deck today - Hope every one in the US is still ok, Hope no-one lost any property? Take care all :)

  5. forum's awefully quite today? hope everyone is well.

  6. Have a nice nite all. off to Subway for dinner Catch you all tomorrow.

  7. Have a nice nite all. off to Subway for dinner Catch you all tomorrow.

  8. Hope Everyone in the US is still ok. Hope you have avoided the Tronado's been catching the news here and its not looking good, you all need to take care :)



      It was just a few counties above mine. I'm in Laurel, it was in Lexington (not sure what county). I'm in KY.

  9. i like the new logo for KS very nice... now all we need is some trafic and some content ????? :)

    1. k_nitin_r


      You asked for it, you got it. I'm on a posting spree!

  10. i like the new logo for KS very nice... now all we need is some trafic and some content ????? :)

  11. I Need a Favour. Can you all please try and load Http://www.kimolsen.net as my client says they can't open the page. and its working for me. thanks Jase

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. velma


      loading fine here.

    3. Indego_Media


      Thanks All, seems to have been a propergation issue, but seems to be ok now.



    4. Indego_Media


      Thanks All, seems to have been a propergation issue, but seems to be ok now.



  12. I should really be working

  13. i'm in the chat room if you want to talk... its raining here today... TGIF :)

  14. i'm in the chat room if you want to talk... its raining here today... TGIF :)

  15. In the Chat room if anyone is looking for me :)

    1. anwiii


      not in the chat room anymore. change your status haha

    2. Indego_Media


      got sick of waiting for you to get here so i bailed....

    3. Indego_Media


      got sick of waiting for you to get here so i bailed....

  16. In the Chat room if anyone is looking for me :)

  17. is it home time yet? i'm tired and got a head ache....... want to go home to bed :(

    1. web_designer


      hope you get better soon...i can understand you i have a migraine headache for the whole last four days...speedy recovery...

  18. ITs raining and cold here today. about to finish work hope you all had a great weekend.

  19. its so cold here today, Winter has hit us this week, cold and very busy but not in the mood for working too cold.

  20. its still cold here and they are predicting another cold front this weekend YAY another few days freezing my considerable butt off :P hope you're all have a great day and it goes well. Cheers Jase

    1. Guest


      ano its colddddd :@

  21. just about to finish work and I'm out of here. off home to be with my lover :) i miss him so much........ hope you all have a great nite :) hugs

  22. not happy with XISTO at the moment very poor support services :(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. velma


      Dude Anwii, The reason I asked him to pm it to me because I CALL THEM!!! So butt out. I've been put on the forum so that in case a member needs support, I do the job of passing on the message.

    3. anwiii


      ok. i know this company has a weird way of doing things. continue to tell them to pm you. my bad. put it on the main page "PM VELMA if you need help"

    4. anwiii


      btw- jase is my bud. i will NOT butt out. you know he a cash paying customer right? xisto needs to step up. i already hear the complaints before you EVER did and i don't even work for xisto

  23. not happy with XISTO at the moment very poor support services :(

  24. Ok How about some good news ??????????? Misha our cavalier king charles spaneil gave birth to 2 girls and a boy yesterday afternoon by ceasarian section. All are well, well at least in the dog corener anyway, I'm just a little tired not to much sleep yet :) though some good news could brighten up the place :D

  25. One Mood Selection is just not enought today :) Very Happy, and Very Much in Love and in both cases not for the same reasons.

    1. web_designer


      then pick the best one you think it suits you and be more happy when you think that your happiness is bigger than anything that can be represented :)

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