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Posts posted by myke

  1. You can't beat the speed and relevance of Google.

    Still the best, but recent Google updates have put businesses in peril. This may sway users to choose another engine over time. Results are also not as accurate as before.

    I teach Language Arts in a high school of 850 students grades 9 - 12. Every student in the school has to do a research paper every year...no exceptions. Not only is Google the [search engine] with the best results, but I love the advance search option...stops plagiarism in its tracks.

    I used to LOVE Google and overall, they are the best. HOWEVER - I am not impressed with my results since they had to remove that algorithm due to the patent issue. I cannot stand that when I'm searching for products, none show up except ads.

    I only use Google anymore, because the results are better and more applicable, without so much fluff!

    I have had only one choice for two years. Even with the Florida update stupidity, nobody compares or even comes close in relevance, reach, usability, honesty (sponsor ads not mixed in results, clearly labeled).

    I have two pages which are the best and the most important in their respective niches, and Google alone consistently places them top for the relevant search terms.

    I have been using Google since it was in beta test and it continues to amaze me with its accuracy, features, clean look, and overall usefulness. I have been a university reference librarian for over 30 years and NOTHING works better in the area of electronic resources than Google. Sergey and Larry deserve the Nobel Prize in something for doing so much for humanity.

    I am not sure any of them deserve the moniker "Outstanding," but Google seems to be the better.

    Google's still my number one, but its response time seems to have increased this past year. If I think it's getting too sluggish, I'll start using AllTheWeb more, and Teoma's an up-and-comer.

    Google just does it again. K.I.S.S. Keeps it simple, stupid, plus always looking for new ways, new features. I love that about them. They never lose touch with their customers.

    Google is getting overrun with people optimizing, so results aren't as good lately.

    Google - No portal rubbish; straight to search. AdWords can sometimes provide exactly the right results but are kept clearly separate.

    Despite some worries, Google continues its dominance as best search engine.

    Google still indexes new pages faster than any other search engine.

    Began the year great, but lost relevancy 2nd half.

    Despite complaints from high pressure marketers, Google's improvements are much needed by those who are honest and don't try their fancy tricks to get their SPAM listed.

    Google deserves to be named winner as Outstanding Search Service
    answers from search engine watch

  2. Most of those guests are Google Bots, Yahoo Bots and MSN Bots. Xisto is very Search engine friendly.
    As for the regular members, there are typically time of the year when the members are busy elsewhere and take a break from the Xisto. Some members leave for a couple of years and then return.

    Don't worry, the Forum activity will rebound. The Search Bots send us new members on a regular basis.

    so you mean thats 500+ guest is only a bots, huhuhu somehow hope they join our community! :)

  3. okay, so it's 1:06 GMT on the 1st of December, 2006. Suddenly pandemonium erupts around the globe! Radar tracking stations pick up over 30 multi-kilometer large objects descending through the atmosphere; people everywhere spot the bright flaming trails left by the suspected doomsday meteor shower, as the objects plummet towards the ground.
    But just as all hope seems lost, the objects slow! In a matter of minutes, it becomes apparent to the (now mostly awake) people of Earth, that the cosmic visitors are giant space craft! The behemoths slowly begin to fly over the world's largest population centers. For hours the terrified population of Earth watches, from the streets, windows, and televisions, with bated breath, as the ships make their rounds.

    Then it comes, at 4:18 GMT, Dec 1, 2006, human kind's first message from the stars. The first to hear it are those listening to the news on their radios, a brief wave of static; then in every major language, a strange sounding voice declares:
    "We have come to you, the people of Earth, to make you of us. You will put your guns aside, and your leaders will speak to us. Force will be met."

    How do you think Earth will react? (and what would you have done had this happened?)

    Note: the aliens in this scenario *are* primarily peaceful, the question here is not "could we win?", we couldn't, they have thousands of star systems and member races, the technology to lift multi-kilometer star ships in the air, and the resorces to conduct long term cultural integration projects.
    The question I ask is: how long would it take modern Earth society to 1. figure out the true meaning of The Message: "We come in peace to induct your people into our inter-stellar civilization" 2. accept the offer, and 3. how life on Earth would change before #2 came to pass?
    Note2: forgot to add that the aleins will land and attempt direct negotiations with world and regional leaders if no one contacts them after several days. (also hostilities on the part of any nation against the aliens during the negotiations will result in the pacification of that nation)

    If they wanted to make contact, who's to say that aliens are always more advanced than us? I mean, if they do find "alive" germs on Mars, I'd consider that an alien.
    I wouldn't be surprised if there are aliens, kind of ridiculous to assume we're the only ones in the whole universe. If they were more advanced and they wanted to make contact, they probably would've already done so or already have. So I can only conclude that there's a secret government involved with galaxy and universal affairs.

    I like the idea that they're avoiding us, the world just isn't ready for that. That, or maybe they're like us, and they also don't have the means to make contact, or aren't even aware we're here either. They're aliens to us, and we're aliens to them.

    If aliens actually came here in front of the public with seemingly no motives to kill us, I'd stare... take it all in stride and obsessively watch the news.

    But if the alien is like the ones in "Cloverfield," I'll most likely accept that the world is going to end and try by all means to stay alive.

    we dont know if aliens are real or not maybe, hmm

  4. I am Lost And Need Help Moving On

    Can't Get Over My Ex


    hey everybody. I guess if your reading this, you're in the same situation I am, because you typed "I can't get over my ex" into your search engine like I did. However, I doubt your situation is quite as extreme as mine. I broke up with my ex-fiance in December of 2001, and I hate myself for it. I was young (only 24) and I thought that because we were having a hard time we weren't meant to be together. I thought that when people are in love, it should be easy. We started dating when I was only 19, and I had never been exposed to awful boyfriends. But since then, none of the guys I have dated have been anywhere near as great as he was. I thought it would be easy to find some one else, and I have dated other guys, but they were nothing compared to him.


    After he and I broke up, I kept myself busy by going out with my best friend, drinking, doing drugs, and partying. All of those bad things caught up with me a few years later when I lost my job because of my drinking and got a DUI a month later. After I lost my job and got the DUI, ALL of my friends ditched me, and I was alone. I had to stop drinking, so I my mind finally cleared up. I realized that I had made a mistake and was drinking to drown the pain and guilt that I felt for breaking up with him. Once I realized that I had been wrong, I called him. He had gotten married in '03 after asking for my permission to marry her, and they were still married. After calling him, we met for lunch (this was in '06), and talked about everything. I apologized for my stupidity and told him how much I regretted breaking up with him. He said that he still had feelings for me and said that we would keep in touch. He drove me home, and about a block from my house, he pulled over and said he didn't want our time together to end. He said that he missed me and he wished things had turned out differently. He said he still loved me. When we got to my house, he said he would call. He didn't. I called him a few weeks later, we talked for a while and he said we would keep in touch, but he didn't. After that, I called him twice and he didn't answer or call me back, so I left him alone. I found out later that when he met me for lunch, his wife was pregnant.


    Since then, I've left him alone, but I can't stop thinking about him and the mistake I made. I haven't spoken to him in 3 years, but I check his facebook every day. I see pictures of he and his wife and their beautiful daughter, and I beat myself up.


    I stopped dating in 2006. I'm done. I know that no one will be better to me than he was. The reason I check his facebook is to see if he mentions that he might be getting a divorce. He told me (when we went to lunch) that if he weren't married, we could get back together. So I wait, and hope. I know it's evil, but I want him to get a divorce and come home.


    Most days I can stay busy, and not think about it. But some days are worse than others. Like today. On his face book today, he mentions his 7 year anniversary with his wife. Their first date was seven years ago today. That's only 2 months after we broke up. How fast do men move on? Jesus Christ!!


    I don't want you all to think that he was perfect and that I was an a**hole. He did make his mistakes. He was not completely faithful. He never "cheated", but he did...How do you say... Expose himself to other women. I thought he was crazy because of that.


    I just need advice about how to move on. I don't even look at men now. If I think they are attractive, I avoid them completely. I will never find some one else at this rate. Right now I don't want to, but in the future I should. Other than the dating department, I've gotten my life together. I have a great job that I love, I'm in school getting my MFA, I don't drink anymore. Everything is fantastic. Except for this. But I can't let him go. Does anyone have advice? Please help!



    its easy to get over dude!

    make your self busy, out of the country many things you can do! dont stick your life in a one people if he/her not like you,

    get moving :)

  5. MANILA -- Manny Pacquiao is now making the most of his free time with his family before he begins the long grind in preparation for his fight against Miguel Cotto.
    The top pound-for-pound fighter said he is very much excited to go back to the gym and start training for his upcoming fight with the reigning World Boxing Organization welterweight champion from Puerto Rico.

    "Tinanggap ko na ang alok at hamon upang labanan ang dambuhalang si Miguel Angel Cotto sa Nobyembre 14, sa MGM Grand Arena sa Las Vegas at excited na ako upang simulan ang paghahanda," said Pacquiao in his Philboxing.com column "Kumbinasyon".

    That's why Pacquiao is making the most out of his free time by spending it with his family.

    "Medyo mahaba pa rin ang nalalabing panahon para umpisahan ang training, kaya naman gugugulin ko ang mga oras na ito upang makasama ang aking pamilya," he said.

    Pacquiao's coach, Freddie Roach, earlier said he is looking for another eight-week training camp to fully prepare his ward against the bigger Cotto.

    The Filipino boxing star has agreed to fight at 145 pounds against the Puerto Rican champ.

    Manny thanks ESPN Pacquiao, meanwhile, expressed his gratitude to sports TV network ESPN and to all his fans for selecting him as the Best Fighter in the 2009 Excellence in Sports Performance Yearly (ESPY) awards.

    "Lubos akong nagpapasalamat dahil napili akong Best Fighter at naungusan ko ang mga malalaking superstar ng MMA gaya nila Anderson Silva at Lyoto Machida at ang kapwa boksingero na si Sugar Shane Mosley," he said.

    He considered the award as an honor because he said it meant that his performance inside the ring was highly appreciated.

    Pacquiao also apologized for failing to attend the awarding ceremony because of his hectic schedule.

    "Humihingi ako ng paumanhin dahil hindi ako nakaabot sa parangal at hindi ko natanggap ang award dahil na rin sa aking busy na schedule," said the boxer.

    i read this topic at the yahoo sport are!

    who will be the next challenger of manny pacquiao cant wait who's next victim is :)

  6. i so exited to watch harry potter at the cinema last day! when the movie started the beggining is really good and time past the story getting me bored! and the movie finish! waaaaaaaaaaaaaadumbledore dead O-O aw, but thats not my point! i did not realize the movie are not good i rate it 4/10, why its obious the effects are good but its lack of fighting scene! huhuhuat the topicits better to watch at the cinema than to watch a pirated movie sucks!

  7. Everybody is going to die. And it's all your fault. That's right, you. Because you drive a car, you are driven in a car or you have used aeroplanes. Also, your leaving on of lights is destroying the world as we know it. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this from some holier-than-thou position - I'm just as guilty so I'm told. In order to stop the ugly beast of Global Warming in its tracks Golden Gordon has decided that the answer is less road travel, or at least that roads should only be travelled in the automotive equivalent of an asthmatic tortoise.


    Fisrtly, of course, this is an utter load of rubbish as the comparatively miniscule emissions savings wont make the blindest bit of difference, even if global warming is anthropogenic (our big word for the day). Besides which the idea that if motorists are taxed until their pockets bleed then they will use public transport instead just doesn't hold up. Why? Because at the same time as raising car taxes, train and bus fares have also increased!


    Even if this were not the case nobody in their right mind would take a bus over a car - or could for that matter. For it to be as convenient there would have to be a bus service from outer Crowthorne to Farnborough 57 times a day and never mind the people that want to go to Scunthorpe for the day to visit auntie Mabel. It's just not going to happen.


    So leave your lights on, wash your clothes 2 degrees higher than you're told to, for the love of God don't drive a diesel and use your car as often as possible, even when there's no real need to. Burn fossil fuels in your back garden. Just because you can.


    Whatever you do though, don't buy a Land Rover if you live in a city. You just look like a prat.

    global warming is related to us humans!

    read the quoted messages below and you will know



    How do we know that humans are the major cause of global warming?

    <a name="Are_humans_contributing_to_global_warmin">The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states: it is a greater than a 90 percent certainty that emissions of heat-trapping gases from human activities have caused most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century. We all know that warmingand coolinghas happened in the past, and long before humans were around. Many factors (called climate drivers) can influence Earths climatesuch as changes in the suns intensity and volcanic eruptions, as well as heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.


    So how do scientists know that todays warming is primarily caused by humans putting too much carbon in the atmosphere when we burn coal, oil, and gas or cut down forests?


    There are human fingerprints on carbon overload. When humans burn coal, oil and gas (fossil fuels) to generate electricity or drive our cars, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, where it traps heat. A carbon molecule that comes from fossil fuels and deforestation is lighter than the combined signal of those from other sources. As scientists measure the weight of carbon in the atmosphere over time they see a clear increase in the lighter molecules from fossil fuel and deforestation sources that correspond closely to the known trend in emissions.

    Natural changes alone cant explain the temperature changes weve seen. For a computer model to accurately project the future climate, scientists must first ensure that it accurately reproduces observed temperature changes. When the models include only recorded natural climate driverssuch as the suns intensitythe models cannot accurately reproduce the observed warming of the past half century. When human-induced climate drivers are also included in the models, then they accurately capture recent temperature increases in the atmosphere and in the oceans. [4][5][6] When all the natural and human-induced climate drivers are compared to one another, the dramatic accumulation of carbon from human sources is by far the largest climate change driver over the past half century.

    Lower-level atmospherewhich contains the carbon loadis expanding. The boundary between the lower atmosphere (troposphere) and the higher atmosphere (stratosphere) has shifted upward in recent decades. See the ozone FAQ for a figure illustrating the layers of the atmosphere. [6][7][8]This boundary has likely changed because heat-trapping gases accumulate in the lower atmosphere and that atmospheric layer expands as it heats up (much like warming the air in a balloon). And because less heat is escaping into the higher atmosphere, it is likely cooling. This differential would not occur if the sun was the sole climate driver, as solar changes would warm both atmospheric layers, and certainly would not have warmed one while cooling the other.

    i think we are just over papulated!

  8. My cats have no breed but I think that i would like to have a persian chinchilla or a ragdoll. The forest norwegian and the maine coon are also beautiful cats. Do you have a favorite cat breed to?

    i dont have cats but if i have a chance to have a cats i will choose a Kurilian bobtail breed,
    i like he looks of that cats its so cudly :)

  9. In my opinion, thunderstorms are the darn coolest thing in the world. xD I love the light shows that are put on and all that jazz. Its so nice. And then just the way everything is afterwards. I love the scent of the air. =p


    Anyone else love thunderstorms?

    me too i like the effects of thunderstorm specialy when its darks :)

    but although we loves thunderstorm it is important to prepare our self for their potentials danger!

    we know the danger of thuderstorm will brought to us :D


    tips during thunderstorm:

    metal objects such us propane tanks and equipment, tractors and telephone lines can conduct electricity, Do not go near them

    if you are caught outside and cannot get into a safe dwelling. find a low lying open place far away from trees, poles or metal objects, make sure the place you choose is not subject to flooding,

    if you are out side and can hear thunder you are clode enough to the storm to be struck by lightning, go to a safe place/shelter emmidiately

  10. dofus guide
    Hi all dofus players need a nice strength cra but its so hard to train a the begin i will tell you how to become a nice strength cra till reach lvl 31
    its kinda easy if you have a other acc ho has money and u can start easily.

    SO LETS BEGIN !!!!!

    if you reach incarnam first do the quest named ''first woapens'' you can start it by talking to Struk'tohr Nhin you will have to figth something weak
    then you should go if you have adv set figth wild sunflowers if you dont have 1 you should figth little gobbal DONT FORGET to only raise strength
    you should use magic arrow to figth.
    when reaching lvl 3 you get your first earth attack but its not good yet so stay using magic arrow stay figthing sunflowers till you reach lvl 11
    now you have 10 spell points put them in homing its now lvl 5 1-10 damage it sound weak but it isnt wear a nice strength gobbal set and a ''fortifying ring''
    its better if you have a nice 1 whit +15 strength now you have nice damage whit homing arrow like 30+ and thet only in 1 shot so 2x 30+=
    now train on chafers till you reach lvl 20 now you should go to ankama and kill boars and prespics till reach lvl 30 and thet was my guide.

    I hope you will become a very nice strength cra !!!


    dude your at the wrong topic section!
    if you want to post your intro make a new topic of your self here introductions
    is your topic is about game post it here game area
    hope it can helps :)

  11. try this ojosoft total video converter its good and friendly video converter you will ever had :)


    im using this software since years and i love its futures bec. it can convert my video into many formats!

    converting formats : FLV to AVI, AVI to MPEG, MKV to AVI, AVI to WMV, FLV to MP3, FLV to WMV, FLV to MP4,iPod video, iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPhone, iPhone 3G, Apple TV,AVI to iPhone, WMV to iPhone, FLV to iPhone, VOB to iPhone, MPG to iPhone, 3GP to iPhone,GSM/CDMA/3G, supporting convert video files to 3GP/3G2,MP3, 3GP, WAV, WMA, M4A, OGG, etc.


    system recquirements :


    OS : Microsoft Windows XP

    RAM : 128M

    CPU : Intel/AMD compatible at 750 MHz or above


    OS : Microsoft Windows XP/2003/Vista with all latest updates installed

    RAM : 512M or higher

    CPU : Intel/AMD compatible at 750 MHz or above


    for more info visit: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/



    to mr. moderator if this post is elligal or violated the forum rules plss. tell me plsss...

  12. I go to partys and usually come back drunk with my freinds. Now what i am concerned about is what negative effects does this have on my brain development? Is 15 to young to start drinking?

    i think is no! bec. in our country other teenager here drinks at the age of 11,
    and i thinks alchoholonly affects our liver not our brain!
    but sometimes if you over drunk you do not know what your doing :)

    this topic is almost 3years old :D
    i just drop my opinion!

  13. I honestly have no clue what my blood type is.
    I have no real need to know unless i plan on getting seriously injured and losing a lot of blood.

    what are you sure you dont know your blood type!
    did you check your birth cirtificate im sure its in their! :)

  14. No matter how much I try to take care of them, they keep dying. I've had the mic go out, had sound only come out of one ear, I've had the sound go completely out, and it's all rather annoying. On my last one, it just straight up stopped working. I plugged it in to my comp, and it wouldn't even recognize there was a mic. I checked with my laptop to make sure it wasn't just my mic port, and sure enough, it still didn't work. They need more durability imo.

    before you buy a item test it first so you can check the quality of it! thats what i do when buying items, i test it first, and one thing check the brand where it mades of! you know what i mean! :)

  15. This is not a rant. This is not a complaint. This is a question. Why do we have a school system like high school. High school is a waste of your money and time. I'm 16 years old. I'm not a "badass" I'm not a criminal, F student, drinker, smoker, father, or anything like that. What i am is a college student at 16 majoring in graphic design with a 3.5 GPA.
    Most people do not know you can go directly from middle school to college. I went for my freshman year at a high school and hated it. I was failing algebra, had a D in science, and had bad grades like this the whole time. Was it because i am stupid? No. When i tested out at the college i maxed out the reading, so i do not have to take ANY reading classes, i got the highest english you can get, and math i got into algebra II. But wait i failed algebra I. Just in case you don't know, high school math goes like this now, Algebra I, Geometry, then Algebra II. So i skipped an entire year of math?

    In washington state to get into college you need a high school diploma or GED. Since i didnt have a high school diploma i decided, what the hell, i'll get a GED then go to college. I passed every test on my first try after going to high school one year and failing math and science. Now that i am in college i got a B in math, A in typography , B in graphic design, and an A in integrated media (this is like a graphic design appreciation class). So 2 Bs and 2 As pretty good for a 16 year old high school drop out.

    The point of this post is to ask why do you go to high school? Why would you waste your time? If your my age, by the time you graduate high school i will be on my way to California to go to the best know graphic design college in the country, Art Center in Pasadena, California. You'll have wasted 4 years of your life that i completed in a week.

    WAIT! What about friends, what about prom, dances, drama, ect. I'm not a nerdy person, im not considered ugly, fat, geeky, or anything. If anything popular. I would rather spend my time going to the dances with my girlfriend that are not at high school. People assume normally that i'm some super smart geeky dude and thats why i dont like school and did so good in college. Just for purpose of proving m point go to https://myspace.com/browser That is me. Do i look like the type of person you would think of when you say "he is a 16 year old college student"?

    Why do you have to do these things? Why not spend the extra time you have, about 3-4 years, doing things just like that. They dont have to be at a school you know. You would make friends in college just as i have. I have friends who range from 19-30 yrs of age.

    You say employers dont hire people who are GED holders. False also. My first job ever was at Target as a cashier. They saw me motivated since i dropped high school to just go to college.

    I just want to know these questions:

    1. What is the point of the high school system?
    2. Why would you want to spend that kind of tax money on an extra system we do not need?
    3. Why make high school 4 years when i clearly have been able to do it in a week?
    4. Why would you want to get a high school diploma over a bachlores degree?

    That's all. Now i get my credits and my answers, hopefully my answers.

    Remember i think education is a great thing. My girlfriend wants to be a nurse. At her high school though they have no programs for medical fields at all. Her parents wont let her drop and go to college until she is 18 either. So now after she is done with high school it will take her twice as long just because the high school can't provide the stuff we need for career options.

    This is based on the United States of America's school system by the way. You know, the one who has worse scores then some of the most pour third world countries.

    high schoool is so important to us! that was i believe for!
    because in high school we learn so many things like we had to study hard just to earn the scholarship that we want, and we start in high school the real meaning of friends that we want to hang-out for making crazyness,bystand, a lot of funny stuff that we can think in highschool life! and being a highschool is fun because in highschool we start becoming teenagers anf the fun part ( you know that ) i will not say it anymore highschool life rules :)

  16. aw poor rapidshare if the sentenced will come true!why blaming rapidshare? if in my opinion rapidshare is not the only hosting file in the internet!this day copyrighted is a mass problem of company! like music and software :)but we are in the world of cyber net anything goes, anything will happen :D

  17. Hey Guys, it's good to be back at Xisto after a number of years. A long time ago i was either a member of this forum then i moved onto Xisto - Web Hosting and then moved my site to 1&1 which became too expensive forcing me to shut down my website and lose all of my members. Not one of them came back as i was unable to recover the site in time.


    Well, that was a while ago when I was into Runescape. Now my passion's are Cannabis Activism and Human Rights Posted Image I not only love the medicinal properties of Cannabis i really take an interest to products made using cannabis as a sustainable resource.


    Well, thats just a bit about myself.

    wow so you are a old member here in a long years, welcome back at the community! :D

    im a fan of canabis to! i also maid hemp here my place and i sold them secretly :P

    its my stuff you know :)

  18. Battlefield RO
    Tired of always level grinding and item/card hunting? If the real excitement you get when you play is during WOE and PVP, then Battlefield RO is for you! We are a server that can give you a new RO experience where it is mainly woe orientated. Skip all the leveling, job quests, and item hunting with our special npcs and 100% drop rate. We also update often to allow our players to test their builds and items whether it is for level 99, 250, or 999. There are 3 woe levels to choose from: 99, 250, and 999, and 3 woe groups: All classes, Non reborn classes only, and Baby classes only. Come join the fight and battle it out using your pvping skills, instead of being limited to item hunting luck and level grinding ability!

    Rate: 123456x/123456x/100% (Base Level/Job Level/Item Drop)
    Level: 99/70, 250/70, 999/150
    Max atkspd: 195
    Max hp/sp: 10m/10k
    Main Town: Moscovia

    - NPC that changes your job to any class and your level to 99/250/999 as many times as you want.
    - 3 different woe per day for 99, 250, and 999 and each day featuring a class group: All Classes, Non Reborn Classes Only, and Baby Classes Only.
    - 150+ balanced custom headgears that are obtainable through drops, quest, and shop
    - KRO hats obtainable ingame
    - Ranker for MVP, PVP, Emp Breaking, and Guild
    - Hourly town invasion of Naght Sieger and Entweihen Crothen
    - Public and private PVP/GVG rooms
    - Treasure Coin system
    - No god items
    - 95% max natural status resistance
    - Respawning hp/sp: 100%
    - Other npc services includes: tool dealer, catalyst dealer, perfect card remover, 1 click healer, quick upgrader, and much more!

    Coming soon:
    - Summoning room allowing you to practice MVPing at low level (no drops/exp)
    - Weapon leveling
    - Clone fight

    Woe Time:
    Everyday except Wednesday at 6am, 2pm, 10pm EST Time (GMT -5) for 1 hour
    1 WOE 1.0 and 1 WOE 2.0 castle open per woe
    So, pick whichever time best suits you!
    (There are also flags in town that can guide you to when certain castles are open for which woe.)

    @mi, @ii, @whodrops, @whereis, @who, @changeleader, @partyoption,
    @die, @killable, @storage, @gstorage, @storeall, @go, @load, @warp, /mm, @autoloot, @alootid, @autotrade, @changesex,
    @me, @petrename, @petfriendly, @pethungry, @pettalk, @homtalk, @hominfo, @homlevel, @homevolve, @homfriendly, @homhungry, @homshuffle, etc

    Come Join Now!
    Download Guide Here

    wow im a fun of ragnarok but i stop playing due to hard leveling i miss playing ragnarok this day,,
    gonna try it :) downloading..

    thanks for the info i will comment to the game when i played it :D

  19. I personally found a very good game to be Alien vs. Predator: Extinction. The game is gripping, and almost intoxicationg. The graphics may not be the best out there, but then again, why does it matter? The game is amazing. It is very much like command and conquer games, in the manor in which you command tropps to fulfill desired objectives. You've got to be fast, strong, and witty to survive this game. I personally feel all who read this should give this game a try. It truly is amazing.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Title modified.

    is the game is free? if yes can you send me the link! i want to try it :) if it worth it to try the game,

  20. I know you maybe are shocking like me when I read this. I read it in a magazine in Honduras years ago and I remembered it now when Michael die.


    The theory said that Michael Jackson is son of Aliens and that he was a special genetic flexibity and this is the explanation to his peculiar moves are possible.


    Michael when born was took to the artirst life for his parents to make money because they knew that "the humans" are fool and somebody can make a fortune only moving the legs.


    How Michael born with black skin and that limited him to the black audience, he decided to change his skin with a rare treatment that convert him in a white guy in a little time.


    He got married with an "woman" that results to be the another alien´s daughter: Lisa Marie Presley. This theory says that Elvis Presley was an alien too. Lisa Marie and Michael are not descendents of the same specie. They were incompatible and that is the reason because they never had children.


    Then Michael Jackson starts to love to human women like Brooke Shields for example....But He had to used a strange artificial insemination to have children, it´s pressumed that this insemination required alien technology and a lot of expensives because the diference in the Genoma was big.


    After this he expose to one of his children in a window in Germany because Michael can make levitate to his boy if this fell...


    And in 2007 Michael will return to his planet, for that he will perform his own death...




    what micheal jackson is a alien? how come his only a normal human like us living at this world! and have some talent on singing and dancing, if he a alien hes look will probebly a goey,greeny,gelly alienatic thingy hehe,, his not a alien for sure! thats is only a media critics of him :D


    I cant belive how many replies this has had.

    I use to like his music but I hate him as a person.

    You all probally know why.


    Dark Archer

    yup we know the reason man :P

    example his looks :)

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