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Posts posted by myke

  1. Aids is for sure the dangerus;because aids has no cure at all even with medicine, its like a bacteria that slowly spreading at your body,Swine flu is not dangerouse because it can be cure with a medicine. but in our country they say its dengerous and many people here panics when they heard he made contacts at the school before he gots his flu,hays hays people here are over acting you know! ew

  2. ok i would believe this would be the biggest topic of all time where does the copyrights for any scripting excluding software start and were does it end.


    its amazing how people can say their html is copyrighted when a few million designers use the same thing, pictures understandale but not html, cgi, javascript, php, asp and all those other scripting related things.



    yeah starting webdesign i took some ideas or plane out copyed the whole page just to get a understanding of it but still.. oh i could swing it the whole other way and say i might be wrong and its www protocal which i highly doubt that.


    for all te javascripts that i see or used thiers alot of copyrighting going on and where credit due yeah some maybe orginal or simple to do but still when some crazy webdesigner is finding his layout all over the net saying they will press changes or some *BLEEP* like that can blow it out my *bottom*.




    im with you man, screw copyrighted scripts..

    they keep puting their copyrights at script but you can just easy remove it or edit it, and when they found out the you remove the copyright thingy, they will mad at you huhuhu.

  3. seeing as this topic is three years old and the user has eight posts, is it not obvious that he has most likely left this forum?
    I just don't see the need for three people to say please replace the link....

    I was just thinking :-p

    aw we dont know that this is 3years past topic! bec. only new at the forum and insanely reading topics that we found! is that a big deal, then this topic should be at the recylebin so that we new members will not saw it anymore simple! :)

    sorry for posting,

  4. This is not just a question, i don't want to see posts like: Yes, they can, no They can't. I wanna see discussions.I'm talking about gamers that play games 5to10 hours a day. Can they quit gaming? Especially WoW gamers.
    The gaming is so addictable. It is fun for young children and for old people. Every gamer has his taste of gaming, like i play just FPS games, they are better. After playing cs 1.6 for some time (2-3 years), 4-5 hours a day. I tried to quit playing CS. I removed CS 1.6 from my PC, after 2 days i found another game (Warcraft 3, dota.) that i got addicted to again. I made many times like this, once i didn't play cs for 6 months, but that time was when i was playing NFS MW. My point it, a gamer can't quit gaming. Maybe he can quit playing one game, but he always can find another that it will fill the void. Also, for WoW players, on the net i see many clips when boys are like they are crazy (mentally) becouse their parents deleted their WoW account. There are WoW players that play WoW 15 or more hours a day. That's why i don't want to even start playing WoW, becouse i see it is very addictable.
    Have you quit playing games? Have you tried..? You are not a gamer if you play games 1-2 hours a day. You are not a gamer if you don't play games at least 5 days a week.

    its hard to quit in playing a game specially when you addicted to it like me! i played every nyt 12 hours a day just to improve my playing skill so much :D i even forgot to eat when im playing,
    i can quit gaming if we dont have enough money anymore :) or when i become a father already i can deffinitly quit at it :P

  5. my favorite games this year is cabal online. i like it so much that i even played overnyt just to level up my character there,i like cabal online bec. the way it build the skill/attacks/magic/items/ etc. the graphics of it are like true 3d in my opinion,try to play it guys.. i also played warcraft dota this days and i obsses on it bec. you have to think what strategy you will use to win!and im not good at it so i often practice this days :) hehe practice make you weaker :D hehethats all for now,

  6. i use windows media player in my entire life bec. its free and ready to use! if you install XP/os in your computer windows media player is automatically installed too, its a packages on ah windowsxp/os cd :) not other player you have do download it at the internet and installed it! huhuhu media player to me is good its like a handidandy player, i can play video/mp3/mp4/dvd etc. by the way im using version10 of windows media player, i like it skin the black one :D

  7. im a anime lover untill now! wow years past but my passion to anime never dies,my first anime watch when im a little boy is transformer and astro boy for babys, hehe but times has change many anime are coming up!a summary of my anime list:narutobleachonepiecekekkaishifullmetal alchemistghost in the shelldeathnoteslamdunkhajime no ippo! and so on..its to many to tell.. bec. i have watch thousan of anime! :)

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