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About Artanis
Member [Level 2]
Well lets see here......Dell's: dells r for lil gaming school and beness's cuz thay r not that great at morney and stuff but then again thats just a opion and a opion chould mean alot too someoneAlienware: Alienware are for gaming music dvd's and ect.... but mainly for gaming and stuff and i pefer that u gamers get a alienware but yes i do agree thay rout priced lil it gonna cost me 7,000 too get one so thay way out priced
Well lets see here.......I run Windows xp ST2 and its dam good but i think i would egt windows xp pro home is not that great but i should really save my money for nice comp cuz this comp not all that fast its dam good for 98 i tell u that much but i think i need alien ware thay must faster and for gamers and *BLEEP*
Well lets see here........I pefer a Windows becuse windows scripts r so much better and *BLEEP* and mac kinda for homework and suff not really for gaming and clans and stuff so i will think u guys should go with a windows windows will PwN mac any time but then again mac can pwn windows with other programs and *BLEEP*
Well lets see here......1st computer i had was mackinstosh and it blowed really bad then i got windows 95 and i am trying get better gaming comp but i nee dget job 1st and been every hard get one cuz last job i had my boss *BLEEP*ed me over 1st pay check was 109 then he lowed paymated a week it was only 20 $ i like wtf is this so my dad called him and got me fired dam u dad
Well lets see here......I wish i had ipod cuz then i wouldn't have burn cds and *BLEEP* cuz u can ge tin to troble for burning cds i mean big trouble i almost put in jail for burning cds and man it was *BLEEP*ed up ipods like 150 $ thats kinda alot for poor pplz so i'll probly get one some time real soon but i think u guys should get one
How Many Computers Are There Where You Live
Artanis replied to Guevara's topic in General Discussion
well i take that back.......Cuz uc an sue comp for firewall but u got know how program and make comps cuz my friend one his comps for firewall i think thats dam good firewall other comp for firewall would be unstopble but thats just a opion wat do u guys think i thik u think i'm smart HAHHAHA heheh well i kinda am but i just like talking and stuff -
How Many Computers Are There Where You Live
Artanis replied to Guevara's topic in General Discussion
Well lets see here.......1 and all i need one 1 cuz do u really need 20 comps well i don't jsut 1 one will do finr but thats just my opion wat do u guys think i think i need laptop HEHHE wink but then again i don't have money and u never know laptop chould suck but u never know wink HEHHE i need laptop bad -
welll lets see here............Learn C then u have C++ then u need learn javja u will be ture programer then u will own all hackers so i wish good luck too u and i hope u don't get hacked or in trouble for this cuz cops can cech u and stuff so its all up too u how u set this up good luck too u and good day hope see u around
lets see here.......Spyware is liek virus only it steels your password s and stuff and it has happen too me b4 but i got them back so its all goodone called 207 idk wat it does but its bad so watch out for it i think u guys should get ad-aware its dam good killer for spyware so get it and be safe like everyone else
Well lets see here........Alienware owns dell by far cuz of thay have better software and stuff and mroe mormey and thay make school pc and gaming pc and bessness pc so thay own dell by far and i think u all should get one i getting one when i got the money i need 7,000 thats *BLEEP* load of money so i will try get it soon i can
What Am I Going To Do Today? new discovery..
Artanis replied to heavensounds's topic in Science and Technology
Well lets see here.............I am going to go pc gaming and play alot games then i am gonna run ym clan and stuff then i'm get ready for bed then in morning i will go to school then i egt home and work on the clan for lil while thenw atch a movie and eat and have some fun then hang out with my big bro he plays games alot like me -
Heres some gayass virus.....My doom is one worse virus in world so don't let it get in your comp your u will be *BLEEP*ed use anti-virus program or bult your own or use a comp or u can just get new harddrive or something or reforum your comp cuz it destorys yoour comp really fast so whatch out for it
well i think.........I think PS3 is way better cuz of the grapics and a stuff way better then xbox 360 but thats just my opion i seen some games ps3 is coming out with thay look really good looks like a movie thats pretty dam good don't u guys think so cuz i sure do think so but then again the xbox has more space and stuff but u ever know PS3 chould beat it
Now here other gay thing leader rest thats some BS man y would bnet do that thats good way lose alot pplz don't u guys think so well i do man cuz i jsut lost *BLEEP* load of stuff that took me days too get w/e i'll just get it again but it will be hard but i can do it no one will stop eme cuz i am too good ahhahaha but i jsut try my best maybe i will get better u never know LOL wink wink
Lets see here.....Virus all suck but there are kill them and i have kill many virus useing anti virus norton and some other some stuff i think u guys sould make your own firewall and anti virus cuz my friend did and he comp cant be hacke di like wow thats awnsome man i wish i had something like that cuz then no chould hack em HAHAH