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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. Most of the people here seem to have schools as early as 9am. The school system here (oh how I miss it now!) is pretty much the same, with some small changes....School generally starts at 9 (never before, but sometimes later) and goes on until 4 or 5 in the evening with three breaks in between. There's a school for KG, and then the same school for the remaining grades (1-12) though it's the student's choice to switch schools for variety! Twelve years in the same building with the same classmates sure builds a strong bond, and that's the beautiful part of it. The bad part of it? Well there's no specific learning system, and most students have to depend on rote learning, which is useless after school. And some schools have very basic facilities, which is also very bad...But whatever the system, school life here is long and satisfying, and it hurts to let go in the end. Now I'm in college and enjoying more freedom, but I can't ever go back to those old days, and that thought really hurts!

  2. Looks like I should have kept going with my Hindi learning. That reminds me, I have, well I found a cool site a long time ago for people to learn some basic Hindi, and no not one of those tourist cheat sheets! I will post it later to go alongside the free Chinese lessons already available. Looks like a lot of you are already living in India though, so it might be rather useless! I learned a few things from it but not very much. Looks like I'm rambling, well I don't want my post to be deleted for being too short!

    Well this site does have a heavy Indian influence - the owner is an Indian, the hosting site office is in Mumbai, and a lot of members are from all over India too, though most of them don't mention this in their profile...and it's not a rule that all Indians know Hindi - it's the prominent language only in the north and the west....people from other parts know only their regional language are a bit weak in Hindi (that means they didn't do well in school coz Hindi is a compulsory language @ school :angel: )

    I've always expected the US to lose it's power, as most countries don't reign as the superpower forever. I just hope India and China will be friendly to my country of Canada. We haven't been too rude to you two, have we?? I sure hope not!

    India is the birth-place of the Buddha and China is a place full of Buddhists...now how could these two be rude? :excl:

    It is an open playground and no one can say what will happen...Canada could overtake the US...afterall it is the friendly neighbour isn't it? :( And I read somewhere that Canada uses it's resources very wisely - that's a very cool thing!

  3. Related to this subject, what really annoys me is people who claim to be vegetarian and use all the common anti-meat defenses "it's cruel! it's unnatural!" but it's really because they're overweight and ashamed to admit they're eating vegetables because they're on a diet. I often have barbecues and sometimes a vegetarian cousin will come over and they'll want a fish burger or tofu burger instead of a cheeseburger. They'll tell you how bad it is to eat meat blah blah blah and try to make you not enjoy your food, and it's so obvious they are only saying that to convince themselves to stay away from the fattening stuff. It's the George Costanza phenomenon. "It's true if I believe it's true!"

    Well I'm a vegetarian although I don't fit into that description, and I'm certainly not overweight :excl: Anyway I hate those kind of people, who just pretend to be vegetarians....


    Coming to me, I'm a vegetarian by birth (it's a family rule) and so I've never eaten meat in my life, and don't have an intention either. I am free to bend that rule but even after "seeing" all the "tastes" that meat offers, I have no thought to change. But I don't go around telling people to turn vegetarian, because I know it won't have any effect on them!


    Just like rob86 pointed out some "anti-meat" defenses, there are tons of people who would dish out "pro-meat" defenses if anyone forced them to change their habits! I personally feel that the world is better off as it is now, and anyone who wants to change their food habits are free to do so. But forcing others to change....now that is immoral, even if it is right! :(


    Early man ate meat, there's no denying it. But if he loved meat so much, why did he turn to farming later? :angel: The choice began there itself. And it is best to leave it that way - let each individual choose his own taste. Their decision is not going to have any major effect on today's world, and no matter how much people crib about it, most of the world will continue eating meat in this world, and they'll never have had enough!


    Vegetarians don't lose out that much on taste. A few spices ought to do the trick with any recipe. That's the main reason I've never been tempted to eat meat till today - I haven't run out of tastes yet! :excl: I don't know how it's like for vegetarians in other countries, though.

  4. Oh don't get me started about the media! Cricket fans, desperate for some fresh news, suck up everything that the media throws at them, and then wait for some miracle to happen. Our media can convince the world that Ireland can win the 50 over world cup! :angel: (no offense)And our team members become pampered by the ads, getting more than what they asked for, and so they take everything that way and this is the result. Now people like you and me are making angry comments like these, and when they win again most of us will forget the past and when they lose again..... :(It's high time the team attained some stability in their game and give the fans something to do at a stretch, and not a roller-coaster ride like now!

  5. I've been here for just ten days and in this short time I can safely say that we have a good team of mods on this site. They're really helpful and no matter what kind of irritating question you ask them, they come out with a patient, well-constructed answer! :angel:I always wished that we had mods from all time zones so that there's at least one of them present at all times when someone needs help. Apart from that there's nothing to complain about them :(

  6. well the Indian team is used to such things - win one, lose another and win again! Some said the IPL benefited the team while others said it burnt them out. None of them might be right but you can't rule out that the team wasn't playing at its best this time. The fans back home are pretty predictable too, aren't they? Burn houses now, build them later! :(

  7. If the user's intention is to learn something new by creating the website then it is suggested that he does all the hard work himself instead of depending on ready-made solutions like these! And if the intention is to just put a site up then CMS is the answer.Learning to do everything on his own would certainly benefit the user sometime in the future so this is recommended more, isn't it?

  8. Disabling autorun is the most sensible thing to do, but most people don't bother to do that, since they're....well, too lazy! They prefer that everything be done automatically on their PC, even if they know that autorun will increase the risk of catching a virus.Then there's the possibility of having a virus which doesn't depend on autorun...well the possibilities are numerous! That's why I suggested above that using Linux is the best option :(

  9. I think I may have to start playing console games though, xbox 360 is pretty awesome, video game consoles have come a long way!

    and they are sure going along another long way in the future :( we expect more and more from the new consoles, there will be a time when they cannot offer anything new! What will be the situation at that time then?

    But maybe PC gamers will have a good time anyway...that breed is not going to fizzle out soon...

  10. ha ha the twist is excellent - the defending champs have crashed out and last year's runners-up have managed to reach the finals again!well I always seemed to know that something like this would happen....just didn't want it to come true...Now there's nothing left in the tourny for me so all that remains to be seen is the result of the final - not interested in watching the match :(

  11. That's a very good research! I didn't do any research in my school days but I do remember reading a vague description of what would happen when the sun dies out...it said that the sun would release some kind of energy wave which would slowly wipe out all the planets in the way and then eventually it would become a black hole.I know that sounds stupid but that's the best I could remember!

  12. Assuming that your not fast internet connection means you are still using dial up. I started playing WoW with 512kbps connection and later upgraded to 20mbps. There is a 10 days trial for WoW that you can give it a shot.

    No I'm on a 2mbps connection but still have problems connecting to the server so I gave up....I thought the free trial was for 15 days? They make cutbacks in that too?!

    And anyway I better not start playing coz if I catch the addiction it would be dangerous as I simply can't pay to play!

  13. Hi and welcome to the fourms...I hope you'll find yourselves comfortable over here - you'll soon get to know everyone :angel:

    Here are some threads which you might like to read first:

    Credit System (myCENTs)

    As you keep making more quality posts, your credits will improve and you will get more money in your billing account. Then you can purchase your domain with hosting! Your myCENTs counter will start showing after you complete 5 posts - just give it some time coz the server updates everyone's myCENTs every 2-5 hours. But the wait is worth it...I can assure you that!

    Well enjoy yourself, and hope to see you around :(

  14. Hi and welcome to the forums. Our smallest package has a variety of features to satisfy your needs so don't worry :( The smallest hosting package costs $1.95 (which you earn by posting here of course) while the package + a new domain costs $11.94 - that shouldn't take long if your're active here. It took me around five hours, spread over four days to get that much of virtual money. As for the phpinfo I can't give it to you, but you'll surely find someone who can, or for a faster reply, I suggest you ask this question in the appropriate forum. Have a nice time!

  15. reading posts like this makes me glad i am not a guest of trap 17, but a MEMBER. at least the members understand... :angel:

    umm...just to clarify, the person who posted that has a username which says "iGuest" and he is not a guest! :( In fact he is an old member, having completed over 5500 posts! But still he has this interpretation...oh well, to each his own!

  16. well that post was a little old but still was good :angel:

    You sound like you could care less about your users.

    If he really didn't care about his users, there wouldn't be this forum today to vent out your feelings :(

    I've seen a lot of free hosting sites too and I can safely say that this is the best one. Some may complain about the "being active in the forums" condition, but it really isn't that hard. Look at it this way - it's a good way to speed up your typing!!!

  17. oops sorry I should have made myself clearer...I meant that normally, users click on the thread titles from the main index page isn't it? In that case, the "go to last unread" option is automatically enabled and the member is taken to the last post. If you click on the thread title inside the forum then you're taken to the first page. But many members usually click on the threads on the main page, intrigued by the titles, and in most cases they are confused by the latest posts, which are some 10 pages away from the original post!

  18. This is not an original idea - it was implemented at another forum which uses IPB as well and it's worked really well.Whenever a thread gets a certain amount of replies, the next reply forms a new page, right? An active thread gets many pages like this. And when someone clicks on the thread title, they are taken to the latest post in the last thread. For a member who is viewing the thread for the first time, the discussion may not make sense (unless he wants to reply based on the title) and to go to the original post he has to click on "go to first page" and then give a reply.The idea is, why not change the thread structure so that the original post is always the first post in the page, no matter how many pages are formed? That way the members can always know what the thread is really about. Below that first post the structure would be the same as now. What do you say?

  19. I am just trying very hard to understand with how to earn credits (Mycent) easier and how many posts do i need to make to buy basic hosting package??? From my understanding does this mean 100 posts equivalent to $1.

    If you make some quality posts, 100 posts could get you anything between $10-$100 :excl: And I'm not kiddin...


    The myCENT script is very cleverly written and it prefers quality over quantity So it doesn't really matter how many posts you've made, but how good they are. One of our users reportedly got $5 for writing a tutorial and it was a single post. But it earned so much because the quality was good.


    As for the system, you collect "cents" as you keep posting. If I'm not wrong, your myCENTS counter will start showing after you've completed 5 posts (give it some time, coz the servers refresh everyone's myCENTS with a gap of 2-5 hours) and then the counter goes from 0.00 to 99.99. Once it reaches 100, it will show READY[100.00] (or more) for a short while and then the 100 cents ($1) go automatically to your xisto account and the myCENTS counter again reaches 0.00.


    That's the way it works! :( Keep the counter ticking and you'll get more and more dollars in your xisto account. The least amount of money you need to buy a hosting package is $1.95+a little extra of service tax - let's round up the figure to $3. So you need $3 for buying the basic hosting plan.


    If you need to buy a domain as well, then it costs a minimum of $9.99 so along with the $1.95 for basic hosting it adds up to $11.94, but then again the tax comes in and the total is a round figure of $14. So min of $3 for hosting and $14 for hosting+domain.


    This shouldn't take long if you're active here and make some good posts. I got my $14 in just four days, maybe spending a total of five hours in all over here. Well that's a long story but I hope you got to know what you wanted :angel:

  20. That's not a bad idea, but you could directly ask your questions in the related forums. In your case, there is a sub-forum called "Web Design" where you could directly ask all your web development queries. Similarly you could look for the appropriate forum to post your other questions. We already have a lot of forums and sub-forums and adding another could really make things a bit messy :(

  21. Ha ha a law on the internet? That would really be funny! :angel:Seriously though, this wouldn't work out too well. There is an option for people to turn off the images in their browsers so that should save them from flashy websites. And some websites simply must have heavy graphics or else they lose their charm :( People simply can't resist showing off in these days!

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