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Posts posted by BCD

  1. I do not know if radiations affect the lcd's? Like mobile phones or other radiation emitting devices nearby? But CRT's are affected, when I was a toddler I used to place magnets near CRT TV and used to enjoy seeing the colorful rainbow affects,.. lol one day it became permanently colorful.

    Wouldn't you feel cold with a fan blowing in your bed ? Moreover, it's dangerous : you could put your ... fingers in the fan, and be hurt ?

    Noo, the exhaust fan will pump out hot air from laptop onto bed. Isn't it? So even attaching a fan and placing on a bed will cover the fans and may in fact increase the surrounding temperature near the fan vents.

    I think laptop stands would be ideal, both for comfortable positioning and for ventilation. Something like this:http://www.instructables.com/id/A-better-laptop-stand-for-bed/

  2. A few months ago I used to pay the hosting bill and for domain through my paypal account. My paypal account was not verified, that means I didn't enter my credit card information. But still I was able to pay the Xisto - Web Hosting bills, even though once while trying to purchase a domain from godaddy, it asked for cc verification. Now, after paying a few months with mycents, now I am trying to pay from my paypal account. Now it asks for verification when I try to pay CH bills. I do not have my own credit card to verify my account. But I have a cousin willing to verify for me with his cc.Now my question is... since I do not want to see unexpected billings on cc from some of the monthly billings I am subscribed to, which would take all money from paypal and take from cc balance too, or rather just for the peace of mind. Is there a way to verify with my cousins cc and then remove the cc info so that paypal can not have access to cc for withdrawing any funds from cc? Has anyone tried this? I Googled for help but with no satisfactory search results.

  3. Nope. This did not lask a whole week. Like other google celebretion hompages, it lasted very few, today we have the standard page again.

    On the release day of pacman google page, I wasn't aware that its playable. Since I do not usually visit google home page and instead type in search queries directly in the address bar.



    A quick google search tells that pacman has made into permanent url: https://www.google.com/doodles/30th-anniversary-of-pac-man So we can play it again whenever we wish to have a quick deathmatch with a buddy sitting next.

  4. I have been using computers since I was in highschool. I liked the flash animations which my friends used to email me. I used to draw 2d cartoons and animate them. And later I learned action script to create interactive animations. This was when I was a high school student and all this was fun for me then.When I entered university, even though my major was computers we never used to actually learn it. Since we had a whopping 48 different courses it was insane to try to learn all of them. We just studied to get grades. All this changed, at least for me if not for my friends. It was in 2nd semester that I really got interested in  programming. During the day of publishing of our semester results, our poor crappy university servers couldn't handle the tens of thousands of students trying to see their results at that time. So then I coded a PHP script to get the results of all my batch-mates recursively and store it in a file. Then I got more seriously into the stuff and rewrote the script to get whole university results and store it in database. Tweaked it to get the data efficiently without bogging either of the servers.Now with huge database of results with me, I tried to use the raw data to create useful and interesting statistics. All this way, I learned a lot on how things work and discussed with people and on forums. The statistics generated by my now full fledged web app written in oop php was very popular. I used to email the statistics to all the colleges principal's emails, since the university itself never released any kind of statistics.Then later I got in to visual c++, this too was out of a reason. My cousin's employer wanted GUI's of applications to be coded in C++. So this way I got to get into real world applications while I was doing my university studies. Now currently I am learning C++ with Qt framework.So, on the whole, it was the occasions/conditions (can't find the right word) which pushed me into learning it. If I didn't have got flash animations from my friends I wouldn't have tried flash. I fit were not for the crappy servers I wouldn't have bothered to write the script. If it were not for my cousins employer, I would have never used got into designing GUI's of real world apps.

  5. Sometimes gmail takes awesomely long time to load, even though my Internet connection is rock solid at that moment. I have heard, its occasionally the problem at gmail servers or may be its just that my ISP cant connect to gmails serves. At that time i just enter m.gmail.com for mobile version, most of the time it works. Also, when
    doesn't work
    would work and vice versa. Just my experience.

  6. On windows I was using PHP Designer 2005. It is freeware. It may be difficult to get hold a copy of it now. It has snippets, builtin output window. If you have been working something like notepad++ then PHP Designer would be perfect next app to work on.

  7. I do not use twitter. I had an account though. Not long ago I too received a mail from twitter. I searched it and here is and extract from it:

    Subject: Please change your twitter password:
    Hey there.

    Due to concern that your account may have been compromised in a phishing attack that took place off-Twitter, your password was reset. Please create a new password by opening this link in your browser:

    And then when I had a look at the account, I saw three spam tweets on my behalf advertising xbox sale. So I guess, my account was just hacked. Note that I did not ever gave password to third party services

    Also it is recommended to directly visit the site and change the password, instead of clicking the reset links which come in the emails

    Talking about twitter as socializing website. Not many of my friends are on twitter and there is already too much spam to follow others.

  8. It would nice if the posts could be saved as drafts, which can be worked upon later and then post it. May be a limit of even 2 drafts would be very helpful for a person like myself who can be often interrupted by other things.Is the rep system available at bottom right of each post the same as the topic vote on top right of a main thread post? What I meant to ask is, whether the rep limit of 5 is applicable when both the types or reps taken together or separate (5 each)?The new content RSS is nice and helpful but doesnt work when I paste the url into googl reader.

  9. k2:ss:1a:32:

    So basically the characters of converted passwords are the general ascii characters which fall below 255, so what is the advantage of hexing it in the first place? The idea I get from your reply, is to set some hexed chars as password, for a word say "apple". So when I need to enter it , I just use any hex converter tool and paste the hex chars in the field. Am I right?

  10. I have to give many seminars every now and then. Initially, I too had a confidence lack while giving presentations and seminars. The technique is that, while delivering the speech we should always see our audience as our students, assume they no nothing about the topic we are talking about. This gives the boldness to speak in front of the people.

  11. To make passwords almost uncrackable we can also use characters which fall above the ascii code 255. There are all sorts of characters and symbols like ┘┼║?? and so on. There are around more than thousand symbols like these. To type these characters press hold the "Alt" key on the keyboard and type the number, say "Alt 486" for the character '?'. This increase in the range of base value for crackers to use in their cracking programs, which makes it almost impossible with todays computing power.

  12. About FTP logging issue.When the add on domain is created through "Addon domain" option in Cpanel it automatically creates a FTP sub account for your add-on domain. It is in the following format:User: subdomain@maindomain.comHost: ftp.maindomain.comThis can be verified by looking at the "FTP accounts" option in cpanel.Add on domains directory can also be accessed by using the FTP account info of main domain.

  13. For a forum name I would love to add "hub" ("A center of activity or interest") at the end of the name, like



    Since most of the people arrive on this site through search engines, having a name like 'searchers' is like directly addressing the visitor and telling him/her "Hello searcher, welcome, here is the information you are searching for [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    And since this a forum, where many people discuss and share there opinions the place can be called as a Hub, so the name searchershub.


    The name might be generic, but since the forums hold 'vast and varied' content it can stand along other sites like answers.com.

  14. I too get the same error saying "License Validation Failed". And yes you probably guessed it right, there is some issue which they are working on.Actually I need to pay the hosting fees two days later, and if it still stays the same then my hosting might be disabled. . So I think from now on, I should have enough dollars stacked up in the billing to auto deduct at the end of the billing cycle.

  15. If a robot become self aware it would undoubtedly see us as ants. Do you play with ants? Maybe.... but to certain extend they are just ants why would you care about them?

    I don't play with ants, but if they are a trouble to me, then I would definitely need to think about it. So similarly if the robots become thinkable machines then they too would judge if humans are a trouble to them, if they think so, then there actions could be as predicted by the original poster.

  16. Modding up a PC case with fancy lights and translucent's seems exciting!

    Since this thread is titled "Custom PC case", I would like to put in some questions to have some discussions.

    Since the power usage is the most important thing when modd'ing up a pc or pc case, how would one estimate the approximate power usage of the components? I mean suppose I have a 500W capacity PSU, how would I know how many watts does the other components of the PC use, so that I can add extra lightings and other fancies in? I read in some forums, some say 20-60 watts depending on load, some say around 100 watts. Is there a practical way to measure actual power consumption of my PC? Has anyone tried connecting an ac ammeter in series with the mains supply of the computer?

  17. Hello, I hope somebody could help me out here.I am trying to patch up the firmware of my faulty Seagate HDD 7200.11. Since there is no response from Seagate support I am trying to path up on my own risk.I need to open the screws on the PCB present at the bottom. They are torx screws, unfortuantely I didn't have the torx screwdriver, so instead tried to open with philips screwdriver (another mess! should have tried with flathead screwdriver instead). Now the holes of the torx screw heads are round, that basically means I stripped the torx screws.Any ideas on how can I get the screws out?

  18. I need to know the CPU usage of a php script on gamma server which is currently being hosted on two servers. I can see the overall usage of the gamma server by going to stats in Cpanel (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). But it doesn't give me a clear picture of how much CPU resources is being used by my script as it fluctuates a lot because of others websites hosted on the server.Is there a way to know CPU usage of a single script? If its not possible on server, are there any alternate ways, may be php functions? Thanks for any help on this issue.

  19. The issue has been resolved.

    Apparently it was a SORT of memory leak. This was the first time, I experienced with such an issue. Moreover, PHP never gave any sort of error or warning about memory leakage. The only sign of failure was apache crashing and that zend_mm_heap notice appearing in apache error logs.

    I got memory usage after and before executing the foreach loop which was inside MAIN for loop. The memory consumption doubled after passing loop each time. And crashed around at 11 MB. this is weird since I have memory limit set to much higher value and there is in error of any sort from PHP.

    This is a useful function available at the manual page for memory usage:

    function echo_memory_usage() { $mem_usage = memory_get_usage(true);

    if ($mem_usage < 1024)
    echo $mem_usage." bytes";
    elseif ($mem_usage < 1048576)
    echo round($mem_usage/1024,2)." kilobytes";
    echo round($mem_usage/1048576,2)." megabytes";

    echo "<br/>";

    And then after knowing this, and browsing simple html dom forums, we need to unset $html variable we use to get contents, after completing the MAIN for loop each time.

    $html->clear(); unset($html);

    This solved the issue. Now runs with a constant memory usage of 1.5 MB even when parsing 300 hundred records at a time.

    So that was how I got through this issue, in case anyone experiencing similar issues. Clearing flush() might also be considered in particular cases.

  20. I enabled 'info' level reporting on error logs and found this

    zend_mm_heap corrupted[Wed Feb 10 07:26:11 2010] [notice] Parent: child process exited with status 1 -- Restarting.

    I have no idea what is this. A bit of searching leads to pages with people reporting this thing in version 5.2.1, I am using 5.3.0 on Windows XP, XAMPP. I am not sure how to run these scripts through CLI, I will try and get back if the issue resolves or are there any other issues too.

  21. I have a few hundred HTML files which contain tables (HTML tables). I need to get these tabular data present in html files into a database. By using a PHP parser know as Simple HTML DOM Parser, I am able to assign the values to variables (next step would be to put them into database). I am now testing with the extraction (each file contains a hundred or two data sets), I found that the apache server crashes while running the script. I reduced the number of data sets to extract on single pass, and changed memory variables (NOTE: Even though apache doesn't tell its memory problem, it just crashes with no notice), still no luck.Is Simple HTML DOM parser right for my problem, since I have all the files locally, is there any other method to efficiently put them onto database?Since I am already mid way through the script. And the only problem is the apache crashing during execution. Is there any way I can improve the efficiency of the script and make apache not to crash? Some info: max_execution_time = 60000 max_input_time = -1 memory_limit = 512M. Apache timeout 300 seconds. Any values which would affect the performance and would need changes?How does flush() work?I read the PHP manual about flush(), it says it outputs the write buffers wherever the flush() function is called in the script. So does this act dynamically, giving the output as and when the script processes certain parts of the script. Like after extracting each table, displaying its success or failure to do so. I am asking this because it might be helpful to implement in my script. In the user examples I saw sleep() and unsleep() being used after calling flush(). Can someone explain how all these thing work together?After going through the script, I noticed that thevariables hold quite a large amount of data (holds around 100-200 data sets). So this may be the reason for the crash. Kind of memory leak. How can I solve this issue?

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