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Posts posted by BCD

  1. Wouldn't google apply penalty for duplicate content? Because if something exactly similar exists in two places google wouldn't like it, even in the same url, so isn't it harsh for seo? If it were to point to a single website, we could have used redirects to the main website. But the problem is the site will redirect even the page urls from one domain to just the domain of the other, and not with same url path. I think I didn't understand something there.

  2. Does having dedicated IP or advanced DNS or custom nameserver give a custom mail server address like mail.<domain name>.com instead of gamma.xisto.com? It would be great if someone would clear about my doubt.Edit:I am not talking about 3rd party providers like google mail integration for site, where we have mail.<site name>.com to access their mail service. I am talking about the internal mailing, that is through sendmail or php mail. How can we have a custom mail address instead of the gamma servers address? Does any of the features mentioned in the above paragraph enable us to do this?

  3. Credits are a thing of past. Now its called MyCents. Basically you get points called MyCents depending on the length and quality of past. When you attain 100 MyCents, it is converted to 1 USD deposited in your xisto billing account, oh yeah for that you need to register an account with same email at https://support.xisto.com/clientarea.php

    So when you get 200 points, you can just got to xisto billing and request for the basic hosting. A few minutes of reading this and this will explain you everything. If you still have any doubts you can ask here.

    As for the editor problem, it seems there are some plugins which is causing the editor to act like that. Try disabling some, or use different browser like Opera or Google Chrome. I am not sure about the exact cause though. And welcome to Xisto ;).

  4. Yeah, its annoying for regular members when they see those posts when looking for new posts. I too think this needs to be dealt seriously. Well, about getting those things indexed, I think quoted text is not indexed. But if quoting is not done soon, it can last in results almost forever.


    Anyways coming to point on how to get rid of them. The only idea I can think of now is to create a policy/rule that any thread or post must contain own original content (whether the post contains quoted text or not). I think this rule already exists, but the problem is user creating new accounts for spamming. And as per rule I think moderators are required to quote and warn those new accounts. Why quote? Delete the post and warn.

  5. Django is a framework developed in Python.

    Some days ago, I tried running simple python script using fast cgi, it gave 500 internal server error. I am not sure, whether I did something wrong or was the fault at servers end. Well I didn't care, as I was just testing out. May be you can contact the support to clarify your question.

    By the way, are you sure django would run on shared server? Because I heard, people use some sort of dedicated resources or containers for running those things.

    Does it end with a bunch of php scripts using a MySql database ?

    Python is just like PHP, but they don't mix up with each other. Each of them can Interact with MySQL databases though.

  6. there is an easy way to block cron.php access from anonymous users.


    Just add the following code at the end of your .htaccess file in your drupal directory.

    <Files "cron.php">  Order deny,allow  Allow from  Deny from all</Files>

    Is it working for you. I tried this but it didn't work, so I had to resort to file renaming method. I even tried adding server's IP address in the allow directive, even then it doesn't work. I only get an email with html code of the page not found error page which my cron command patiently tries to access every hour.

  7. I don't want anyone copying it... or making a deviation out of it...

    May be this issue can be sorted out like this. First to know what was the posting policy at the time you posted the posts here. If it said posters were the sole copyright holders of their posts, then you are indeed the righteous owner of the post, because you posted it in accordance with rules at that time. So Xisto can also put at the footer below cc banner, that the posts dated before so and so belong to their respective posters. This might solve your concern.

  8. To run cron manually you just need to type ./
    You don't even need to login. So you see, anybody can run your website's cron. They can repeatedly execute cron script without your permission. Although there are no security issues, this can slow down the server if somebody is trying to bog your server. And just the fact that anyone can perform administrative tasks of your website would want you to secure cron.php.

    Setting up cron for dupal and securing it:
    Assuming you are hosted on gamma server, where it cron jobs are allowed to be run and has curl enabled.

    1) Go to Cpanel and click Click "Cron Jobs" in Advanced section.
    2) Click Advanced (Unix Style) button.
    3) Fill the time period for the cron execution. For example:

    Minute Hour Day Month Weekday50 * * * *

    This will run cron every 50 minutes.

    For command field, I will show you the curl method:

    curl --silent --compressed http://<web site name>.com/cron.php

    Add it.

    Thats it. Now cron will be executed every 50 minutes. You can change the values if you wish. But as I said earlier, anyone can run cron by just typing in the url. One method to prevent this is to change rename cron.php to some less obvious name. If you do this you also need appropriately change the name in the cron command you entered before.

    Tarring is nothing but an creating a single archive file consisting of many files. Similar to the more common .zip files, but without compression. You might have seen that the drupal modules that you download have an extension .tar.gz this means they are archives compressed using qzip compression. So you need to uncompress these files on server. You need to select one tar.gz at a time an click "Extract" at the top in file manager.

    For the modules problem, you need to explain somethings. Just follow the steps and you should be doing fine:
    1) Open Cpanel and go to File Manager.
    2) Navigate to sites/all/modules directory.
    3) Click upload and select the downloaded modules.
    4) Now the file should appear in the file manger in that directory.
    5) Select the file and extract it by clicking extract from top right.
    6) When logged in, run the update.php.

    If the problem persists, paste the error text here.


    Also, I went tried to go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, but I all have is a blank page, unlike http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Is that meant to be correct?

    Yes, that means cron has run successfully. Anyone can run cron. Read the above text.

  9. We need to set up the cron job in the cpanel with proper crontab command so that it runs periodically, did you do it? Otherwise cron wont run and we have to manually run it.About views module updating, I never had such issue. Did you untar the new version module on the server? My usual method of upgrading modules is: upload the new module on all sites/all/modules directory. Untar the file there. Run the update.php. update.php is used only to modify tables if any in new version, otherwise it doesn't change anything.As for backing up, how did you copy the folder, through FTP? I use th backup wizard in cpanel. There, we have the option of either creating a full backup of site with databases, or just the databases, or home directory backup.Edit:I updated the views module to version #6007. I saw there were no queries generated in the update.php results, hence no table alterations required in this version. So the version should be updated even if you dont run update.php. Check the path where you copied the new module. And make sure you untarred it there.

  10. I don't know if this might be helpful to you or not. I use WordPress editor to write articles. There is a button called "Proofread Writing" in the editor toolbox. The button has abc with a check mark below it. I think I enabled it by going to Users > Your profile. There are a bunch of check boxes relating to various grammatical error detection tool. We can enable all of them. hmm wait... Here is a link, explaining those check boxes. It might help, especially because you are using Microsoft word.

    Well you are on track, good luck.

  11. 2020? I would be better off writing a big essay about 2020 in C++. Really, thats a weird topic you have been given. I really can't get any ideas on what you can develop on a topic like 2020 for programming in C++. Well, if you could change your topic, or better if you were given your own choice, then there are lots of ideas you can work on. With the concepts presently in your hand you can create a sort of mini quiz with point system to award after each successful attempt. I did this one in my school. After being taught the ifs and for loops, we were told to a mini project. But seriously thats not a strong project to choose, especially if you have been told to develop creative ideas or usage of your current knowledge.


    Patten printing? May be you can code to construct a Christmas tree, probably a unique one each time. Confine the string length in each line and position, like narrower at the trunk. That just reminds me of a C program which even played musical beep tones (sort of Christmas songs) using \a (bell).


    Some crazy ideas like, taking the ages of a family and guessing who relates to who in which way. Thats just fun, especially at the results.

  12. takerraj, it depends on how many search engines you want to please and get indexed. There are many other ways to optimize the content for search engines, the first one is good content.Using clean urls, to let the search engine index properly. Its even better to have the content title in the url. As search engines give higher priority to the url name too. Checking the source code of output html if the site is using a content management system. I generally like to put the content on top and navigation markup at the bottom of the page. There are many views by people on this issue.When targeting for specific keywords, let those keywords flow freely through the article, put spaciously apart, so as not appear like spam.

  13. In my opinion, any programming language which has/implements strong programming concepts is suitable to learn as first language. C was the first programming language I learnt. Even though it is used for complex applications, such as operating systems and not much of a use for general purpose. But the concepts are the same in any programming language. Its just the syntax which is different. So choosing a language where the syntax is easy to understand and use would be good choice to learn. After learning and using python, and given its strict syntax, learning this as first language can make a person understand coding in the proper way.

  14. When I installed Ubuntu the interface lagged too much. When moving window it would leave a ghost trail. Later I was told to install the drivers for my video card. It can be installed by going to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers. I had a Nvidia drivers ready to be downloaded and installed. The list also had some older Nvidia drivers. I just went ahead with the recommended (latest) one. Everything went fine. Now no lagging, very smooth operation. Also there are many more resolutions to choose now.

  15. Thanks for sharing your experience with us Ray. You brought up an important issue on what should be done when someone posts negative reviews on our site. Do we just remove it? Or keep it visible for everyone to see, as in your case.Personally, I think if the site is a service website, wherein direct contact is involved with the clients, its better to hide such negative comments especially when they are targeted to defame our services and our work. I say this because, in such websites there is no client activity going publicly on the website, so there are no one to back up the negative comments on the site. If the negative comments on price does stay on the website, people who have experience getting such services before would probably know how much the services would usually cost. Such people would be more interested in knowing the quality of service and support.On a public discussion forums, negative comments need to be dealt with care. Deleting such comments might increase the users thirst to post more spam and negative comments. Also if the site forum community is healthy with people satisfied with the activity going around, a few negative comments can not harm the community and its integrity. This would make the spammer/negative comment poster to back off with such activity.

  16. Are the logs of mails sent through the mail server of our hosting account available to us? By the term "mails sent" I mean the emails sent through mail function in PHP scripts on the website. Is there any log of details about when and to whom the mails were sent? I want to keep track on how many number of mails are being sent through my hosting account. The website is running on drupal CMS, there are lots of different types of mails, like notifications, registration mails, updates being sent etc. Thereby making it difficult to check the mail count at CMS level, so I am searching for any server logs for mails similar to raw visitor logs.

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