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Everything posted by IamAg

  1. Dont you think NASA would have though of this if they DID fake it? Notice from truefusion: http://www.braeunig.us/space/hoax.htm
  2. thanks for reading Notice from truefusion: Material taken from the book, "God without religion," by Śaṇkara Śaranam. All material must be within QUOTE bbcode.
  3. Playing god... you dont think we play god already? people in older times, died at 20, and even with better food would only last to around 40, now there lasting to 100...modern medicine IS "playing god" god gives us things, and we use them, and we take them for granted. modern technology IS playing god. When someone should die, they should DIE
  4. i did a report on the tasmanian "devil" a few years ago, and did NOT know it was extinct,,, weird... i used ASK.COM though so......
  5. Some of my cloning ramblings in a nutshell Notice from truefusion: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/is-cloning-ethical.13711/ First time i've seen someone take several posts from a topic from another site.
  6. Whoever edited that Wikipedia post you quoted there is wrong the true definition or meaning is " atheism is the lack of beleif in gods, or the lack of theism "Also , it is described as a relgion because a religion is basiccaly "the constant, or mutual belief amongst people"
  7. I joined the forum about 13 hours, and made 10 posts 11 hours ago, i made 5 posts in forums that had a post count, and they were "quality" posts. why havent the other 5 givin me Cents?
  8. lol?(@me) The first one tells you how to be succesful on a GPT site, the second was my unfinished personal site, i have a JOKING obsession with miley cyrusEDIT: Oh and thanks for the inspiration.
  9. i am an HTML web designer, with a couple of sub-domains(Projectp2s.weebly.com <--- Check this out!! ( ive gotten 7200 Ms points, speakers, and CoD WaW from it FOR FREE ) Noahnme.webs.com <--- my personal site that i never finished :lol:Sitesatschool.webs.com <-- a closed website i used to teach fellow classmates at school how to get around the web fiter)I know a little Javascript, but thats about it. This website looks like a cool website for hosting, and ill be doing some Thread-Stating in the freebies section, so be sure to check that out.
  10. I am just curious as to wether or not this area gives posts.
  11. i was wondering if the debate section got +posts/+cents for posting in debates, and why not if not
  12. Call of duty 5 world at warGuitar hero 4 world tourCall of duty 3 \/Pokemon series\/Pokèmon BluePokèmon RedPokèmon YellowPokèmon GreenPokèmon SilverPokèmon PlatinumPokèmon CrystalPokèmon Diamond( saved me alot of time by posting that above GH3Grand theft auto SA/LCSAce Combat 6 - ace of aces !!
  13. There is an ever thining line between Consoles and PCs, or "personal computers" ( those commercials with the bad "pc" are making fun of the mac, because it too, is a "personal computer".Therefor, the question of wich is better is hard to say, because they are similar and unique in there own ways.A console(s) definition is basically that[QOUTE=DICTIONARY.COM] the control or monitoring unit of a computer, containing the keyboard or keys, switches, etc.[/qoute]Is one definitionanother is that [qoute=dictionary.com] the control unit of a mechanical, electrical, or electronic system: the console that controls a theater's lighting system. [/qoute]So a CONSOLE is basicaly the same as a computer or part of a computer, which contains the core components required to display what you see on a monitor. A GAMING CONSOLE is basiccaly a PC, with theMouse --> joystickKeyboard --> OSK ( on screen-keyboard ) Monitor --> TVPortability \/Graphics +++and the audio is very similar if not identical.but the range of gaming on consoles is unbeatable for that price, and the comfort of the controller as well.The pc alows instant communication, as well as consoles, but theirs are less accesible, or less interctiveOverall i would say they are equal
  14. Just today, my Civics teacher had a dream i came to class 15 minutes before it was supposed to end and i was peering in the window "disturbing" the class. Today, i got sent to the office during Science, and didnt leave until 20 minutes before class would end, and got there 15 minutes before... weird...Ive had dreams about demons with lightning guns in the forest so... no i dont think they can help you... :/
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