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Posts posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Hi, I want to know which is going to be a success in future. I've asked this question to many but all are giving my vague answers. I'm asking this question because i'm going to join a company where i can choose either dot net or java. Which one should i choose.

    Whether you choose .NET or Java depends on what kind of job you are looking for. If you plan to build enterprise systems in large firms then Java is your platform of choice. If you simply need to build intranet websites, ASP.NET is great for rapid development. Java is also the preferred choice for the backend of dot-com businesses as it offers greater reliability and stability when dealing with a higher volume of data.


  2. which is good for a fresher either java or .net

    Which Is Good Java Or Dot Net


    I am in final year BE, I am from non IT branch, I have studied c and c++ in my acadamics, I'm thinking to join for either java/j2ee or .Net... Could you guys pls tell me which course will help me


    for job as I am a fresher


    -question by santhosh



    There are more .NET jobs out there, but Java jobs pay better. I'd suggest you learn .NET with C# and try to pick up Java along the way later.




  3. Can You suggest a Good Application (Eg.Photoshop,Flash,3dsmax) for designing front end of a website..

    The process that I go with to create a website is to start with a design in Adobe Photoshop (sliced PSD file). I then convert it into HTML markup and CSS using Adobe Dreamweaver. Finally, I use Flash wherever HTML prevents me from achieving the functionality that my design requires, such as the input file form element.


  4. I like Java programming very much.But I didn't used any of the IDE available ...I saw two IDE that mostly recoomended by many of the experts that are Netbeans and Eclipse.
    Please tell which one is the best IDE among two..


    I'd suggest you start off with NetBeans due to it's simplicity and, later, when you're more comfortable with using an IDE, try to switch to Eclipse. The Eclipse platform is much more popular as it can be extended to write C/C++, PHP, Java or even C# code, so you'll probably be able to find more support for Eclipse.


  5. no incoming args expected as you can see so my .bat file reads:java -cp . Test

    upon double click the dos window is displayed with hello world! but it is just for a fraction of a second. I assume this means that the program thinks it is done...and in this case it is, but I am trying to use the System.out.println to communicate with the user in the class that I am writing so I need the dos prompt to stay open. Any tips?

    In your .bat file, add another line "pause". This will keep the command-line window open till the user presses a key on the keyboard.

    Alternatively, you can get the Java program to read, thus keeping the command-line window open till the user enters some data.

    If you need more help, reply back and I'll send you an example.


  6. What's the difference between C, C++ and C#?

    C++ is different from C in that it is object-oriented. Think of it as a language that extends the capabilities of structs from C, enabling you to add functions to structs and to add include-like functionality to create several structs that have the same members.

    C# is similar in syntax to C++, but takes away the complexities of pointers and manual memory management. It is targeted specifically at the .NET framework.

    What is more closely related to working with ASP.NET, C++, C#, or VB?

    ASP.NET is a web development framework and supports the use of C# and VB.NET. However, you can use class libraries that are created in any language that has a compiler targeting the .NET framework. What I mean is you can create a DLL in J#, another DLL in C++, and call the methods in the DLLs from a web user interface built with either C# or VB.NET.

    Which comiler is best for C++ and/or C#?

    For C++, you can use gcc if you are targeting the Linux/Unix platform. For Windows, you can use the Visual C++ or Borland C++ compiler as they include the libraries you need to develop for the Win32 platform.

    For C#, you can get the .NET SDK from the Microsoft website which includes the C# compiler (csc.exe). You can also get the Visual C# Express edition. You can use the Borland C# compiler too, but you wouldn't get the libraries for development with .NET 3.0 or .NET 3.5 and newer language features wouldn't be supported.

    Are there any benefits in choosing VB over C++ or C#?

    As VB.NET and C# target the same platform, I do not see any advantages there. However, depending on your geographical location, you might be able to find more VB.NET developers or perhaps you can find a VB6 developer willing to 'upgrade' his/her skills to VB.NET

  7. Hi!I do not really know much about the game you are building and I haven't played Dojo, but if you're looking for a way to make a type of block (alphabet, circle, or whatever you call it) more frequent than the others, you can use a different algorithm. Here's what I'd suggest:var x = random(3); //I'm assuming this returns 0, 1 and 2var y;if (x < 2) { y = random(5); //vowels; 0=a, 1=e, 2=i, 3=o, 4=u} else { y = random(21); //the remaining letters}Now, if you look at the first statement, there's an equal probability of x returning a 0, 1 or 2. However, since we're performing the same action for x=0 and x=1, we have twice the probability of returning a vowel.Let me know if you'd like me to tweak the algorithm. Perhaps you can send across the Flash (.FLA) file and I could modify it for you?Regards,Nitin Reddy

  8. Hi!My take on AJAX is that you shouldn't think about hand-coding all of the AJAX calls and server responses. Instead, look for a framework that does that for you on your development platform.If you're working with ASP.NET, check out the Microsoft AJAX Extensions (available as an add-on for ASP.NET 2.0; built into ASP.NET 3.5). The UpdatePanel control offers AJAX capabilities, although it is very very inefficient - you can use it for prototyping or for building quick-n-dirty solutions. The ScriptManager control can generate Javascript proxies for calling server-side code leaving you to just add the client-side scripts.Regards,Nitin

  9. I have DSL connection on my cousin's computer and i want the computer to auto connect on windows startup.


    You'll have to save your username and password while connecting. The next step is to go to the connection properties (right-click, properties). You'll be on the General tab of the dialog box. Click on the Options tab, and un-check "Prompt for name and password, certificate etc.". Click on the Advanced tab, and check "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection" and "Establish a dial-up connection whenever a computer on my network attempts to access the Internet".

    See the attachments for screenshots.




  10. couture threat: A lot of peoples use skype, it`s another thing you don`t know many peoples who use it :P I don`t know any other messenger who has such clear voice, and picture like skype. Or u know one? if ye, pls tell me B) Bye

    GoogleTalk is great for voice chat too, but it doesn't support voice call conferencing i.e. a voice chat between more than 2 people. You can also buy Skype phones, which look and feel like real telephones but work over the Skype network.

  11. The only reason that some websites appear to be "messed up" is because they are very poor web designers and by poor i mean they are not good at coding and therefore it does not display correctly, they are more than likely trying to use personalized dhtml and such that they have made improperly. IE is more forgiving in that sense and usually will display most anything even if it is coded improperly.

    I would like to add that different browsers render HTML differently - sometimes these are bugs and sometimes it's just the way the behave because the standards aren't strict enough to specify how something ought to work. A good web designer aims for cross-browser compatibility. Imagine having a user who browses your website using the Safari browser on an iPhone - you can't say, "Hey, use Internet Explorer. Safari sucks!" You've got to support the browser or you'll have a user who wouldn't visit your website again.

    Internet Explorer does, in fact, have a lot of bugs and deviate from standards. You can see the difference in rendering between browser versions, especially the difference between Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 7. The compatibility mode feature of Internet Explorer 8 enables the user to temporarily switch to Internet Explorer 7-like behavior and Microsoft has worked on a community developed list of websites that Internet Explorer 8 looks up to determine if it should automatically use compatibility mode. Web designers also have the ability to include a META tag to indicate to Internet Explorer 8 to use compatibility mode.

    Anyway, in the end, browser wars or not, it's the web designer's responsibility to ensure that the website displays correctly on all major browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome).

  12. Laser Jet does'nt have ink right? I always though it burns the paper just like reciepts from McDonalds..But we have continues ink system today. so why worry of ink? :P i'm eyeing from budget printer right now since documents are mostly printed.


    Laser printers do use ink. It's called the toner and is in powder form. The powder is attracted to a drum due to static caused by the laser - this is then transferred from the drum to the paper by heat.

    Just as you would buy ink catridges for an inkjet printer, you would replace the toner for a laser printer.

    BTW, the printer that McDonalds uses requires a special kind of paper - the paper is treated such that applying heat 'prints' the text onto the paper. The text tends to fade away so you can't use it to print something that you intend to keep for long. Older fax machines are similar.

    Nitin Reddy

  13. In Windows,if we want to install an application,it is very easy.But in linux the installation of new application have some formalities...We have to use the utilities of Linux to install a single application to it.But in Windows when we doubleclick the application will open ready for installation.


    I do not really know why you made this assumption, but I'm guessing you aren't aware of the package managers in Linux. You don't have to compile everything from the source code, if that's what you are implying. Even if you do want to compile the software from the source code, the steps are pretty standard, thanks to 'Makefiles' (a kind of a script to compile source code or to uninstall software).

    Installing software on Linux is as simple as the one-click installation provided on the iPhone via the AppStore - the only difference being that the whole process is free! If you're running Ubuntu, use the Synaptic Package Manager.

    Nitin Reddy

  14. I recently read something which made sense. It said the main reasonthat Windows is susceptible to viruses, whereas Linux (UNIX) is not,
    is that in Windows a user has the ability to write practically
    anywhere on the hard drive.

    That's quite true, but Windows limits you to some extent too - it's just that most people use an Administrator account instead of using a standard user account. You can't install any software on Windows when you are logged in as a standard user.

    Linux, on the other hand, does enable users to install software for themselves - they can have their own set of software, document and other files! If you do install any malware, it would only affect your files and not that of other users.

  15. I found one of the simple way to open the USB Drive without affecting any viruses in our Computer.
    Use this method to turn off autoplay..
    Enter gpedit.msc in the run or C prompt.then Select the Administration Templates ,then expand that and select System
    You can see a Option Turn off AutoPlay..Select that and Select for All drives in the dialogue box to apply for all removable devices.

    Does holding down the Shift key while inserting the USB drive stop the autorun? This works for CDROM drives.

    BTW, another way you could do this is to use a Linux LiveCD if you want to read the contents of a USB drive - copy the files you need to your hard drive and remove the USB drive when you want to re-boot in Windows.

  16. These days who actually pays for long distance calls? All cell phones now feature domestic long distance calls included with the "air time" or "peak time" usages. Which company actually charge separate long distance rate these days? Perhaps that's the first sign you're with the wrong company.
    Even if they used their own telephone line (not using your actual cell phone to call long distance) it's still preposterous to pass mere few dollars to the customer. That's your sign right there. It's time to change.

    Apart from the cell phone plans, there are also services like SkypeOut and JustVoIP that offer really cheap rates for long distance and international calls. With $10, you can make international calls to manufacturing plants in India and China, and talk for 5 hours! I doubt it would take longer than 5 hours on the phone to actually get the parts needed to repair a cell phone.

  17. I tried the shell script in Linux OS several times..But I think some of the script have some similarities with Windows DOS Commands.But what is actually happening inside a Shell Script..Why most of the people says that Linux or Unix Environment is more Secure..
    How can I Study the Shell Script effectively..
    Can anyone suggest any tutorial to study Shell Script better.....


    The similarity that you see is between Linux shell scripts and DOS batch files - both are essentially command-line statement put into a file (they are actually more than just a series of statements, but at a very basic level, that's what they are!).

    A Linux shell script consists of the location of an interpreter (usually the "bash" script) at the top of the file, indicated by the "#!", followed by statements that can be executed. If you've never written shell scripts before, here's an article on writing your first shell script: http://www.freeos.com/guides/lsst/ch02sec01.html

    Do post back if you're looking for more.


  18. So I'm working on a new site geared toward guys for once, to come and talk about sports, news, and women of course.



    I find the site quite dull. The grey center area with the grey advertising bars on the sides make the site seem very lifeless. The smudged edges around the logo don't go with the blue glowing text.

    The navigation menu is also very slow, and why is there a "For the Ladies" link on a site that is @by the guys and for the guys"?

    I'm sorry if I'm a bit too harsh, but I'm just giving you my honest opinion.


  19. Else, take your computer's case off, and use a cloth to clean inside it... Do not use a vaccum cleaner!!!, this creates static and practically frys the computer's memory - so be careful!



    I think you've got the concept of cleaning the computer all wrong - you do not use a cloth to clean it. That creates static! Instead, you can use a vacuum cleaner (take the brush off and simply use it blow or suck up all the dust).




  20. The simplest way you can set this up is to run NetMeeting on both computers and send the files across from one computer to another. Enter the IP address of the other computer to connect. As this occurs over the LAN, this is quite fast. If you're familiar with sharing folders in Windows, that'd definitely be a better option. Or you can setup an FTP server (FileZilla, included with XAMPP) to copy the files across via FTP.BTW, 15GB doesn't sound like much - you can use a 16GB flash drive to copy them all across. Portable hard drives can store upto 500GB. Or, better yet, plain ol' external USB hard drives can store up to 2TB (2,000GB).Regards,Nitin

  21. I've made my resume available online at my site, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    I'd love to hear any suggestions on improving it :P

    fixed the link [no trailing slash]

    I think that the URL rewrite is not working for you, here is the actual link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.php


    I really think you ought to spend more time designing the look of the resume as you try to convey the message that you are a web designer. Perhaps you can put some of the bulleted lists next to each other to reduce scrolling and make better use of space.


  22. OK, may be you've already seen this...




    Please visit and post your opinions in the guestbook...


    Thank you





    I like the layout that you've done for Googlue in that you've made everything accessible on top, but since Yahoo has some sort of script to break out of frames, it doesn't really work for their site. Perhaps you should consider creating a browser toolbar instead. A Bookmark toolbar that is pre-populated with suggested sites?




  23. Hi!I know this is going to sound mean, but then again, you asked for an honest opinion. I think the theme doesn't really have a sense of color - the maroon background with the pale yellow header bars just doesn't cut it. You still need a logo for the website.Also, I can't read the text for Forgot Password, Forgot Username and Create Account because it's black text on a dark maroon background.I think you ought to look at a few more professional Joomla! themes.Regards,Nitin

  24. Hi!I haven't heard of the band, but I think the forum skin looks cool!The header/logo on top looks like it was simply copy-pasted so you might want to turn the black background into something that matches the background on the rest of the site. Also, it ought to be wider, perhaps all the way till the search box.BTW, can you add icons to represent the different categories with the simple machines forum? If it does support the feature, then you ought to.Regards,Nitin

  25. My experience with Zymic wasn't too good either. The first problem I had was with speed; it was extremely slow during the day. Then, there was the problem of MySQL database connectivity - I would often get the "Too many connections" error during peak hours... I'd have to keep refreshing the browser to finally get the page to work.I'd say Zymic is a place where you could upload your PHP scripts for testing during their off-peak hours, but then I could just as easily setup something on my own computer!

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