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Posts posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Ok my idea is quick. But It could make it more efficient with some older products.
    My idea is to have a cable [Ethernet] that only has the part that you put into the port, and then on the end has a small wifi connection thing that then connects to the other end which would be the receiver end of the cable.

    So they what does everyone think

    We have devices that plug into the USB port and provide wireless connectivity - they are frequently referred to as USB wireless network adapters. They do not require external power and look just like a USB flash drive.

    We also have Ethernet-to-wireless devices, which we simply call wireless routers.

    I see you have an interest in computer networking. Take a walk to your local computer store and perhaps you might want to try networking through the electrical cabling of your household. You can get speeds of upto 400Mbps over wiring that you already have, which makes it a pretty good idea.

  2. I always saw C# as just being Vb. net parrot style withC++ syntax. C# appears to have exactly the same functionality
    as VB .net so I wonder why Microsoft bothers sometimes.

    Microsoft is simply trying to create a platform that is easy to switch to for both Visual Basic and C++/Java developers. They have been quite successful at making the Microsoft .NET Framework the platform of choice for most Small and Medium sized Enterprises.

  3. I think harry potters ok wen ur about 8-10 years old but past that come on, grow up. lol no offense to any admin mebers who like harry potter. Do u hate itas well or do u disagee?? You be the judge.

    I started off reading the first couple of pages of the first book in the Harry Potter series. I read about the put-outer and the description of the streets, and I was like, "Heck, I spent 15 minutes reading the book while the movie sums it all up in under 3 seconds"... and that was the last I ever tried to read a Harry Potter book.

  4. Put in a ziploc bag (or any plastic) and put in the sun. The heat will pull the moisture out and condense on inside of the bag.

    Why would you want to use a ziploc bag? That traps the moisture within the bag. You could just leave your phone near a table fan or any place with good air flow to allow the moisture to escape.


    BTW, keeping your phone in an oven is usually a bad idea because some of the plastics can be affected by the heat and may warp. You out to just the phone dry up on it's own after removing the battery.

  5. I am new user of Blogger.I want to make my custom template with blogger.
    Please help me anybody.

    Blogger templates are less customizable that WordPress' themes. Also, there are more themes available on WordPress so you might as well make the switch.

    I find the Ahimsa theme on WordPress quite appealing, with the fading sidebar Javascript effect to slide it out of the way when I want to print the current page rather than view it online with all of the sidebar links.

  6. I inherited a WordPress theme because the previous developer on the project was on holiday and I took his place. The markup was terrible and it appeared differently on different browsers. I finally fixed the markup, ran it through the W3C validator to get absolutely zero errors.Now, that doesn't translate to appearing the same on all browsers. The CSS, which also validated perfectly well on the W3C CSS checker, was a complete mess with a couple of negative margins there, positive margins here, a bit of padding, and just about every CSS attribute the developer could've imagined. My approach was to start from the ground-up since CSS is harder to fix than XHTML/HTML. It took me a lot of time, but it was well worth the effort.I'm now working toward changing all of the sidebar items into widgets to enable the administrator to re-order and enable/disable individual sections without having to come back to the development division for code changes.

  7. Is there any way to make a blogger blog standards compliant? I did a few google searches and apparently the toolbar isn't compliant, does anyone know any way to make it compliant, or is it impossible? I'm thinking about starting a blog supporting making IE standards compliant, but it seems silly to do it on blogger if my blogger blog wouldn't validate.

    You can always change your Blogger theme, though it involves working with proprietary tags in the HTML/CSS. If you do have to customize the look of your blog, you ought to switch to WordPress.

    I'd be surprised if Blogger's themes aren't standards compliant. BTW, you should never put "IE" and "standards" in the same sentence - IE seems to disregard so many of the WWW Consortium standards that I simply lost count. You might want to look at IE 8 if you insist on using IE but want to see some standards compliance - it's closer to the standards, but not quite there yet.

  8. I am using it right now. However their is a bug that when you have over 1,000 websites cached (sad, I know) using it becomes slow as safari searches the large cache. Oh well its a beta for a reason.

    If you don't want Safari to go over all of your data, you might want to reduce your cache size. A smaller cache is better suited for older hardware - less disk space usage, and less CPU usage in searches. You can't complain about getting a feature you never had unless you actually have to use it - that's when you begin to appreciate it.

  9. Can some one help me? Every time I open flash sites the quick time plugin is used instead of the flash plug in can some one tell me how to change this?

    The web browser automatically determines from the markup and file extension that the media type is supposed to be opened with the QuickTime plugin - you must be trying to play a video, most probably an MOV QuickTime media file.

    If your browser is trying to open an SWF Flash media file, I'd say your browser has got issues that you need to sort out.

  10. Does anyone know why CSS does not work well with the firefox browser...

    CSS works quite well with Firefox. I usually have a hard time getting the damned thing to work in Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer 8 does help a bit, but it isn't quite there yet. Unfortunately, since Internet Explorer is the most popular browser out there, I have to work out some sort of hacks to get my page to display correctly :-(

  11. Firefox Version 3, however, totally messes everything up. Its default interface is ugly. And no Home button, really ??? (ps. I kno i can drag it back from the bookmarks toolbar but still, its stupid). The address bar search thing. I liked the concept, but I am so used to the old way, this actually distracts me, I don't want to search my history everytime I type a new address. Plus the slide out is huge now making the whole thing feel too bulky. And finally the seemingly small and seemingly insignificant changes (like download manager) are exactly the kind of changes that are supposed to be left to the user to decide, via extensions.
    Really to improve Firefox only needed to make certain experiences like installing addons and themes seamless (like no restarts and compatibility issues). And they needed a sleek new interface. Honestly why isn't there a single great theme out there for Firefox?

    Firefox put together the functionality that most users use. I never click the Home icon on any of my browsers, so does it even matter? The home button is a vestigial part of a web browser from the time when we didn't have so many websites. Now, I'd just use a bookmark toolbar to keep my most frequently used URLs and that too isn't really working out so I'd rather use a dropdown. Using the regular bookmarks isn't really an option for most users because it tends to fill up till the point that you can never find what you need.

    The address bar search is really an improvement. Would you really want to open your web browsing history as a sidebar and browse all the way till you find what you want? Let's say you were browsing something at home and take your computer to work - if you know what you were reading, you can simply type in the title of the article and the dropdown shows you the page titles from the history.

    Don't complain about Firefox for being innovative and doing what the others out there haven't done yet. Instead, embrace technology and keep up with the changes.

  12. Got a major PC problem here. My Compaq Presario which runs on XP SP2 has started to reboot on it's own free will. I have tried to reinstall windows recovery which on this PC you can get from the D drive. And it is still doing it. Also once it does go back into windows it tells me it has recovered from a serious error. I have updated all drivers and have it back in full SP mode.

    Do you get a blue screen before the reboot? If you do, then it might be a malfunctioning device or driver. Check if the issue occurs when you do not have any of the peripheral devices connected. Also make sure you hard drive connections aren't loose or damaged.

    BTW, do any of the device drivers you've installed give you a dialog box with a "Continue Anyway" button? It could indicate a driver that wasn't specifically written for Windows XP.

  13. and if i'm really excited, i might consider making a Java-based blogging tool that's a lot like wordpress. :P


    The WordPress source code is being ported across to other platforms. There's a project to turn WordPress into ASP.NET/C# (WordPress.NET), but it isn't production-ready yet. There's one to port WordPress to Java too! (nWordPress)

    Perhaps you can contribute to the Java port? nWordPress uses the Spring framework for MVC.


  14. may i add that wordpress is constantly being updated so that its users will be protected from threats of hacking. i believe their current version (if i'm not mistaken, it's 2.2) is a major upgrade from a lower version that was prone to hacks. the only problem is that you'll have to upgrade your wordpress every time they update their wordpress version. but do not fret too much because they provide steps in how to upgrade your wordpress installation. in fact, they have a technical support for those who need help and advice for their wordpress blogs.
    easy? yes!


    I hopped onto the WordPress bandwagon with version 2.6 two weeks ago. I wanted to upgrade to the latest version i.e. 2.7.1, and barring some changes to my CSS (my CSS was pretty messed up in the first place), the upgrade was pretty smooth. All you need to do to perform the upgrade is copy the themes and plugins that you've installed across to the new version - the new version automatically upgrades the database structure and performs data migration.

    A new feature in WordPress version 2.7 is automatic upgrades. Perhaps I'll get to try it out when version 2.7.2 is released.

    I tried upgrading the G.D.Rating via automatic upgrade, but it didn't work out :-( I guess the plugin has to support upgrading too.

    Nitin Reddy

  15. If you've got a network card, you can install Linux on it and use it as a cheap web server by running Apache. I've got an old Thinkpad laptop with pretty much the same specs but as I've got an USB network interface, I happened to be stuck with Windows :-(Somebody out there ought to do something for better USB networking support on Linux - there's a lot of old laptops out there that can do stuff if they could be hooked up to a network and run Linux.

  16. Can U tell what is the advantage of Blueray disk over a DVD?Why Blueray disk is not popular?
    which are of companies producing blueray disk?

    Blu-ray (notice the missing 'e') is a technology developed by Sony to increase the capacity of optical storage media (CDs/DVDs). You can store 25GB (single layer) to 50GB (double layer) per disc, which is a lot compared to DVDs that can store 4.7GB (single layer) to 8.5GB (double layer).

    Blu-ray wasn't very popular initally due to the 'format war' with HD-DVD, the main proponent of which was Toshiba. The format war kept consumers from buying players that supported Blu-ray or HD-DVD due to the concern that choosing the wrong format would leave them with a player for which discs are no longer manufactured. The format war ended in the favor of Blu-ray and the now you'll find Blu-ray drives in most high-end computers.

    As was the case with DVD, it'll take a while before consumers finally make the switch. When software manufacturers sell their software as a choice between 5 DVDs or 1 Blu-ray disc, that's when you know you've seen the demise of the DVD.

  17. I spilt tea on my laptop, took the battery out and let it dry etc... i never took it apart though, i should have but i let it dry and used it and had a few sticky keys and few dead ones, was a pain as the "=" and "0" key didnt work, being a PHP programmer that hurt.... = became CTRL+V (paste :P )


    I've got an old Presario laptop, powered by Intel's Pentium 4, with a couple of dead keys on the keyboard. It's the space bar and the 'B' key. It's also got a bad power connector so once it does power up, I shouldn't move it or turn it off :-(
    Although I've got my shiny new work laptop and my slightly old personal laptop, I still use it for running the Apache web server and for an occasional game or two.

    I play Smokin' Guns, a free open-source CounterStrike alternative for players frustrated with all of the CS bugs, so I had to change the 'Buy' key to 'N' and the 'Jump' key to 'V'.

    I can't write anything without the space bar, so unless I go any buy an external keyboard, all I can do with it is use Remote Desktop... I use my old Thinkpad 600E, powered by Intel's Pentium II, as a remote desktop client.

    Think I have too many old laptops lying around? I've also got an AST notebook, powered by Intel's 80386SX. It's got a worn out LCD - there are colored lines all over the screen, but if you can hook it up to a VGA display, you can play Xenobots and run Windows 3.1 on it! :-)

  18. I have played it for Playstation 2. It's a pretty cool game. It sort of got boring after a while because you just pick up people and drop them off. You can do the challenges as well but I don't really play it anymore except for once at an arcade over the summer. I assume you are talking about Crazy Taxi anyway. I enjoyed trying to beat the clock and it got addicting but was one of those games that sort of got old sort of quickly.

    Grand Theft Auto is a lot of fun compared to Taxi, if all that you do is pick people up and drop them off. I wish GTA would have more missings that have the car jump off the road - driving out windows, off rooftops and over ramps is lots of fun, esp when you have the cops on your tail.

  19. My friend wanted to buy a driving PC game but he doesn't know that much about racing games. The choices that we've come up is: Grand Turismo, Midnight Club, and Burnout. Is there any other games that would be really good for PC with wheel/brake? Thanks for your time.

    I can't tell you anything about the wheel/brake because I never really looked up whether the game supports it or not. However, the driving games that I find fun are Grand Theft Auto (car damage, stealing cars) and Need For Speed (any of the MW/HP-style).

    BTW, you ought to try the iPhone games too - using the accelerometer to steer is difficult at first, but then it feels like a real steering wheel!

  20. I got my co-workers to play CS1.6 again, and initially I was really good, but then they became really good at it. I usually get killed in one shot by any gun the others use, but it takes me about 3 hits to kill them, so I'm guessing there must be some sort of handicap added to my player. I don't usually host the server so I can't tell for sure.On a sidenote, I'd like to say I really like playing Smokin Guns, an open-source alternative to Counter Strike because you don't have the issue of guns spraying (shoot at point blank range but dont cause any damage at all). Smokin Guns puts you on a more level playing field and it's less frustrating, although the graphics aren't as good as Counter Strike.

  21. The m4a1 silenced is by far the best gun out there. I will own anyone with it :P -=)sF(=-

    Is there any benefit to silencing a gun?

    I prefer the M4 too - it lets you shoot accurately even while moving. I like the Night Hawk pistol too - it's my secondary weapon while I'm carrying a sniper rifle.

    It's a good idea to have a member of a Counter-Terrorist team carry a shield so you can confront the Terrorists as a team, esp. the tunnel in DE-Dust.

  22. 1) Switch off the engine and try to find a road with a steep incline? But make sure it stopped before the down slope begins.
    2) Drive near a pavement so that the wheels with rub against the curb and create fiction to slow and eventually stopped the vehicle?

    3) Shifting to lower gears to engage the engine brake?

    4) Find a wide enough road and do an sudden swerve of the car (and pray that it wont go turtle).

    5) Pray and hope that the brake will miraculously work again.

    I agree with all but the first. You shouldn't switch off the engine because most cars (okay, so I'm not including the Maruti Suzuki 800 here) have power steering and power brakes.

    I would like to add that the parking brake, also known as the emergency brake, can be used. If you see a puddle of water, going through it will slow you down a bit due to the water resistance. Make sure you have your seatbelt on because if you do have a collision, the seatbelt will keep you from hitting the dashboard or the windshield.

  23. That is such a small car

    It isn't *that* small - it's a 4-seater. It's like an old Daewoo Matiz or Chevrolet Spark. The Reva is definitely smaller. If it was available with a larger engine, it would certainly have been more popular.

    There are rumors of Tata creating a diesel and an electric version of the Nano, but it's hard to tell at this point... with such low fuel consumption, it isn't really worth researching a diesel version because the consumers wouldn't want to take on the additional cost for a negligible decrease in fuel expenses. An electric version would have a very low range as it is heavy, compared to the Reva.

  24. Hey someone please tell me what 7zip is because i found it on the internet and i want to know what it is

    7-zip is a software utility used to compress/de-compress files. It supports de-compressing a wide variety of formats. It's native format, 7z, is very efficient at compressing files and you'll often see a better compression ratio with 7z than with Zip or Rar. Perhaps the only format able to achieve a better compression ratio is StuffIt.

    7-zip is both free and open-source.

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